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Night on the Town

Posted on Mon Feb 26th, 2018 @ 4:00pm by Cadet Senior Grade Errowyn St. Cloud

Mission: Weathering the Storm
Location: SB-332 -

Cadets Senior Grade :
George Zickerman - Majoring in Security - Human, native of Archa IV
Frederick Archer Hiedleburg III - Command - Human that comes from an Old English Aristocratic family
Serenity Blue Cloud - Biologist, Science - Apache
Arlene t'Sil - Security/ Tactical - Vulcan


Errowyn closed her textbook with a thump as the words were not making any sense to her. She was brain dead and frustrated. She looked at the dorm room monitor that showed scenic view of the Rockies back on Earth. As it was computer generated, the lighting of the scene was fading toward twilight and the sun lighting up the jagged peaks in flame as if the peaks were about to melt.

She glanced at the time and it was 22:53 Hrs. She wrinkled her nose as she had missed once again dinner. She could hear the faint music drifting through the ventilation ducts. She smiled as she knew it was George jamming to his music. She sighed as she was also a native of the Star base 332.

She threw on a pair of ratty jeans and a oversized faded yellow sweatshirt with a big mouth and tongue sticking out that was showing signs of wear and abuse. But it was her fave for lounging about and making runs to a take-out diner on the promenade. Stuffing her ID Card in a pocket on her way out of the single room that was assigned to her while at the Academy.

Rushing out the door into the hallway, Errowyn ran right into Arlene t'Sil and found herself flying into the corridor wall with a thump and "Oww!" Her arm pinned up behind her. "Wanna go out to eat with me?"

Arlene t'Sil released Errowyn. "Watch were you going. This is the sixth time today you barged from your room and running into me. Of course. I was just about knock on your door."

"Okay okay. Sheesh. Why can't you be normal like everyone else!" Errowyn spoke, rubbing her sore shoulder, yet she was smiling at Arlene, another Cadet Senior Grade. "To see where the music was coming from?'

"Yes. But I'm glad it wasn't you." Arlene spoke as they advance down the corridor.

"Probably George in one of his moods. I recognize the noise." Errowyn spoke, heading to the offenders door.

"It is better to check all rooms. It may not be George." Arlene spoke in her usual Vulcan way. "It could be someone that had taken a fancy to Archa IV style of music."

"Trust me, Arlene. I know his style of what he calls music. And half the doors can be eliminated, since it on my side of the hallway." Errowyn bypassing door between her room and George's.

"Still proper protocol states we check every door. Since there are two of us. We can cover twice the doors."

"I'll bet you. If I'm right. You buy my dinner tonight at Takies." Errowyn shot back over her shoulder with a grin at Arlene.

"We follow protocol." Arlene stopping at the next door and hitting the announce as Errowyn smacked George's door announcer.

Both and the hallway were blasted with Archian music, when George's door open. causing other doors to fly open all along the corridor.

"Busted!" Errowyn yelled to be heard over the music, looking at George, Frederick and Serenity lounging about the room, looking at the entrance.

"Music stop!" George spoke and everything went dead quiet till ears began to pick up soft nuances of the Station systems. "We was discussing whether to head out to get a snack." In a loud voice that could be heard over the now silent music.

"Goo..." Errowyn started to speak, but was overridden by Arlene as she entered on heels of Errowyn.

"You know I got to report this. Students up and down the hallway are complaining. Since I'm on Hall Monitoring Duty." Arlene spoke coming to a stop in middle of the room, giving George a stern Vulcan look of disapproval.

"Awe Come on, Arlene. Relax. I had a tough day." George spoke somewhat apologetic. "Let me buy you a Vulcan Liquor at Takies."

"I get off in.." Arlene began and everyone chorused, "after the paperwork is done. Which will take me 30 minutes and 34 seconds once I reach the Monitor Desk."

"We're heading in that direction anyway. Tag along." Frederick spoke as he stood up along with rest of those in the room. "Besides, you can dictate it into the tricorder and transmit to the computer by the time we reach the desk. 3 minutes. And you get to sign out."

A twinkle appeared in Arlene's eyes as Frederick was correct. "My relief?" Trying to avoid heading out with this bunch.

"Your partner can cover for you till your relief shows up. You know he'll do it since he has strong feelings for you." Serenity spoke up, gently taking Arlene's hand in hers. "We all need time away from this madhouse."

"Let me check out." Arlene spoke, disengaging her hand from Serenity's. She took Fredericks offered arm in the lady Aristocratic manner of a lady and they both left the room together.

"Last out has to buy the first round!" Errowyn dashed out into the hallway with the rest close on her heels. George was the last to leave as he didn't want to trample Serenity.

The group trooped up to the Hall monitor desk to watch Arlene transferred her vocal notes into the computer. Frederick standing back a few feet to allow a modicum of privacy. Once the group met up with the two at the security desk, Arlene had finished arranging with her partner to cover for her till her relief showed up.


Ten minutes later, the group were at Takies at their favorite corner booth, talking over the days events and schooling. It seamed all had upcoming tests. Errowyn was with her usual gripes and told them of the ill fated flight of the Winchester.

"The Romulan warbird has weakness you could've exploited if I was there. But alas. I and George were stuck in another scenario that required the both of us." Arlene spoke softly, relaxing as much as her Vulcan Heritage permitted. She went in a logical manner how to defeat a Romulan Warbirds of that class.

"Maybe I should've had majored in Security." Errowyn said dreamily, letting the soft alcoholic drink work its magic upon her. "Could write that up for me to study?" She spoke softly. "So far every time I go out.. it with the lower classmates."

They chuckled. "Some fast trackers?" Frederick spoke trying to hold Arlene's hand, but she kept her hands out of his reach.

"Probably." Errowyn gave a lopsided grin. "I wish I could take the five of you as my bridge crew. Arlene on Tactical, you George, at helm, since you're Double majoring. You Frederick at command and me at Ops/Conn with George. Serenity as the bridge Science Officer. I know we could kick arse!"

Frederick smiled. "Errowyn, you did the best you could..."

"I fell asleep in the Centrte Chair and had to play catch-up as the scenario unfolded. So I attacked, instead of fleeing. I 'lost' another ship... This aint going to look good on my evaluations!" She slumped forward onto the table letting her head bang against the table.

"It better to lose in training than out there in command of a real ship of the line." Serenity spoke up, reaching to pat Errowyn on the back.

"Would fly with me as ship commander?" Came the muffled reply from Errowyn as the four looked at each other.

George shook his head no and received a dirty look from Serenity and a smack from Frederick.

"Of course, My Lady!" Frederick spoke up after several long seconds had past. "You would make a fine Captain. You know you don't have to always sit in the Centre Seat all the time on duty. It shows you don't really trust those below you. You make then nervous."

"I trusted them enough to fall asleep." Errowyn spoke up to the laughter from the group and a slight smile from Arlene.

"Errowyn, the Greatest Sleeping Captain of the Fleet, defends the Federation while asleep! Beware o enemies before we sleep you to death without a care in the universe!" George pontificated in a loud voice that drew undue attention to the table and laughter from those overheard.

Arlene eyes twinkled even more brightly with humor. "I'm sure that the fleet whont put you in charge of a ship straight from the Academy. Maybe after your Cadet Cruise." She flashed a smile.

"Cadet Cruise?! Out here on the Frontier. Fleet is so short of Captains and crews. They're putting Cadets, once they get their commission, into command slots aboard the various ship that are garrisoned here." Errowyn spoke up as she looked at the others at the table they shared.

"I'm sure they will put you on a ship heading towards the Core till you're ready for such lofty position of Command of your own ships." Serenity spoke in her soft manner.

"In the meantime I get humiliated by being the Senior ranked Cadet to be in charge of these training mission." Errowyn sighed and took a drink.

"Don't feel bad. In training we had to defend against boarders. And they always go for me and my squad to take brunt of the intrusion." George spoke as he nodded his head. "And our phasers are sooo underpowered that it wouldn't hurt a fly. I shot a intruder in the face with a serious stun blast that should've dropped the Dude in his tracks. But he just laughed and stunned me."

"Did you write that up?" Frederick spoke, growling at the injustice of the scenario and actions.

"I did and the Instructors just told me to suck it up. For in reality, life isn't fair. So I grabbed the weapon that I used and shot him with it. He looked at me and then at the weapon. He told me to leave his office while keeping the weapon." George took a deep drink of his choice of drink. "I'm just awaiting for him to get back to me or the Tribunal to kick me out of the Academy."

"Ouch! You better grab a Lawyer from JAG and send the report to the I.G." Frederick spoke with a bit of pride at George audacity.

"I already did..." George muttered.

"What a fine group of Cadets we are..." Errowyn spoke softly. "On the verge of total disaster. I swear they want us to fail."

"I'm sure you all had your moments were you were the heroes." Arlene spoke up, looking at the rest of the group. "Only thing we can do is learn from our failures."

"And what of your failures, Miss Vulcan?" George spoke a bit heated, yet tinged with respect for the fellow Cadet.

"I anticipated the command of my Captain and fired a torpedo while negotiation were still in the process. I knew that the other Captain was getting his ship ready for combat. The signs were all there, yet the Captain still thought he could talk his way out of the situation. Awaiting for the other captain to show his committed intent..."

"Other words to be fired upon first." Frederick spoke, getting a nod from Arlene.

"If the other ship had fired first. They would've crippled our ship for boarding. The Logical step was to take away their initiative when it was obvious to all that was the only option at that point." Arlene explained in her calm manner. "I was working off demerits for my actions in training. Which you'll be doing for the loud music, George."

"I'll be there also to pull my assigned shift as Dorm monitor." Serenity spoke up, playing with her empty glass. She was making it spin on its bottom edge.

"I wished I could go out on training flights. But my class work is about to bury me. So I have to spend time in classes." Frederick spoke softly. "I'd love to trade places with you, St. Cloud."

Errowyn looked thoughtful as she took a sip of her drink. "I'll keep it in mind." Setting the glass onto the table.

"Maybe we can sign out a shuttle and go down to Archia IV. There are some sites that I would love to check out for my thesis." Serenity spoke up. "It would be great to just get away. We have Semester Break coming up."

"I'm all for it." George spoke up. "I'm sure the Starbase has an extra shuttle in the pool for use. I'll look into it and reserve it for us."

Frederick smirked, "Better put down as reason for shuttle usage as Science Research. Not like the last time. Party Time!" Getting smacked lightly by George.

"I didn't put that down. I used 'for the morale and mental health of overworked students'. " George spoke indignantly. "They have no sense of propriety concerning us Cadets."

"I'll get the Shuttle." Arlene spoke up. "Everyone knows that Vulcans are very businesslike and take no time for relaxation. I agree with Serenity. It would be a nice outing to learn more about our planetary neighbors."

"I could show you guys some great spot that are not on the tourist route. Nor the area they like to hang out.

Everyone nodded their agreement as they finished up their drinks. "Lets do this at the next break in between classes." Errowyn smiled as she spoke, standing up with her group of friends.


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