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First case

Posted on Mon Aug 15th, 2016 @ 8:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Craig Travis & Chief Petty Officer Jared Vasser

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Docking bay 333

Vasser had a busy shift so far he was about 6 hours in and even though it had been uneventful it had been a lot of shipments that needed looked at before they had cleared to enter the station. Most freight is checked and cleared before coming into the station but whenever something shows up with out a manifest, or anything looking strange was found the Dock workers called in Customs to checked it out. That was the case a lot of the time today. Everything had checked out until Vasser was called to Dock 333. When Vasser arrived logged himself as being on scene and started talk to the dock workers who hadn't even unloaded the cargo yet. They had issues because the Tellarite captain didn't have any documentation. He was also becoming very agitated with everyone as Tellarites tend to become. Vasser logged a Security alert requesting some additional man power.

Travis had already made his re-qualifications with the Master-at-Arms, and meet his boss he was really enjoying the new post. He had been out on foot checking out the station and making some mental notes as he went along. Just about then his mini Padd he kept on him vibrated and he saw that the Custom Supervisor had requested some assistance on Docking bay 333. Travis decided to head that way and see what he could do to help.

As Travis walked up on the scene he saw the older Custom agent trying to talk down the Tellarite that was using a lot of hand motions in his non-verbal communication. Travis stepped up to the scene. "What do you we have going on Chief?"

Vasser turned to see a Lieutenant he didn't recognize come up to the them. "LT, this whole shipment has no documentation and..."

Before he could finish the Tellarite started in on the man with a higher rank. "Finally someone that has some sense around here I am tired of always being harassed....." Now it was time for Travis to back up his custom agent. "Hold up SIR! I was talking to my Chief now unless you have enlisted your time and effort into supporting StarFleet and you have some magic rank of Chief I suggest you go have a seat over by your ship" Richard motioned to the cargo door that was open. "while us Grownups talk over here."

The Tellarite had no clue what to think. He did figure he better not push it so he tucked his chin and headed over to the ship. "As you were saying Chief?" Richard asked. Vasser was stunned silent he had seen that in his time with the Corp but never seen a Fleeter put someone in their place like that. "Ummm well he has no paperwork at all. It looks like it is some rations for what he clams is for a new grocery store going in. He also seems to have some unmarked boxes. By the way, with all due respect, that was crazy how you did that."

Travis was looking inside the cargo hold from afar and just seeing what he could see. "Well I guess you can put me in a Fleet position but my Marine core is hard to tame. How do you want to proceed?" Travis turned to his Chief. "Well Sir, I would like to let the food go as soon as I verify that the store is legit. The other cargo we can't identify we take to our Cargo bay and have it quarantined for 48 hours and then we see what is in there." Vasser gave his assessment.

"That sounds like more than fair, Chief. I will go tell him what is going to happen is you wanna check on the store and we can get the food delivered today." Travis agreed with the course of action. Vasser stopped Travis before he walked away. "What Battalion, Sir?" Vasser asked. Travis could tell by the question Chief was also a ex Devildog. "8th Battalion. How about you?" Vasser smiled as he had someone to talk to about things. "28 years in the 49th Battalion, made Master Sergeant before I retired."

Travis shook the Chief's hand as he walked over to the Tellarite. As he walked up to him the Tellarite stood up and was getting ready to lay into Travis. All Travis did was raise up his hand to make a stop sign and the Tellarite was thrown off guard again. "Look this is what is happening. First welcome to the 332. Your cargo will be permitted in even though you failed to produce ANY paperwork. As long as the store checks out the food stuffs will go there. All of the unmarked cargo is going into 48 hour quarantine.." The Tellarite started to butt in, Travis just raised his hand again. "That is non negotiable. Once the 48 hours is over we will open and catalog the contents and if it is nothing special it will go where ever you need it to. Otherwise you will get a confiscation report. And lastly if you cause my men or any Starfleet staff a headache you will go to the Brig for Disorderly conduct. Nod your head if you understand." The Tellarite who was not used to being dealt with like this just nodded his head and sat back down.

Travis turned and handed the scene back over to the Chief and went back to the office to fill out his first incident report to give the boss.

LT Craig Travis
Asst. Chief of Base Security


CPO Jared Vasser (NPCed by Travis)
Senior Custom Agent


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