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Personal Log 001 - Dr Winter Summers

Posted on Sat Sep 23rd, 2017 @ 12:48am by

Author: Dr Winter Summers (Written by Mad)

Laying on the bed in her quarters, she was glad that she had a set of quarters limited to her and her dogs. And she was twice as glad that Maintenance had managed to find the bed.

“Open Personal Log.”
“Log Open. Entry 001.”
“Thanks to Maintenance, Cascade Williams, I was beamed from her Station Maintenance Office back to my quarters, and while I wouldn't admit it, I'm grateful, and thankful. My body aches like crazy, but I have lectures in the morning and need to get some sleep. I have to say that having Wytara, Black Widow, Maintenance, Mad, and the twins here is a benefit, though since Wytara and the twins haven't talked to the Ranking Officer yet about what they're assigned to do, or that there's a Hirogen onboard, I'm sure that things will pick up.”

“I still have to put my babies away, they are locked up safely for the night and I'll do that in the morning, before I start my torture sessions. Hell I ache.” Reaching for the sealed case, and entering the code, and her finger prints in order, she pulled out one of the prepared hypo's and pressed it against her leg, tossed the hypo back into the case and closed it. Patting the bed, she waited for all 13 dogs to jump up and settle into their spots. “Atleast I know should we be invaded, anyone making it passed Black Widow, Mad and Maintenance and down to the Academy area is going to find themselves with a whole new level to deal with. I'd actually like it to happen.... no cancel that, lets wait until Black Widow has a few days with her new marines, hell I'm glad I'm not assigned to her lot. Pity help anyone who outranks her and wants to challenge the Black Widow, she may be assigned as Marine XO and lecturer, but she won't have lost what she was. That's one meeting, actually two, one with her direct boss and another with the RO. Which reminds me I haven't spoken yet to the Academy RO about arriving, the base RO and the marine RO isn't going to be the only one, unless they're one of us. Well that's it for now Log Finished.” Turning on her music surround player and sliding in a disc, she settled back feeling her dogs move in closer against her clothes, realising she didn't take them off, and closed her eyes as the strange music began to play and she began to drift off.

It's just your jive talkin'
You're telling me lies, yeah
Jive talkin'
You wear a disguise
Jive talkin'
So misunderstood, yeah
Jive talkin'
You really no good

Oh, my child
You'll never know
Just what you mean to me
Oh, my child


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