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Staff Meeting Notes, 14th Marines

Posted on Mon Mar 26th, 2012 @ 10:19am by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Gifford

::Log Begins::

Not really sure how the Staff briefings today will turn out. I either have a team of Battalion officers racing about getting tasks completed or somewhere nearby there is a bar full of Marine officers drinking themselves into oblivion.

Always an ugly feeling after the first meeting. These young Marines would be hesitant to speak out. Some already with concerns about their careers... Playing it safe. As far as the Ten company commanders went, in truth most of them wouldn't survive the the first ten years. Things were a bit rocky getting through the introductions, The main event was getting the right people in the slot they needed to be in. Of the Ten company level officers only Three have experience. That's going to slow us down. I'm fortunate that I have no disciplinary issues. All their control roosters are clear, most are very young and all are confused. I was able to get some of our short term goals were lined out. The first being the control and issue of new uniforms before the deployment and control of weapons. It was decided A and D companies would sort the issue and get the task done. As far as the endless rounds of questions, well I believe those were answered. Of course they all wanted to know our destination. As far as I know they remain clueless. The only Staff officer that has been selected is the Battalion Medical officer. I seasoned Marine Surgeon with experience. The rest are yet to be determined over the next few weeks. I am expecting a command sergeant major to appear shortly, I surely hope things level out with the junior officers when he or she arrives. More briefings in the morning.

::End Log::


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