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Unexpected but welcome developments (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Jul 12th, 2017 @ 5:41am by Commander Talia Varen
Edited on on Wed Jul 12th, 2017 @ 5:41am

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Various

"I am used to people picking up my thoughts. ". Talia shrugged at the idea of an imposition. "I suppose for most people they would see it that way but....we've always been together so I can't be bothered by something that has always happened. As for the rest of that statement....forgive me for finding it difficult to believe?"

"Alas tis true Cara mia." Leo replied with a hint of blushing. "I suppose I have been so vested in my career that everything else fell to the side, something I hope to change now that I am a Commander, as far as I am going to go as I see it. So I can not look to new horizons."

Her thoughts took an immediate turn for the boudoir-esque as she picked the words out of that luscious accent. "Are you happy with your career?". She asked as she led him into a restaurant, gentle music was playing and the holograms on the walls were that of Greece.

"I was to a point, when I reached Commander I started to search for what I wanted next, not realising the sacrifices I had to make to get here. I've made friends, a few enemies in my time but it has been lonely and its something I am hoping to change now that I've hit my career prime so to speak." Leo replied as he followed her into the restaurant. The music was nice, decorations too. "And here you listen to me drone on about me, what about yourself?"

"Maybe I like to listen". She countered with a tiny smile on her lips. "I'm just your average fleet doctor, the only thing really special about me is the bit of Vulcan blood thrown in. Our father would not approve of my lack of emotional restraint right now but I was always the evil twin. "

"Any evil tendencies I should be aware of? Food fights, death by cutlery, wild parties?" Leo played as they were directed to a table. "Grazie." He spoke when given a menu by the attending waiter.

"I think you're safe for now. " Talia teased back as she dropped her gaze from his face to the menu before her. It took her a moment to calm her racing heart as she perused the drinks. "Might I have a ginger ale with a twist of lime please?" She asked the waiter when he asked about drinks.

"A glass of Gran Sasso Pecorino Terre di Chieti, Grazie." Leonardo spoke to the waiter then turned his gaze to Talia. "What would you recommend to eat?" He asked her quietly lest he interrupt the other patrons.

He has no idea what he's doing to me, she concluded in the privacy of her mind, as she watched the ernestness in his eyes. "No, not yet. I'll have something I've not had before. The beauty of the unknown appeals to me."

Leo pondered over the menu while the drinks were gathered. "Anything appeal to you?" He asked as he viewed tge rows of text and images of the many items to eat.

"Mmmhmm. Several things" she answered him mentally scolding herself for adding him to the list. Get a grip Talia. "I am having difficulty choosing between the Spetsofai and the kleftiko."

"If you forgive my boldness, why not you have one, I the other and we share to see which is best." He was used to the sharing of food, he often did so at home with friends and family on several occassions and considering they were off duty, he wanted to offer.

"That sounds like a lovely idea. Do both dishes appeal to you?". She asked not wanting to put him out, if he had something he wanted...

"They do sound pleasing and I confess that I was also having difficulty in choosing what to eat." His accent dancing from cylabul to cylabul within each word in a smooth flowing sound.

She took a deep breath as her heart raced again. That accent, was dead sexy and Talia couldn't help but wonder if his accent was stronger when he was sleepy. "Good."

Choices made Leonardo placed the orders, menus were taken and space made on the table between them. "So, Signora. Aside from liking to listen, what tell me more about you, I highly doubt you are the 'average fleet doctor' you claim to be if serving here. Captain Von as I understand does not do average in her crew selections."

Talia laughed "I was top of my class twice over, but when I hit engineering classes that plummeted like a stone. I do not have a machine oriented mind."

Leo smiled, he has the same thing with the sciences. "So what brings you to 332 if you don't mind my asking?" He sat back with a pleasant expression on his face as he gave her his attention and listened to what she had to say.

"I wanted something different. Something stable, with all the intrigue and new people and species without being torn from ship to ship...It's hard to maintain friendships, or relationships if you get transferred over and over."

'Of which." He leant forward. "I hope I am not imposing on you're partner by having dinner with you?" Leo berated himself for not checking first before accepting. Last thing he wanted was for a disgruntled spouse to arrive and take exception to his sharing a meal with Talia.

"My father did me the great honor of trusting me to make up my own mind as far as my mate is concerned. I do not have a partner in the way you mean. "

Leo mentally sighed with relief. "That is good." Then he became tongue tied. "I mean...thats not what I meant.....not like that." Leo leant forward onto the table, his face in his hands. Slips like that didn't come often but when they did, they came in spades. "Got space in the Morgue for me?"

Her laughter sounded in his head again and her mind voice was warm as she teased him ~No wonder you're so tense all the time. Take a deep breath.~

Leo did just that, a deep breath in then out a few times. ~Mi dispiace. What I meant, was that it was good I was not going to be stared down by a partner for sharing a meal with you.~

If anything, this little slip up revealed the extend his lack of experience was in a social setting with the opposite sex.

~There is no wrong in sharing a meal even if there were to be a partner. I would not permit someone to threaten another, out of a theoretical possessiveness of me. I am my own woman and will not be treated like a possession.~

Leo smiled, reassured and put at ease he composed himself again. ~Grazie Signora.~

"And now you have stumbled upon the reason why my brothers and sisters are happily married, with children and I am not. ". She shrugged with a wry smile.

~Well, since you shared, I may as well and as embarrassing as it is, this is the first meal I have had alone with a woman since prior to graduation.~ Leo sent to her telepathically, not wanting others to hear his embarrassing secret. "I focused so much on my career, looking back on it perhaps too much."

~You are a man in your prime Leo. It is not too late.~ the touch of her mind was colored with attraction and conviction. If he wanted a lady he could easily get one. The timbre of his voice, deep and resonant was doing beautiful things to her, she imagined it would do the same to other women.

"Flattery Signora, I'm honoured." His accent slightly thickening with those 4 words. He saw the waiter standing by the counter as he waited for the meals to be dished up.

"Speaking truth is not flattery." She answered flushing a bit. Following his glance she saw their food approaching, and she inhaled appreciatively. "It smells divine."

When the meals appeared they were put one in front of each of them, when the waiter departed Leo pushed his more towards the centre of the table between them so they could both have a look. "It smells wonderful." He spoke drawing in the aroma. "And yours?"

Gazing at it appreciatively, she nodded slowly. It was beautiful, the way they had arrayed the food. Taking her fork she delicately sampled his dish and closed her eyes at the flavorful spices.

It didn't take a warp field theorist to work out by the expression that the food was really good. He did smile however, that content almost absorbed in the moment look on her face was pleasing. He sampled the same dish and just as she was really, really good.

She sampled hers and then smiled in delight at the heated flavors . Vulcan dishes tended to be quite strong, and flavorful."This one is spicy, it's a distinctly peppery warmth."

She was right and Leo found out this when he sampled it. It was not what he was expecting but spicey it sure was. He swallowed with a slight wince, he was not used to spicey foods. "That it does." He spoke with a strained smile before sipping his wine.

"It's alright I'll eat it. I love spicy food. Reminds me of home. " Her smile was nostalgic "I was raised on Vulcan. Vulcan dishes are surprisingly hot."

It explained how she could be forward yet so confident in doing so, Vulcans were direct, to the point, say what the mean and don't mince words. There was a...purity to that he thought when he started to eat his own meal. He smiled his gratitude at her saving him further embarrassment. "Signora, does it not worry you being seen eating dinner with the Executive Officer?" He asked. "Every assignment has a rumour mill, and talk is bound to happen. I hope that will not complicate the work you do here?"

"Should it bother me?" she questioned raising an eyebrow again in Vulcan fashion. "I am not intimidated by or put off by your rank. Nor am I attracted to you because of your rank. I for one find it entertaining to see what the rumor Mill comes up with. After all the speculation will be delicious."

"So you are attracted to me?" Leo caught that little detail in her answer as he sampled more of his meal while. Now it was his laughter being sent telepathically as he felt a warmth over that little detail.

Her cheeks darkened ever so slightly and she nodded slowly. Was he displeased by it? His laughter seemed pleased enough, but she'd never had anyone laugh when she said that before.

"Please forgive me Signora, but I am ashamed to admit that his is a first for me, to have someone admit it is just...surprising. Like I said earlier my interaction so far has been official duties or functions. Social settings are.....a fresh experience for me." Leo didn't mean to embarrass, if that was what she felt he'd done but then his shoulders dropped a little. "Honestly, Im 41, there are many younger models of men out there, I guess in some way I gave up hoping, punishment in some way for such dedication to my career."

"I find it a shame that you would give up before you've even tried" she commented with a raise of both eyebrows this time. "However if you'd prefer not to have that sort of attention, we don't have to repeat this...endeavor"

Yet again things had backfired on him. Shoulders sank, mindset shattered into bits. This was why he was afraid of interaction, always saying something stupid or doing something to ruin it. He tried to fork a some food to eat yet even that rebelled against him, sliding off his fork due to the sauce.

Recognising that she'd hurt his feelings she did something she rarely did. Reaching across the table she rested her hand over top of his. Understanding, apology, continued attraction/interest, and warmth flickered through the contact. There was no falsehood possible here.

It was if everything became clear, clear enough to any one looking on at least with her hand on top of his. There was genuine interest, attraction, he felt that she understood his situation and apologetic. It was like a giant wave but instead of sweeping him off his feel in a violent churn of water it washed over, through and past him with just a hint of force behind it. He couldn't remember the last time he shared any kind of connection like that that.

She squeezed his hand gently before pulling back with a slightly glazed look in her eyes. In the reverse transfer there was terrible loneliness and fear for the negative response had been on the top of his mind.

Leo smiled, what could he say to even fathom suitable words for what just happened. It was not a bad thing by any means, shape or form. Refreshing, relaxing, reassuring for sure and he welcomed all three elements she gifted to him. She was attracted to him, interested in him, how far that went only time, words and action would tell. In a way it was also scary for him, this was new territory for him and though common sense could guide him, experience often helped to be the better teacher.

"I sometimes overuse my sarcasm. " She murmerred still a little dazed at the contact.

"It's alright." Leo replied softly, his words came out slower but in doing so his accent was more pronounced. "I understand now why you didn't shake my hand when I came into Sickbay, if contact results in that." He understood and accepted it, he was not bothered by it beyond simply noting it.

"It's not as pronounced in a Vulcan who has been bound, that is part of the reason that we are bound to our betrothed as children."

He thought back to what she said about a Mate, a Vulcan term and she indicated there was none but was being bound different? Leo was not all sure on Vulcan ways and in his career he'd only worked with a few of them. However he doubted she was bound because of her interest in him, the attraction for him he felt from her. Surely a bound woman wouldn't express such? "I see." Leo spoke with a curious hint to his answer. "Being Vulcan and Betaziod and the attraction is there anything I should know? Observe? Be aware of?"

"Nothing important because I am female." She smiled at her. " We were lucky in that regard. Our brothers were bound at 7 years out of necessity."

A relief. "I'm sorry about earlier." Leo spoke. "I just.....get nervous." He ate more of his meal as he looked at her between moments. "So much easier when I'm the Commander."

"Not so comfortable just being 'Leo', instead of the Commander?" She imagined it was as much of a role as anything else, but one he was always playing.

Her question made him wonder, after what she shared with him she wasnt out to judge, doubt, second guess or anything like that. Was it so hard for him to open up a bit? After all she opened up to him....

He considered what he could say then considered them again, he didn't want to screw things up, say something stupid. "Ma quando sono con te, è tutto diverso."

She inscribed the words Ma quando sono con te, è tutto diverso into her memory for she didn't know what they meant. They were almost done with dinner and she was pleased to see he was not only eating but beginning to lose that tension that filled him as well.

"Dessert?" Leo asked as he put knife and fork together, wiped his mouth and folded the napkin on his plate.

"We'll have to share." she said softly with a smile of delight at the idea.

A smile graced his face. "Oh the rumour mill will feast on that observation rather well, don't you agree?" He chuckled. "I wonder what will be said."

"You be sure to let me know the first time you hear of our passionate love affair" she said with a chuckle- sottovocce so they couldn't be overheard.

Leo grinned, a playful game the two of them had. "You pick." Giving her the choice of dessert to conclude the nights enjoyment with.

She grinned and whispered "Loukoumades." the waiter came back with a plate of small balls of puff pastry that had been fried crispy. Some were drizzled with honey, some with chocolate and some with powdered sugar. Talia took one drizzled with honey and offered it to his lips.

He smiled at seeing what she was doing and was more than happy to play along. He leaned forward and took the offered delicate ball of sweetness. A burst of flavour in his mouth as he chewed it feeling it fall apart.

Now to return the favour. He picked one that shared both honey and chocolate and offered it as she had to him.

She took it from his fingers and crunched through the hard outer shell to find a core with an almond inside. It dizzolved into its component flavors and settled on her tongue.

One puff followed another, then another. Soon the plate was empty and only small drizzles of honey or chocolate remained. "You know we will have to hit the Gym after eating those?"

"Probably, but totally worth it" she agreed quietly "Although I hope you wait till tomorrow to go hit the gym."

"Im going to have to." Leo leant back patting his full stomache. "Due any day now this food baby Im burdened with." He joked.

She snorted in response. "Human expressions are ridiculous sometimes."

"They are dont you think? Ive noticed the same thing." Leo spoke. It was good to see Talia smile.

"You my friend, need to go home and sleep." she commented as a yawn escaped her.

"Doctor's orders?" Leo spoke the yawned himself, triggered by her own.

"If you must consider it an order..." She smiled at him and pressed her thumb to the small lit panel on the table so she could then pay for the food based on her identification.

Beaten by reach, he intended to pay for dinner to be the the Gentleman type. "Next treat." That thick Italian accent making an appearance.

"It was after all my idea" she said with a smirk at the idea that there would be a next time. She liked that idea, more than a little bit.

She had a point but Leo was determined, next time, his treat. "May l escort the Signora back to her quarters?" His voice returning to that almost musical flowing tone again.

"You may"

Leo rose, pushed his chair back in and once again offered his arm to her like before. He didnt know where she was quartered so hoped that she'd lead the way and hed follow.

"Deck 28" she called out when she'd reached the turbolift. It put them out in the middle of the deck and it was a bare few moments walk to find 2830. "Home sweet cabin." she said with a smile, knowing that his quarters were probably just above hers.

Coming to a stop at her door he smiled warmly. "Grazie for the meal Signora. I look forward to doing it again at your pleasure." He felt it was better since she was a Doctor to leave the date and time to her.

"I look forward to it, although I will say that barring emergencies I usually get off of shift at 1645

"Then should you wish for company, you know where to find me or contact me." Leo didnt want to presume anything so letting her decide, lead and direct was no doubt less pressuring for Talia....he hoped.

She chuckled, her door opening for her. It offered him a glimpse into her life, as she disappeared into her quarters. ~I will.~


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