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Settling in

Posted on Fri Dec 2nd, 2016 @ 2:59am by Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran

Begin personal log Tyler Vorran.
It has been a busy few weeks since crashing my shuttle in the landing bay. Liam and I are going through the motions trying to figure out how we fit in with our new surroundings. The Starbase is a more diverse and busy place than being limited to the confines of a starship, reminds me of growing up on Qualor two.
I even found the local smuggler bar called the Drunken Mugato, perhaps I'll run into members of my old crew. In the meantime I do have a potential private pilot gig on with the local private investigator Gunning.
In the next week I have to put together a training cruise with the cadets, scout wedding locations on the planet below, and somehow fit in a visit to sickbay for a physical. Perhaps a temporal causality loop will take hold at the station and give me more time to complete all these tasks.

Since the chances of a temporal anomaly in this system are slim I should get to the USS Wainwright to start preparing for the training cruise.

End Personal Log


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