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To Begin Anew.

Posted on Sun Dec 11th, 2016 @ 4:14pm by Commander Talia Varen

Mission: Indomitable Will
Location: Shuttle Pella
Timeline: Shortly before The Captain Becons

Quiet footsteps broke the sound of the whispering sand and chimes that played from the speakers of the shuttle as it floated through space towards Starbase 332. While she was tired of being aboard this shuttle which had brought her from vulcan to the starbase in question, Talia Varen couldn't drag her amathyst gaze away from the silver speck which had been steadily growing for the last 6 hours. It now dwarfed everything else in the window, and the activity of starships, commercial ships and shuttles became distinct unlike the haze of activity that she hadn't quite been able to make out. A stick of incense near the end of its life smouldered in a copper dish , sending tendrils of smoke into the air.

~I miss you Sarae. I wish you could see this place~ she whispered into her own mind as she touched the bond that she had with her twin. Her flicker of loneliness rolled across the light years. A feeling of peace, warmth and reflection replaced it, and the Doctor couldn't help but smile. They couldn't really speak well at this distance, to try for a true telepathic connection was exhausting. However- so far as they could tell their empathic connection to one another had no boundary of distance. If she was deep in meditation she could reach her twin.

"We'll be arriving in 15 standard minutes Dr. Varen." the voice of the pilot drowned out her introspection, and brought her back to the now.

"Thank you "

The lithe Vulcan shuttle was the property of her House, and her father had insisted she use it in order to reach her new duty assignment. His gentle favoritism showing in his insistance and in her acceptance. It allowed him some control of the life his adult daughter was living without being stifling. It would return to Shi'Khar within hours of her departure.

Fairly bouncing in her chair Talia had to force herself into a state of calm. Her father's voice sounded within her memory, a lesson decades old. He'd stood tall and solemn against this very seat and grasped her shoulders. "A Vulcan, must learn control. I did with great difficulty. I lost my control at the Academy and I will not allow you that same mistake. You have the ability to control even despite your mother's lax adherence to decorum. You and Sarae cannot afford to allow yourselves to lose control and go on a jaunt through someone else's mind just because you forgot your boundaries. Try again Tali, center yourself and allow the calm within to ease away all other emotions."

Try again Tali.

The memory soothed her, in a way Talia had not thought was possible. The vaguely spicy scent of her incense lingered in her wake as she rose to seat herself beside the pilot to properly appreciate her arrival. "I am prepared."


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