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Academy Life - Perkers

Posted on Mon Sep 25th, 2017 @ 1:56am by

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Academy Centre
Timeline: Current - Day of PT post 7:00am

Dr Caniabo Li took a deep breath as she stood outside the door to lecture room 17, mentally counting to count down from one hundred, getting to sixty four, she pushed open the doors and entered the lecture room. She couldn't see a single vacant seat, nor could she just see cadet uniforms. Fitting the microphone into place, so everyone could hear.

“Non Starfleet Rescue & Recovery Equipment and Use.” She made the announcement, and headed for the podium. “Starfleet and the Marine Corps are just two of the organisations out there. There is the Borg Defensive Offensive Project, the Federal Marshalls, Stephens Research and Development Organisation, the Science Education Centre, the Engineering Development Corporation, and then there's the Privateer's, the Pirates, the Black Marketeers, all willing to lay out the money to acquire the services of the young minds who have ideas that those that lay out the money hope will double. Triple or increase there outlay by ten fold. Some are in the Research and Development Industry for the right reasons, some are in it for the glory of having their names on a piece of equipment, and some are in it for the money. Today I'm going to introduce you to this.” She held up a roll of pink plastic, or what looked like pink plastic. She pulled the roll until she got to the first separation and ripped it off.

“Plastic? No, while it feels like plastic it is far from Plastic.” She passed out several roles and tossed them in various directions around the room. “Unroll your rolls until you get to the green section and rip off your section, then pass the roll to the next person, when the roll reaches the end, stick your hand up and I'll pass you another roll.” Passing out additional rolls until everyone had one and the rest of the rolls were passed back. “They are officially called The Pink Ride, unofficially they are called Perkers, you will all shortly find out why. “Listen and watch what I say and what happens, before you duplicate what I do. What I need you to do is stand up, space out away from your seats into the open, and twist the half moon.” She indicated the half moon before twisting it. Stepping back, as the plastic stiffened and turned into large organic size sausage shaped container. “Now rise to your feet spread out away from the seats, and twist the half moon.” She waited for them to complete the task.

“Clipped inside the Perker is a small cylinder.” She held it up. Before giving a sharp tug and separating it from the Perker. “Run your fingers inside the top where the half moon is and you'll find a pocket, when you pull them free, slide the cylinder into the pocket, until it clips into the hidden socket. When you've got it in place, unlock the bag and get inside. Grabbing a hold of the tab and drag it closed. You won't suffocate, you'll actually feel a little sleepy, enough to make the ride a little more comfortable. The bags are fitted with a hinter and prey system. An organic in an isolation suit, has the controller. They, in this case me, will take you on a ride you won't forget. Each Perker has an inbuilt audio link, so you can hear the controller, and reply, so I can tell you where you are and what's happening, so everyone knows what they need to do, so let's go for it.” Staying out of the way, as they climbed into the Perkers, sealing themselves in, once the cylinders were secured. “If you have problems sound out the number printed on the inside of the Perker.

She looked up when the doors opened and Winter Summers walked in, signally her to kill the microphone.

“You've got seven cadets who have reported positive, and four medical staff who are also marked. Tell me you know who is in which Perker?” At Canioba's shake off her head, Winter swore. “Okay, you've got …..” Canioba held out the microphone. “Ladies and gents we've just established that several cylinders are empty. There's no need to panic, if you can use the tab you closed the Perker with to open them and sit up, we'll run tricorders over the bags and identify which ones are effected. Change the cyclinder's over and you'll be back where Canioba left off.” Nodding to the thirty plus medical staff dressed in cadet uniforms, Winter wadded in, as well. Switching one of the cylinders when the name flashed on her tricorder, she assured the cadet there was nothing to worry about, as she guided her into closing herself back up, and began breathing the anaesethic she'd swapped cylinders for. Tossing the lower level anaesethic cylinder back to Canioba, before changing the signaller to the hunter controller she carried. Getting nods from those she'd brought in with her, she activated her hunter controller and lead the affected people out of the door, toss the microphone back to Canioba.

“Where are they going?”

“Just outside to make sure the cylinder's are functioning correctly.” Canioba answered. “Okay, back down and seal yourselves shut, and we'll begin.” Canioba stated. Waiting till everyone was locked in, Canioba activated her hunter and moved towards the door, the Perkers all moving into a single file and following the Hunter unit she carried. Glancing back she watched the Perkers hover over the stairs, as she went up them and out the main door, people waiting for the next lecture to start.

“Man that looks like fun.”
“What lecture is that?” Another cadet asked one of the receptionists.
“Non Starfleet Rescue & Recovery Equipment and Use.” One of the receptionists answered “And there is twenty two places in the next repeat and if necessary another repeat will be logged into the schedule. Use the computers to reserve places, and remember you're signing up for the full course, not just this one.” It didn't matter, people were forming lines to put their names down, reserving their spots.

Having no idea what was happening back at reception, Canioba guided the first Perker towards the open Jefferies Tube Hatch, she stepped into the nearest turbolift, as the Perkers began there downward journey into the jefferies tube. “Is everyone okay?”

“Are we going down?”

“Yep, you're heading down a jefferies tube, now you're about to enter a water filled holodeck, before you're going to start a climb up a large roller coaster. Did anyone feel the ladder or the stairs?”


“That's because the Perkers identify them and hover above them keeping the ride smooth.” Canioba explained, as she entered the holodeck and let the Perkers enter the wall of water and towards the upwards rollers of the rollercoaster. The water disappearing as the last Perker started it's way up the rollercoaster. Keeping her eyes on the hunter programing, then back to the lead Perker, making it's way towards the top of the rollercoaster.


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