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Posted on Tue Mar 29th, 2016 @ 2:26pm by Lieutenant Julia 'Jules' Bryce & Lieutenant JG Yalane

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Promenade

"Why don't you watch where you're going, you petaQ!" The gruff, heavily accented voice thundered across the promenade. The usual rustle of background sounds and din of voices dimmed to a mere whisper at the sound. A buff and burly klingon, dressed in civilian garb and feathers thoroughly ruffled, stared angrily at the current subject of his ire.

Said subject, a comparatively lean and tall feline with all white fur and wearing a Starfleet fighter pilot suit, hissed in response, whiskers twitching, ears laying back and puffed tail lashing about behind her. "You'rrre the one that bumped into me, you Ha'DIbaH." she countered. "Don't just stand therrre like a Qa'Hom, just turrrn arrround and leave and therrre won't be any trrrouble." she added.

As answer to which the klingon drew his d'k tahg and growled "QI'yaH!", dashing forward and slashing at the feline. The crowd scattered, some cries of panic sounding, as the feline ducked out of the way of the attack, deflecting the dagger with her unsheethed claws.

Jules didn't see what was actually happening so much as she noted the sudden shift in the foot traffic out across from where she was sitting with her lunch. She dropped her sandwich and nudged the other officer sitting with her, then pointed- already scooting out of the booth. "Never freakin' fails when you try to get lunch.." she grumbled, "Call it in, Cal, 'n back me up."

With that the tall brunette hurried forth into the crowd, expertly shouldering people out of the way when they paused to rubberneck. A discrete elbow here, nudge there, shoulder plant and- the mainstay of the knot stupid enough to remain and watch had thinned enough for her to see what was going on. The dagger caught her immediate attention, though, and without further thought the security officer drew her phaser and stunned the ever loving crud out of the knife-wielding klingon. As soon as he'd dropped to his knees, Jules turned the phaser towards the pilot with her eyes narrowed. "Put 'em away, doll, or you'll be countin' sheep right next to your boyfriend there, got it?"

Luckily the fight was stopped before it escalated. That is to say, before anyone got hurt. Well, apart from the Klingon's pride, when he woke up again. Seeing the phaser pointed at her though the feline took a half a step back and held her hands up in as non-threatening a manner as she could. Something that her physical build and her still twitching, puffed up, agitated tail didn't do much to encourage.

"I. Physically. Can't." the pilot spoke slowly, enunciating every word. "I'm a Calidae, we cannot rrretrrract ourrr claws like Caitians can." she added, further explaining. "I will come quietly and give my statement, therrre is no need to shoot."

"Alright then.. Step to the right there away from the klingon and just hang tight. I'll get a statement from you in a second. Cal?" As the calidae moved, Jules paced her, rounding the prone klingon until she could toe the knife away from his person in case he recovered quickly.

"I'm here," the male officer said as he finished edging through the crowd himself. "Two on the way."

"Secure Romeo and sit on him until they arrive, then have them take him to the tank and drop his pointy there in lock up. Once he's moved, help take statements." When he nodded, Bryce turned back to the crowd and glowered. "Okay: you had your show.Unless you saw the whole thing, move along. There's an admission fee to watching a klingon drool and that's called an obstruction ticket. Pretty hefty fine. So get gone.."

"Now you," turning back to the furry woman, Jules finally holstered her phaser. "What's your name?"

Her tail had returned to its normal state by now, slender and long, and no longer lashing about. Instead, the tip was merely twitching, indicating general annoyance rather than full-blown aggression. Her whiskers twitched, slitted blue eyes regarding the shorter woman wearing Starfleet Security colors.

"Lieutenant Juniorrr Grrrade Yalane. No family name." the white-furred feline offered.

The brunette started looking over the woman a little closer, scanning for flecks of blood that would have stood out stark against the fur and uniform. "Lieutenant Julia Bryce- that's Lieutenant Calvin Merle: we're station security. Do you need a medic?"

"I'm fine. Unhurt. He didn't land a hit. Forrrtunately Klingons arrren't nearrrly as athletic as this Calidae." Yalane replied with a purr. It seemed to be a matter of pride for her.

"Sure," Jules answered noncommittally. "So why don't you tell me what happened?"

"Well, we accidentally bumped, as happens in a busy place like this. He took offense, called me a petaQ and - well ... I might've comparrred him to a harrrmless little mouse trrrying to act tough." The feline scratched the back of her neck a bit, she knew she wasn't completely innocent in this incident. "That's when he drrrew his knife and trrried to attack me. I dodged severrral of his strrrikes beforrre you and Lieutenant Merrrle interrrvened."

The officer made a thoughtful noise in the back of her throat. "Turn your hands over palms up for a quick scan. If there's none of his tissue under your nails and he wants to argue that you attacked first, I won't need to call you in to settle the dispute. Are you looking to press assault charges?"

Bade thusly, the feline readily held up her hands, impressive in size as they were. Sinewy, all business, not a single ounce of fat on them, even evident under the very short fur covering them. The five claws on each hand were the better part of an inch long each, with the very points filed down to lessen their sharpness. "Hm. Nah. It was good fun, and I don't want to insult him any furrrtherrr by drrragging this out." Yalane offered. The only residue on her hands were some particles of Klingon steel from fending off the dagger, with some minor nicks in the claws themselves.

"Yeah, he's pretty lucky you didn't just hook a nostril with one of these bad boys and just fttp.. rearranged his face a little. Opened up the air flow, you know.." By then the other security officers had shown up and were busy taking the klingon away. Cal was speaking low in the background to one of the witnesses. Most of the crowd had dispersed, leaving only a few for Cal to fuss at here and there. "You're good Lieutenant Yalane. Let me just log this and I'll get you a case number in case you need to refer to it for any reason. And if you run into him again and he starts anything, just defend yourself again. Try not to provoke 'im, though. I know how hard it is when someone's being a first class jerkwad, but keep your cool if you can. If you can't, just don't hurt him too much. He's not worth brig time for if getting bumped sets off his ego."

"Aw, but Klingons are so easy to prrrovoke and so funny when they get mad-" The feline slumped her shoulders, pouting. Said pout quickly replaced by a toothy grin though. "I'll keep it in mind, Lieutenant Bryce. Thanks forrr the warrrning. When do you get off duty? I just arrrived on the station about an hourrr ago and could use a tourrr. Buy you a drrrink."

"Honestly I'm still learning the station myself. Came on right after the big attack, so I can't tell you too much." Jules's nose wrinkled slightly. She'd heard that numbers were still being run on the losses, not to mention the damage assessments- which between the station, the fighters, the ships- was astounding. "But I met a guy who probably could give a real good tour if you don't mind a few of us. That could be fun."

"Sounds good. Not gonna buy the whole grrroup a drrrink though." The feline agreed. "I don't know much about what happened, just what my new CAG told me. Big battle, many fighterrrs and pilots lost. All I know is that I got orrrderrrs to grrrab a transporrrt and rrreporrrt to the station immediately, with my fighterrr."

"Well, welcome aboard.." Bryce said with a halting grin. "Consider this the surprise portion of the usual first few day adjustment period. Go check in, take care of your business, settle in. You know how to find me. But seriously, welcome. I can promise you that it does get better."

"Alrrready looking forrrwarrrd to it." the feline offered with a wave of both a hand and her tail, turning around to half saunter, half stalk away, her long, powerful legs giving extra sway to her gait.


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