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Word on the Street

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2016 @ 9:59am by Lieutenant Commander Craig Travis & Lieutenant Marc Madigan

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Main Promenade

Travis had been making round and working on a case here and there when he was taking in the sites and sounds of the Main Promenade and noticed another Blue over standing next to a pillar looked like he was people watching, as people in our profession do. Travis made his way over and noticed it was a fellow Lieutenant and instantly figured this must be the Section Chief. He offered his hand "LT, I am Lt. Travis the new Assistant of Base Security."

Madigan was mostly deep in thought when the newcomer approached. He was keeping an eye on a suspicious situation, but the it turned out to be nothing. Satisfied that the immediate crime threat had subsided, he turned to see just who was talking to him. "Ah, Lieutenant Travis. It's a pleasure to meet you." Madigan reached out to shake the offered hand. "Lt. Marc Madigan, and yes, I'm the section chief for the Promenade, though given the size I suppose you could really call it the commercial district. How's the new uniform treating you? Rumor has it that you were a marine in a past life."

Travis smirked. Boy news traveled fast. "It is going well. I think the blue brings out my eyes." Travis joked. And then moved in close like he was telling a secret. "I still have my marine issued decoder ring though!!" Travis put a finger to his lips. "It is a big place. How do you keep track of it all?" As he moved the conversation back to normal chit-chat.

"Lots of watching, lots of listening, and lots of writing things down," Marc replied. "It does help to get to know the people. I'm lucky that I have one of the wealthier areas of the station, but keeping up patrols, being visible, and getting to know the business owners go a long way. If they know we're out here looking out for them, they're a lot more likely to be our eyes and ears."

Travis was pleased with what he heard. "I agree completely. In fact be visable does help them be the eyes and ears but is an active deterrent. Most criminal elements will go for the easiest job. Anything you require from me?"

Madigan considered the question for a moment before shaking his head. "Nothing specific, sir. But there have been a lot of questions about that murder. It's had people around here a little on edge."

"I am sure it has. While it is not inconceivable to happen, it is rare. As I am sure you are well aware it is being investigated with all of our top teams. It is gonna unsettle the people, but it may also make them more vigilant and help us prevent any more." Travis had been briefed on the case and it was the departments top priorities. "Well keep up the great work. I am sure I will see you around I am a mobile kind of guy! Never hesitate to hit me up if you need any help."

"Thank you, sir. If I need anything, I'll be sure to let you know." Marc started to turn back towards the area he was watching, but had another thought. "I know you're still getting settled in, but if you're interested, Arlean and I would love to have you over for dinner sometime."

"That would be real nice. I am always willing to help, so just let me know." Travis headed back to do more rounds.

Lt.Craig Travis
Asst. Chief of Base Security


Lt. Marc Madigan
Section Chief


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