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The Enemy Draweth Near

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2015 @ 1:13am by Colonel S'er'in'e & Lieutenant Lynsi Mason & 2nd Lieutenant Scooter Porkinsky

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Timeline: Current


Major S'er'in'e stood around the table, his physically imposing build looking over the holographic display as he watched the fighters he ordered deployed take up positions in the search pattern he outlined. A group of layers each fanning out in the direction Captain Von had indicated. Communications frequencies had been sent to the fighters and S'er'in'e couldn't help but look around at the now barren Hanger Bay. Only the work crews were present and they were preparing bays for immediate refit to anti fighter and anti starship loadouts. He wanted to be out there with them doing his part but often leadership traps one to a certain place and time.

He was glad to have had the outer most layer deployed first, they were the front lines, the early eyes that were sorely needed and it would not take them long to arrive on scene given the size and speed of the craft used.

=^= Major S'er'in'e to Captain Von, advance screen has been deployed, encrypted frequencies have been issued and preparations are already underway for refit upon them returning. =^= He was not sure if he would get an answer but informing the boss never hurt. He pondered on the words mentioned by Mason about training, he had little doubt he would lose people, combat was never fair and didn't take pity on anyone based on experience or lack of it. Combat was a harsh mistress that was always swift in handing out its wrath and seldom its grace.

Understood, Major, Von replied over the open channel. Let us know as soon as you see anything. Ops out. The channel closed as quickly as it opened as the station's operations center continued their own preparations.

From the cockpit of her fighter, Lynsi "Blaze" Mason was getting tense. She didn't usually feel this way before going out on a patrol, though the circumstances were definitely different than usual. There was always the chance that something could happen, and that someone would end up not making it home, but the risk was far less great when it was routine and going by the book. Battle never went 'by the book', and she was sure that she saw the last of more than a few pilots at the briefing. Blaze silently prayed that she was wrong.

She thought of her wingmen. This flight had been working together for a long time. She consider them among the best in Starfleet, for what it was worth. Thelev "Rio" th'Kerria was the oldest of the flight, her senior by a couple of years. The andorian guarded Lynsi's left flank. Her right flank was guarded by the very bubbly Tegan "Firefly" Veillon. The baby of the group, Erich "Jinjo" Wynn, took up the rear. She trusted all three of them with her life, and couldn't imagine a better group to be flying by her side.

"Look alive out there, Claymores!" she called out to her squadron. There experienced pilots throughout the air wing, but Lynsi wouldn't have felt right had she let anyone else lead the outermost layer. "Remember, no heroics. Do not engage the Sojourner ships. Just report in and prepare to drop back. Any last words of advice for us, Command?"

S'er'in'e recited an old Caitian saying that he was often given during times of training that took him into danger and away from the comforts of known safety. By the tone and almost musical stride of the words strung together it was clear he meant well and hoped for a safe return.

Marine Captain Hyden settled into his group's sweep. Scopes were clear, so he called to his pouting wingman, "Green Two, are we happy?"

Porkinsky gave a sullen reply, "I do better on lead, Cap'n."

"Yes, well I don't think that the quadrant is quite up to that, yet." He quieted, "You just be patient. We're gonna have more action than you could want, soon enough."

JP Between:

Captain Von
Major S'er'in'e
Lt. Mason
Lt. Jg Rawles
2nd Lt Porkinsky


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