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Checking the Wires

Posted on Tue Jul 20th, 2010 @ 6:19pm by Captain Alexander Gunning

Mission: Welcome to Archa IV
Location: Operations Centre (Deck 12)


Narayn stepped off the turbolift into a firestorm of barked orders and console blips. How anyone could think in this room was beyond him. He preferred the peace and quiet of his office on the Endeavour, especially since his time in the Starfleet clink. It had been a dark time but it gave him an appreciation of what one can get done when given a chance to think. Admittedly after his time aboard the Vinarian ship, he was surprised he hadn't gone totally insane by the time he was released.

The Operations Centre was awash with tactical and sensor readouts as well as gold-collared technicians working on altering a number of consoles and workstations into something more modern. It seemed as though the centre was in the final stages of a modernisation.

He took a place in what he understood to be the Intelligence roundel and began to check the daily reports coming in from the Federation News Service Wire. He found that it was an excellent way to work out issues that he should be setting people to work on.

USS Jelicho Fired on in Firenzian System...

According to this report the USS Jelicho has come under fire by pirates in the Firen Sector. That's within our patrol zone, I wonder if any more pirate activity has been reported recently? He touched a panel on his PaDD and downloaded the information into it. He'd probably need to take that little snippet to Captain Byrne after he did a bit more work on the data.

Romulan Activity Reported Outside Neutral Zone...

It wasn't unusual for the FNS to indulge in rumours about Romulan activity. Quite frankly there was more rumours in the News Service wires than there were actual stories. Supposedly the Romulans had infiltrated a resupply station near the Neutral Zone. Narayn scanned the rest of the report for any pertinent information. Anomalous tachyon readings and sensor ghosts were all he could glean from it. Not that it even matters, he thought, the Romulans wouldn't dare come this far South anyway; they'd be cut off from Romulus and left totally at our mercy.

Civilian Trade Convoy Missing in Inkara Sector...

This was by far the most interesting thing Ballard had picked up so far. According to the report an entire freight convoy of twenty ships plus their escorts had disappeared in the Inkara sector with seemingly no explanation. Starfleet vessels had been dispatched but no trace of the convoy could be found. He mulled it over for a second. Inkara was on the very edge of explored space in Galactic South, near their current position at Starbase 332. Entire convoys don't just disappear without a trace. I wonder if a trip to Inkara would reveal any more leads. From the implication of the report, it seemed that the Starfleet vessels which had been sent to investigate had all but given up hope of locating the convoy.

The chief looked up just in time to spot Commander Gunning exit his office and sweep across the Operations Centre to the Command Area in the centre. "We have the USS Himilco and the USS Brooker coming in to dock in the next hour. Docking control, clear them a priority berthing near the Stardoors."

Ballard looked back at the FNS Wire. The Himilco and the Brooker were the vessels assigned to the search and rescue efforts at Inkara. "Commander Gunning." He found himself saying. "I am Chief Petty Officer Narayn Ballard of the Endeavour. Do you know if the vessels you are currently clearing for docking have taken any damage?"

Gunning shot a glance at the Chief as he moved toward the Command Area. It was not customary for a visiting ship's officers, let alone an enlisted man to utilise stations in the Operations Centre. Still, he had heard of Ballard's reputation and knew that he was a senior member of Benjamin Byrne's staff. He thought it best to see what he had to say. He turned to the Ops officer currently monitoring the incoming vessels. "You heard the Chief, Ensign. What's their status?"

"Both vessels appear to have taken damage to their primary environmental systems. That appears to be the extent of the damage, sir."

"Environmental?" Ballard chimed in. "I know what happened to the convoy, Commander. I need access to a Talon class runabout for a couple of days. Oh! And an engineer."

Gunning looked sceptically at the Intelligence officer and tapped his commbadge. "Warrant Officer Bones. Meet Chief Ballard in Shuttlebay twenty-four in thirty minutes." He turned back to the viewscreen. "I hope you know what you're doing, Chief."


Chief Petty Officer Narayn Ballard
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Endeavour

Commander Alex Gunning
Commanding Officer
Starbase 332


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