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Mon Jan 9th, 2017 @ 12:31am

Commander Soleck

Name Soleck

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 47
Serial Number SFC-998D9

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 187 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark blue
Physical Description Soleck is your typical Vulcan at first glance. His hair is cut in a functionally efficient way, slanted eyebrows prone to arching, and the pre-requisit pointed ears. His uniforms are always pristine and well cared for. He has, however, recently acquired a taste for wearing comfortable jeans and a t-shirt when off duty. This is one of his few frivolous pleasures.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Sagris
Mother T'wila
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Soleck is the prime example of a Vulcan. He is stoic, soft spoken, and generally calm and reserved. He's made a point to not come across as demeaning or disapproving of his more emotional counter-parts, and - given the oportunity - will willingly engage in their day to day off-duty activities. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and his crew, and has proven himself as a formidable foe in more than one instance. While he does ascribe to the Vulcan dedication to logic and reason, he's all to aware of the well spring of emotion and has faced minor discipline from the Council for allowing it to get the best of him on more than one occasion.

In spite of his stone-like demeanor, Soleck finds it easy to make friends, and - though he would never admit it - he's quite amused by the more unusual friend's antics and quirks. He truly appreciates the Human race, and admires their dedication, their tenacity, and their ability to function on a higher level without locking down their feelings.
Strengths & Weaknesses Soleck is flawlessly logical, as would be expected of a Vulcan. At times, that logic clouds his judgement on a more personal, human level. He has tried to learn to think beyond logic as many times the most perfect solution is the least logical one. He generally has a god grasp of his emotions, having been trained from birth to favor logic over emotion, but he is prone to lose his temper from time to time, especially if his friends and crew mates are in danger. He has the strength of a Vulcan, which has gotten him out of many bad scrapes. He isn't a master tactician, but he is able to assess a battlefield or situation and provide all logical outcomes and courses of action. Soleck was injured during the course of duty aboard the USS Martens, and from time to time experiences difficulties with his leg despite extensive medical treatment and physical therapy. It doesn't render him unable to walk, but it does make it a painful experience.
Ambitions Soleck wishes to eventually reach Admiralty, though for now he's happy gradually making his way up the chain of command.
Hobbies & Interests 3D Chess, botany, running, sudoku, rock-climbing, classic Earth pulp literature (His favorite is Tarzan).
Languages Vulcan, Galactic Basic, Klingon, Ferengi, a smattering of others.