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Hope Has A Price

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2016 @ 8:27am by Colonel S'er'in'e

Begin Recording.

Lt.Colonel S'er'in'e recording, date unknown, location unknown.

Captain Von and I have been stranded on this planet for Two planet days now and the cause of our crash followed by the arrival of Three individuals clearly rules out anything other than sabotage. Though we both survived the crash the Captain has a broken leg which slows us, my own injuries however......nothing can be done without proper medical facilities.

I have not informed the Captain of my injuries, duty demands I ensure the safety of my Commanding Officer and given my condition and her views on my ways there is nothing she could do or say that would change my situation. I can only hope that rescue arrives before it is too late, for either of us.

Our food supplies are running low, we only had a limited supply of rations that survived the crash landing and they are the only foodstuffs the Captain can eat. I myself can hunt something to sustain me out of sight of the Captain.

We are being hunted by a Human, a Klingon and Nausican, why is unknown but they are determined. We are fortunate that the surrounding mountain range has within it mineral deposits that block sensors and by travelling at night we have been able to keep ahead of them. Injuries are slowing us however and they are gaining ground upon us, sooner or later a confrontation will ensure. I will have to do something before injury prevents it.

The nights are cold but no doubt colder for the Captain, I have given her as much comfort as I can to keep her warm but her injury drains her strength. Sleep doesn't come easily for us.

I have routinely patrol the area using the cover of night, the mountain range goes on for some distance, snow crowns the tall mountains off in the distance. A dense forest area sits in the depressions between mountains with bushes in many shallow gorge and ditches. It's these that have aided our evasion as we sought out a cave to hide within. Local wildlife appears to mostly be tree dwelling creatures and birds but there are indications of other predators on the ground, tracks, carcass remains and scents on trees or the ground.

I plan to use this fact to my advantage. My plan is to strike at night, our pursuers don't make it hard to find them with fires, drinking and vocalisations. I can not take them on as a group so I will wait and engage one when separated, make it look like an attack by a wild predator. Maybe they will slow down, or only come for us during the day while we evade at night. I have to be careful however, I can not endure a prolonged physical fight and any further injury will only worsen our chances of survival but doing nothing worsens them still. I must act and escape quickly.

I am not eager to become what I appear to be, for a long time my people have had to endure much because of our appearance and prowess and yet now I have to use, do and be the very things that have been said about us and go against what my people have tried to show save us.

Sacrifice of myself to save others.


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