

Posted on Wed Feb 26th, 2020 @ 2:12pm by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

As Commander Llewellyn walked around the station, he greeted many a member of the stations company and decided it was high time to go to his office and make a log entry. Walking from his present location to his office gave him time to decide what to say. "Computer, begin log," was what he said as he walked into his office.

"Strategic Operations Officer's Log,stardate: 69154.2, I have arrived at my newest posting and unlike my suspicions, I was not to take the Executive Officer's position. I have been assigned as Strategic Operations Officer at my old rank of Commander. I suppose Captain Williams had more than a few good things to say on my behalf because it's highly unlikely that after taking as much time off as I did that I would be able to retain as high a rank as I currently hold. I am grateful to Captain Williams for everything he said. I also have Commander Rusat to thank as she was instrumental to my retraining. Commander Alynna Rusat is, was a towering figure in the Temporal Mechanics department at Starfleet Academy before her returning to the Fleet to take the First Officer post on the USS Logan on its mission to the Delta Quadrant.

"I have a meeting with Lieutenant Nvaiden about the shift rotations for my department. There need to be some changes now that I have been assigned to the station."


