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Trash Patrol

Posted on Sun Apr 3rd, 2016 @ 5:18pm by 2nd Lieutenant Scooter Porkinsky

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Orbit, Archa IV


In the aftermath of battle, many tons of debris both large and small hurled through space in different directions. Smaller pieces presented little problem for navigation deflectors, but larger ones cataloged by base computer as hazards. Many objects would be taken care of naturally by the planet's gravity. They fell toward the atmosphere, soon to put on a fireworks display as they burned up.

One such heap of debris wasn't quite so empty and lifeless. At the center, a sabo-bot fed upon different materials as would a vulture carrion. Processing materials and energy, synthesizing new structures, it systematically improvised a new weapon out of old wreckage. Perhaps a surveillance device or bioweapon might be possible. Sabo-bots were a choice technology of vengeance for attackers who desired to destroy what they failed to capture.

As the space seed was ready to endure its fiery entry, a sustained blast of phaser energy ate away at its molecular integrity. After a few moments, the glow of disintegrated particles dispersed. Lt. Porkinksy radioed, "Got another one, Control."

=/Copy, Red Six. That's number three in your zone, so far.\=

"Those Sojies are nothing but a bunch of sore losers! I was expecting to find more of these things."

=/Probably more an afterthought of a few individuals than part of the main plan. After you clear your zone, we need a second run over the ocean.\=

"Roger, Control." Minutes later, Porkinsky called in, "Control, my Geiger counter is screaming at me... extreme radiation particulate. It's going to take a bigger nav-deflector funnel than I've got to vacuum it all up."

=/Copy, Red Six. Cloud is tagged as a nav hazard and assigned for cleanup.\=

Porkinsky sighed with frustration, "Greeeat. Double car wash time after landing."

=/Red Six, a small meteor shower is going to pass through that rad field. We don't want it stirred up.\=

"I've got your shower vector. Breaking to intercept now."


2nd Lt. Scooter Porkinsky
Starbase 332
Pegasus Fleet


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