
  • 13 Mission Posts

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Wed Dec 14th, 2011 @ 12:37am

Lieutenant JG Kili Dell

Name Kili Dell

Position Chief of Security

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Unjoined)
Age 19

Physical Appearance

Height 162cm
Weight 64kg
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Rather short and skinny, it is a bit of a surprise for this woman to hold a position of such authority. Albeit she does look quite frail, her usual expression is that of calm determination and certainty. Despite her appearance, whenever she moves, it is obvious that she relies more on grace and speed than brute force.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Overall a quiet and calm personality, even if a bit impulsive at times. One could easily consider her an outsider when it comes to social interaction.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Rarely affected by emotions
Objective under pressure

Impulsive at times, especially if her ability to perform her duties is put under question by a superior
Ambitions Desire to be the best security officer she can ever be. Possibly eventually learn the way to interact better with others. Eventual family.
Hobbies & Interests A slight obsession with weapons, mostly focusing on her ability to fire them accurately and at long range, also the ability to recognize a weapon based solely on its silhouette or ammo discharge
Languages Earth English, Trill

Service Record Fresh out of the academy, yet graduated with high honors. Her service record up to this point isn't really much to look at beyond the grades she received from her academy training.