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Toolbag Shuffle II

Posted on Thu Apr 19th, 2012 @ 12:10pm by Lieutenant Reggie Eito

Mission: The Mystery Men of Mira
Location: Deck 39


Eito was in the midst of crawling out from a ventilation shaft. Being short of stature he was unable to back completely out. He was momentarily trapped with his short legs sticking out in the passageway..

He rested his head down on his arms, this was embarrassing. He was completely stuck. Reggie tapped his com badge.

=^=Control, this is Eito. Can you send someone to my location for assistance?=^=

Reggie heard a crew member behind him in the passageway. A soft female voice asked him.."Sir, can I be of assistance to you?"

"Why yes, it seems I have become quite stuck on something . I believe it's my equipment belt."

After a minute of very awkward probing the young lady freed Eito and was able to pull him out. It took a few moments for him to gain his feet as his legs were sound asleep.. "Thank you very much. I could have been stuck all shift if you hadn't responded."

"No problem Sir. Not many use this passageway during these hours. What were you doing down there?" She looked down the dark hatch opening.

"Well several meters down is an inspection panel. I just wanted to see it's condition and make sure things were operating correctly. I had little issue getting to it, but as you see I became trapped getting out."

Eito looked at the young warrant officer. She was an engineer but he didn't recall her position.

"Where do you work?" He asked straight out.

She smiled, she didn't expect the Chief of engineering to know all the crew. "Donna Faragon, I'm one of your environmental techs here at the station. But today is the first day I've actually had to clear anything out of a shaft."

They both laughed. "You have done excellent Warrant Donna. How long have you been here on the station?"

"Almost Six years. My Father is also here. He works up in flight control."

"I see, perhaps you can give me a tour of your section. I have been meaning to get around to the different sections of the station. But right now I'm still playing catch up pretty bad with the lift project."

Donna lighted up. "Of course sir, that would be great. Chief Kelly would love to have you come by. I think she's actually expecting a visit from you as there has been much housekeeping going on so to speak."

Reggie smiled. "Yes I got off to a rough start with a few of the sections. But it needed to be done. Tell your Chief Kelly not to panic about it. I'll stop by later in the next shift to check things out."

The warrant saluted and bounced off down the passage way.

Eito turned and looked down the hole he had been dragged out of. It was embarrassing, he hoped the young warrant officer would be discrete in her explaining of how she pulled the boss out of a hatch on his Third day of work...


Lieutenant (jg) Reggie Eito


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