
  • 14 Mission Posts

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Tue Dec 28th, 2010 @ 2:38pm

Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Maddux

Name Daniel Maddux

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Chief Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 170 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Average height, average build, average hair. Not particularly attractive, and no noticeable physical traits like scars or birthmarks. He keeps himself in shape, but doesn't want it to show, lest he become more noticeable in a crowd. Thoroughly average in almost every way, he is thus perfect for a career in field intelligence.

When he laughs, he chuckles quietly. When he smiles, his smile is crooked. He has a "mobile" face (meaning he can express a wide array of emotions, whether raising his eyebrows or jutting out his lower jaw).

He has a bum knee, an injury from a previous intelligence operation that has not truly healed, which can be a liability when he is undercover among enemies. He hides it as best he can, and endures the pain when he has to land on the knee, run fast, roll on the ground, or undertake any number of strenuous physical activities.


Spouse None
Children None
Father George Maddux
Mother Lauren Bell
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Darren Bell (Uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maddux has a wry sense of humor and enjoys getting on people's nerves. He has few, if any, friends; he would say that in his line of work, friends are a liability. In truth, he has lost too many over the years, and has no wish to lose more. The easiest solution? Don't make any.

He cares little for authority and sees most officers as incompetent and out of touch with the realities of the galaxy. This has been detrimental to his career progression, though he doesn't care about rank, and he remains buried in the enlisted ranks.

He sees himself as the ultimate professional spook, and while he is completely and utterly loyal to the Federation, you wouldn't know it by talking to him: Years of clandestine operations have convinced him that no nation, Federation or otherwise, is pure, good, and righteous. No cause is just; all are made in the national interest, and he is happy to debate anyone on that fact. He considers himself a realist amongst a civilization of naive dreamers, though somewhere inside him, buried away under the years of hardship, there may lie a sense of belief that good can exist in the galaxy.
Ambitions He doesn't really know if he has ambitions anymore. He remains in Intelligence because he can't see himself doing anything else.
Languages Federation Standard, Cardassion, Klingon

Personal History Raised by a single mother, Daniel grew up idolizing his uncle Darren, a successful actor on Broadway in New York City, New York, Earth. He spent most of his childhood ignoring school and hanging around local theatres. At a young age, he displayed a talent for acting, and he later dropped out of high school to embark upon an acting career.

It was a risky move, and it failed. Maddux was unable to achieve a breakthrough, and never set foot on a Broadway stage. Relegated to local shows, and without a degree, Daniel was forced to live with his mother until she died suddenly when he was 21 years old. Left to himself, he floated around the theatre scene in North America, moving from job to job, before he was approached by a Federation Intelligence recruiter in Michigan.

Maddux had no interest in leaving Earth, but the recruiter caught him at the right time: Daniel was distraught from the death of his mother, alone, and felt his life aimlessly slipping by. The recruiter, choosing him because he displayed the qualities of a good field agent (nondescript and average looking with an actor's eye to detail and no family connections), offered young Maddux an exciting new life.

He accepted.
Service Record [CLASSIFIED]