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Help for medical

Posted on Sat Sep 30th, 2017 @ 8:16pm by 1st Lieutenant Jason Tanner Marine Instructor

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Outside quarantine
Timeline: current

Dr Winter Summers looked at the staff working in Quarantine, they already had their hands full and were about to get another one hundred and ninety one marines.

“Dr Summers, if you've got news we'd prefer good rather than bad.”

“Unfortunately, it's more in the not category. You're about to get another one hundred and ninety one marines, sixty seven engineering staff, four hundred and eleven teenagers, ranging from cadets to civilians, and nine hundred and sixty five family members related to the teenagers, and a further seven hundred and fifty five under five's and one thousand and two family members related to the under fives. Grand total of positive cases four thousand and two positive cases, and we haven't taken blood samples from everyone yet. Death toll is four hundred and seven. According to Forensics, they've all died from the massive organ damage the wigglies have done. Now, I need to know what's happening with the dead?”

“According to your procedures incineration.”

“Well I'm going to put a spanner in the works, any dead that is 14th Battalion or Air wing 17, I need separated from the rest, I've had a request from LT Tanner 14th Battalion UFP Marine Corps that their people be allowed to be marined out, launched in torpedo tubes and sent towards the sun. Since protocol says they have to be incinerated, we can suggest to Tanner that we include an explosive so that should something happen they do get incinerated.”

“They've all got toe tags so they'll be easy to identify.”

“Now for the good news, Dr Coffee Maxwell from the 14th Battalion is on the way up to assist. All surgeons are on their way, Federation Hospital is sending you everyone they can spare.

“Someone call for assistance?” 14th Battalion Doctor Coffee Maxwell asked.

“You have, 14th Battalion Doctor Coffee Maxwell, head surgeon Dr Kaltukatjara Khancoban, Civilian Dr Yarrawarrah Wooroowoolgan along with thirteen nurses, and three techs. Dr Khancoban brings eleven surgical staff. And I'm volunteering as well.”



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