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Commanding Officer's Log

Posted on Wed Aug 1st, 2012 @ 6:56am by Captain Alexander Gunning

[Log Begins]

We've just returned to Three-Three-Two after our negotiations with the Archan government. Vice President Ku and Ms Olinski from the Institute were remarkably pleasant and allowed the negotiations to carry on without too many amendments to the original agreement. I had a feeling that we wouldn't be sent in with anything other than a pre-determined outcome but at least Jon will get his training centres and the marines will be out from under our feet for a wee while.

It's not that I have any personal issue with the marines but it's easy to see the apprehension coming from a lot of the civilian population now that there's suddenly almost two thousand military personnel kicking about the station. We're not a military installation per s. Still, I'm sure they'll be delighted to get some manoeuvres on the go.

Elsewhere, Starfleet have informed me of the impending arrival of a group of terraformers who are hoping to make Archa V habitable. I have absolutely no idea what they want to do with it but it appears that the Archans are very much in favour of it and I've dispatched Nilani and a team to the planet to conduct some feasibility studies into the terraforming process.

[Log Ends]
[Recording Off]


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