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Late Night Meal

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 @ 9:40pm by Lieutenant Alana Tovan & Lieutenant Commander Robert Takota

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Mess Hall, USS Carthage

Alana tried to stifle a yawn as she wandered into the mess hall. Even though it was an older ship, the officer's quarters still all had their own replicators, as did many of the crew quarters. But the main mess hall was still one of the main lounges on the ship, especially with so many of the crew moving back and forth between the Carthage and the station. Lieutenant Tovan was one of those. Her quarters were actually on the station, but long nights like this one tended to mean her dinner breaks were on the ship. Especially when she wasn't satisfied with the latest diagnostic. She still needed to finish the next day's work orders before calling it a night, which promised a couple more hours at least. But for now, she was looking forward to a nice hot meal. She ordered a hearty beef stew from the replicator, an old favorite, and a glass of water before finding a table near the forward windows. Even though they were in space dock, the view of the various ships moving about was more interesting than the drab gray walls.

Robert had worked up an appetite after battling monsters on the holodeck, he went back to his quarters to shower then made his way to the mess hall. When he entered the mess hall, he ordered brevity lung and a coke. He walked out to the table where Alana was sitting. "May I join you Lieutenant?".

Tovan was surprised mid bite and hurried to swallow it down. She wiped her mouth with her napkin and nodded, gesturing to the seat in front of her. "Of course, sir. I was just taking a quick break before I finished up for the evening."

Taking a seat in front of the Lieutenant, "You, have been doing a good job on keeping the ship's systems in order, crew evaluations are coming up and I have noted that in my reports to the captain, speaking of which I will need your departs crews evaluations, also there is supposed to be a transport coming to the station with replacements and extra crew, if you need any more staff let me know and I will try and accommodate you".

"Thank you, sir," Alana replied, trying her best to remain stoic. "I'll be working on department evals this week. Forgive me for taking a bit longer on them. I have my direct reports on the station to go through as well. But I'll have them for you by the end of the week."

As Takota takes a bite of his brevit lung, a call comes over his com badge " Commander Takota", "Go ahead" replied Takota. "Sir, captain Von would like to see you on the station." Very well, tell the captain in on my way". Getting up out of his seat, "I will see you later lieutenant, enjoy your meal". Takota put his tag in the replicator and headed out the doors to the station.

"Have a good evening, sir," Alana added as Takota walked away. Once he was out of sight, a repressed smile formed on her face. But only for a moment. She quickly composed herself and returned to her meal, mentally adding one more item to her list of tasks.

Lt. Commander Robert Takota
Executive Officer
USS Carthage

Lieutenant Alana Tovan
Chief Engineer
USS Carthage


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