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Thu Oct 14th, 2010 @ 9:17am

Lieutenant JG Callaigh Roland

Name Callaigh Desiree Roland

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 27
Serial Number BET81120159SF

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Long dark blonde hair, warm inviting green gray eyes (when she’s wearing her contact lenses on duty), usually wearing a smile. Average height and build.


Father Brogan Roland
Mother Arianna Roland

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cal (as her friends call her) has a very strong personality. She has an unwavering sense of what she considers to be right and wrong. Honesty is something she admires and practices. She tends to be very forthright. What you see is what you get, and if you don’t want to know her answer, don’t ask her opinion. While on duty, Cal is very patient and understanding. She tries to see all sides and points of view, though it rarely changes her own. Off duty she can be a bit fiery and sarcastic, easily put off and quickly defensive.
Strengths & Weaknesses She cares about others and is genuinely interested in different cultures and ideas. She tries to be understanding and considerate, respectful and polite. There aren't many she can't get along with. Her biggest weakness is constantly putting herself in the shoes of others, when she does this sometimes she finds it difficult to be objective.
Ambitions With the current transfer of the crew from ship to base, Callaigh has attained her one true career goal for the time being. Eventually in personal life, Callaigh aspires to retire to Earth where she can operate a rescue and rehabilitiation center for abused and neglected animals.
Hobbies & Interests She loves animals, history, people watching, gambling, and spending time on the holodeck in various scenarios. She enjoys nature, but has no aptitude for biology or horticulture.
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Cal was born January 12th, 2359 on Betazed. Through circumstances that are still not clear to her, shortly afterward she ended up in an orphanage on Earth and was adopted by a human couple, Brogan and Arianna Roland. Her early years were good years; she was afforded a comfortable and nurturing home. Brogan provided for the family as a professor of biology at the University of Tennessee while Arianna juggled being a homemaker and a part time elementary school teacher. Cal’s Betazoid heritage was apparent early in her life, Her parents decided to keep the knowledge from her until she reached an older age in the hopes that she would grow up without a stigma of ‘being different’ from her peers. For Cal’s part, she just assumed that everyone could read thoughts or knew how others were feeling. Her parents encouraged this, explaining to her that she was extremely ‘sensitive’ and ‘intuitive’. While this in and of itself did not impede her ability to make friends, she did find it hard to keep them, especially through her teen years. Cal was taught to be honest and to value integrity, so when she detected falseness in others it turned her off from wanting to further any bonds with them. Arianna fancied herself a pseudo gardener and both she and Brogan shared a passion for animals. Through watching the teamwork her parents applied in their marriage and their life, Callaigh learned the value and reward of honest hard work. She shared her parents’ love of animals, particularly horses. Often if she was working out a problem or feeling tense, she’d saddle up one of the family horses and go out for a ride until she could sort it out.

As she grew older Cal found it more and more stressful to try to cope with her abilities. Though she managed to keep a steady A average as a student, she knew it was because she had an unfair advantage. Aside from riding, the only other activity she found that would dampen them was reading, which she did as frequently as she could. During one particularly successful hunt at the local library in her senior year, Cal discovered an aged propaganda pamphlet on the benefits of serving in Starfleet. The idea of being on the cusp of discovery and the unknown thrilled and excited her so much that she followed the information trail until she knew what she needed to do to realize a career with Starfleet. Upon returning home she informed her parents of what she intended to do, and as they had been all her life, their reactions were hopeful and encouraging. Brogan’s enthusiasm waned slightly when Cal announced that she did not want to join as a Science officer however. While researching the Academy’s list of offered careers it had become crystal clear that Callaigh would excel in the psychology field. It excited her to find a purpose for her tele-empathic abilities to serve others as well as herself. Cal stayed on the Starfleet path and the night before her high school graduation, seeing that she was still very serious about joining the Academy, her parents finally explained to her that she was a Betazoid and what that would mean for her as her life progressed. Instead of being upset at having no knowledge prior, Callaigh was ecstatic. She’d always felt a sense of specialness, so for her to have it validated made her feel like her life on Earth had come full circle. Two weeks later, after one last ride through the wooded land surrounding her childhood home, Cal entered the Academy and has never once regretted it.

During her time there, she made a few close friends. She learned how to become more adept in using her telepathy and controlling her more empathetic tendencies. Her studies challenged her, and the sense of pride and accomplishment she found as she excelled in her field fueled her desire to spend the rest of her life implementing psychological practices.

After graduation, Cal thirsted for the chance to finally be among the stars. Her enthusiasm tempered with dedication earned her a place aboard the USS Helios in May of 2381 as the ship’s counselor. The Helios was primarily a research vessel and by the end of the first mission the same intuition that had led Cal to Starfleet told her that a research ship was not the place for her. The Helios docked and Cal requested a transfer to the USS Vigilance, where she served under Counselor Adilet from 2382 until Lt. Adilet was promoted and transferred in 2384. Her dedication and professionalism made her the prime candidate to move into the Chief Counselor position and up a rank to Lt. Junior Grade; it also began an ambitious fire within her. Another two years aboard the Vigilance gave her a wealth of experience in running a department and helping to groom other junior counselors for promotion as well. As the 2386 New Year loomed in the not so distant future, Callaigh felt it was time for her to relinquish her post with the Vigilance and give another the chance to find themselves professionally as she had. It was not an easy choice for her as her longevity with the Vigilance left her feeling like she was leaving a family behind. The knowledge that comfort was not a good enough reason to stay when she had other opportunities to learn and grow as a counselor made it only marginally easier to leave. Her transfer orders came through and of the three ships she’d requested, it was the USS Niagara that accepted first. It would be the first time Cal would be posted to a ship where the crew was not previously established. Callaigh was eager to watch new bonds form between the officers aboard and committed herself to aid them in any way she could.
Service Record 2381-2382; USS Helios - Counselor
2382-2384; USS Vigilence - Counselor
2384-2386; USS Vigilence - Chief Counselor
2386-2386; USS Niagara - Chief Counselor
2386-Present; USS Jackal/Starbase 332 - Chief Counselor