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Return to Archa IV

Posted on Fri Apr 10th, 2015 @ 10:51am by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ill Tidings
Location: SB-> Archa University City
Timeline: SB: 12:26 / P: 13:26

Samanthia hurriedly walked to her shuttle on the Aikiashiro Deck, heading down the corridor. She was running late for her scheduled class. She re-filed the same flight plan with the departure time changed. There was no way she would make classes in time.

She went through the procedure of departing the station easing her shuttle through the congestion of Refugees ships that still hovered in orbit around the station. Some had slipped off without their load of passengers. Then she remembered that the small group of OCS were moving the refugees from the station deeper into federation territory and beyond.

She briefly wondered if the syndicate was hiring the ship to transport their newest batches of slaves and then taking over the ships at their destinations for the killer hauls to include the ship and crew. She wouldn't put past them as most of these ships were not of Federation registry.

Soon she was clear of the and free of the orbiting ships and heading back down to the planet to jump through their hoops. She remained calm and pleasant even though the Customs Officials were being a bit tougher than usual as they checked her papers, and verified them. She was patient with them as she had seen the protesters being cleared off the landing pad so she could land.

"Your Cleared Miss Achie-shiro," The leader growled at her to proceed as his partner exited the shuttle, "To proceed to your destination."

She stood there next to her shuttle and watched them walk off. The gentle wind was playing with her hair as she gave one last look at the surrounding area and a walk around her shuttle to make sure nothing was attached to her shuttle. Giving the Customs Official time to clear the landing pad.

Samanthia scowled at the mess the Customs Official had left behind in his search for contraband. She sighed as she moved to the bridge area of her craft to resume her journey. At least nothing was said to the missing bottle of imported Jack Daniel No 7 Whiskey. She shrugged, At least they'll get to enjoy a bottle of Earth's Finest. Her black crate was left unmolested and not even tampered with. But then no man would look in a crate marked Women Personal Hygiene Stuff. At least the More Civilized ones.

Life was once back on track as she flew back to University City Port at maximum allowed speeds without breaking the sound barrier.

Half Hour later, Samanthia moved from the transit train that came from the Aerospace port, carrying her black case with her back to her apartment above the store. Streets was a very pretty busy as protesters, locals went about their business. She hated missing class and she had to find a fellow classmate to share notes or contact the Professor to find out if she needed to make up for any pop-quizzes he had given during that session of class she had missed.

She was glad at least to have access to the Archives to work on her thesis. Plus a chance to 'borrow' a few restricted tomes. Using the Apartment entrance, instead of taking the shortcut through her landlord's store.


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