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Hello, Goodbye.

Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2011 @ 8:41pm by Captain Alexander Gunning

Mission: Shore Leave - Archa IV
Location: Docking Egress 21 - Starbase 332
Timeline: SL D01 - 0700

Captain's Alexander Gunning and Sampson Foster waited patiently at the vertically elongated entrance, its wide-berthed threshold rectangular in shape, to the docking port egress. The Luna-class USS Charon would be disembarking for Cestus III in the next fifteen minutes to personally escort Foster to the Pegasus Fleet headquarters in time for the late afternoon interview he was to attend in hopes of securing the promotion to that of Director of Fleet Recruitment.

"Alex, as always your hospitality is grander than necessary." Foster stated cordially, extending a hand politely towards the Commanding Officer of the monstrosity that was Starbase 332, known as Threshold. During his brief stay at the station, Foster had been placed in one of the few VIP quarters that exuded a luxurious quality befitting only the most regal of dignitaries and guests. Foster hardly viewed himself as anything close to resembling regal or perhaps even dignified; in fact, he'd attempted to thwart the Captain's grand gesture, but ultimately relented when the issue was pressed to the breaking point. "Thank you for this brief respite, it was sorely needed." Foster added, hazel-colored eyes continuing to survey the throng of wanderers and drifters navigating past the pair, hoping to sight his son before needing to board the Charon.

'I hope he's changed his mind about saying goodbye.' He thought despondently.

"And as always your appreciation of my hospitality is unbecoming of a man of your station, Commodore." Alex replied with a joviality that he hoped would move beyond the niggling sadness his friend felt. Realizing it wouldn't, he decided to change tact. "I'll take good care of your kid, Sampson. You don't need to worry about him."

Foster proffered an appreciative smile, "thank you my good friend, I appreciate that, sincerely I do. I'd hoped he'd arrive prior to my departure, but I suppose not." He stated rather matter-of-factly, inflections of disappointment evident. "Well, I suppose it's time to go." Foster's posture became slightly more rigid as he extended a hand towards Gunning once more, "Next time, I'll bring the Andorian Wine; take care of yourself Alex ... and my boy."

"I will." Gunning said with a genuine warmth. "Take care of yourself Sampson. You know how cut-throat things can be at HQ."

"I always do," Foster replied with a wink. He then turned on a heal and disappeared down the curved bend of the docking port egress, a steady clip to his gait.

Within moment's of the docking port sealing and the preparations for the Charon's departure well underway, Samuel appeared and was visibly out of breath. "Damn!" He exclaimed, hunched over in an attempt to catch his breath, a few locks of curly black hair brushed aside in mild botheration. "I missed him." He remarked to no one in particular.

Jesus- it's like looking in a mirror. "Doctor Samuel Foster, I presume." The older man said, approaching him from behind. "You literally missed him by a moment."

Samuel glanced over his shoulder, sighting a very familiar face. Although Gunning and Samuel hadn't yet had the opportunity to meet one another in person, he was intimately familiar with who the gentleman was simply through familial extension. His father and Gunning had been friends-in-service for several years now, and Samuel recognized the handsome features of the man's face from several of the holophotos that lined his father's office bookcase back on Cestus III. Although the man's outward appearance may have changed over the years, the genetic features remained the same.

"Captain Gunning ... a pleasure to finally meet you!" Samuel recovered. Assuming a more vertical posture, he approached Gunning and went to hug the man, hoping the gesture wouldn't be interpreted as too improper. It was just that Samuel genuinely felt that Gunning was a long standing family friend and deserved such a greeting.

The Captain had been uncertain of how to greet this kid. He sorted that. As they broke the embrace, he smiled at the young man. "It's good to meet you too, Samuel. A doctor, eh? Your father's immensely proud of you, you know that?" He asked as he led him towards the turbolift.

He blushed at the Captain's kind words, "I think he'd have been more proud had I followed in his footsteps and become a counselor, but I don't think becoming a doctor was any small feat, either." He grinned. "I'm disappointed I missed him. We both thought the transport would arrive on time. I suppose a transmission will have to do instead." Samuel finished, the pair entering a large turbolift cart.

"I'm quite sure you'll have cause to go to Cestus III at some point, Samuel." The Captain replied in an effort to reassure the younger man before ordering the computer. "Operations."

Samuel's head cocked to the side as he considered Gunning's statement; the Captain was more than likely correct. From what he understood of the circumstances surrounding the probable promotion, the interview in front of the panel was more or less a formality, which meant that the entire affair more-or-less required confirmation by means of proper etiquette. If this was to be the case, Samuel's father would take permanent residency on Cestus III, to which both men would then call home.

"Yeah, you're probably right." He finally replied, the silence drawn far too long. "Say, what was Dad doing here anyway?" Most curious of that very thing, Sampson had refused to tell his son, knowing that the reasons would most certainly upset his boy.

"He didn't say." Gunning lied as the turbolift slowed toward their destination. "I think he was just passing through. I know the Charon needed to pick up some Operational supplies that had to be delivered to Cestus. Sixteen computer storage cores, if I remember correctly."

"Humph," Samuel replied simply, scoffing sarcastically, evident that he didn't believe Gunning. "Fine then, keep your secrets ... for now." He remarked playfully. At that point, he yawned, the fatigue of the trip just now hitting him like a sack of bricks.

"I tell you what, Samuel," Gunning said as he turned his back on the bustle and din of Ops. "Why don't you go and find your quarters and get settled in. There's a senior staff briefing at eleven-hundred that I'd like you to attend but before that, have a nap. You look exhausted."

Samuel nodded, very appreciative for the gesture. "Thank you, Sir. I think I'll take you up on that offer. I'll track down the Quartermaster and go from there." He paused, smiling while extending a hand. "Thank you, Sir; I'm honored to be here."

"...And we're delighted to have you, Samuel." Gunning said, shaking the Doctor's hand enthusiastically. "I'll see you in Conference Room Six at eleven hundred."


Captain Alex Gunning
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant (JG) Samuel Foster M.D.
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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