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Lowe's Army

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2021 @ 3:42pm by Colonel S'er'in'e & Lieutenant Commander Felicie Rivero

Mission: Who Watches The Watchers
Location: Operations

General Lowe had all the information he needed to do what was needed next, he'd spent many a late hour of the night sifting through report after report, logs, statements, anything he could possibly lay his hands on that might further his cause. At last however he had it, at least enough, enough now to see the Captain in Operations. "Commander Rivero." Lowe called from his office. Rivero was new to the posting and perhaps one of the few that was not yet tainted by Von's incompetence. "Would you come to my office.."

Felicie stared at the PaDD's on her desk and sighed softly before making her way toward General Lowe. She knew if she didn't attend immediately he would make her life miserable. Finally, as she stepped into his office and the doors closed behind her, she looked across at him. "You wanted to see me General?" she asked quietly.

"Yes. I would like you to prepare a security detail, armed. 8 officers including yourself should suffice." Lowe spoke as he stood up and pulled on his jacket. "I don't foresee a problem but to illuminate the gravity of the situation to the Captain I believe a show of force might be required."

One eyebrow quirked slightly. She was tempted to offer a smart response, instead she just nodded. "Very well," she said calmly. "When will you want them? It might take me some time to find the right eight people.

"How soon can you muster them?" Lowe responded as he made his own preparations. This was his moment he planned to grasp it with both hands to make sure that Von had nowhere to wiggle to.

Felicie stared at the bulkhead behind the General, contemplating for a moment. "Give me twenty minutes I guess?" she said quietly. "I should be able to get a team together within twenty minutes or so."

"Work quickly, I don't want the Captain to have any advanced warning." Lowe wanted to make his move quickly, he wanted to act on the information he had and make sure Von knew that her actions had consequences.

"Work quickly, I don't want the Captain to have any advanced warning." Lowe wanted to make his move quickly, he wanted to act on the information he had and make sure Von knew that her actions had consequences.

"Yes General," Felicie responded quietly. "Is there anything else or am I free to go?"

"You are free to go, but if anyone asks too many questions make a note of it and exclude them from your team." Lowe responded as he downloaded more information to a hand held padd.

"Yes General." Without waiting for another response, Felicie turned on her heel and walked out of his office, swallowing the uneasy feeling she could feel rising in the back of her throat.

"Yes General." Without waiting for another response, Felicie turned on her heel and walked out of his office, swallowing the uneasy feeling she could feel rising in the back of her throat. She had a job to do.

All Lowe had to do was wait, patiently which he struggled to do given how close he was to doing what he came to do. Armed with the information he needed to make the decision he had to he knew it was but moments away.


The armed security team Felicie had assembled stood outside General Lowe's office as Felicie hit the chime and waited. She had selected her team carefully, a small group of officers and enlisted staff that had so far worked well with her given the circumstances. She just hoped they continued to do so with what she knew was about to come. As she was granted entrance, Felicie drew in a deep breath and straightened her back. "General Lowe, I have the security team ready that you requested."

"Excellent." Lowe responded as his plan took form. "I'd like it divided between the entry points of Operations, we will enter at the same time. Do you anticipate any trouble from those in Operations when we arrive Commander?"

Trouble? She almost laughed before shaking her head. "I honestly can't say General," she said calmly. "It could easily go either way, depending on how it's taken. Captain Von is their Commanding Officer, I can tell you that the crew is very loyal to her."

"As they should be, that's why I want this done cleanly and swiftly." The Major walked in and nodded. "Lets go." It was now or never and armed with all the information he had gleamed it was clear what he had to do. Von's actions had cost the lives of hundreds of loyal and dedicated men and women and that was not taking into account the damage sustained in a variety of engagements. Lowe had come here with a reputation of order, loyalty, discipline.....He was about to exert that reputation in his next move.

"Walking out of his office, Felicie stepped back with her security detail, waiting for the General and the Major to start walking before falling into step behind them, her team following her. They were there to offer assistance if needed. This was General Lowe's show to run.

Upon arriving at Operations the door closed before him he gave the signal for the teams to enter. He was fortunate to catch the First Officer present, 1 of two, a good start. "Commander Luciano, would you summon Captain Von to Operations." His tone clear that discussion was not optional, do, and be done with it.

=^= Captain Von to Operations, urgent. =^=

Felicie stood behind General Lowe, her hand resting on her phaser. Without being asked or directive being given, the security detail behind her separated, four armed officers each flanking each door, weapons drawn and ready for any trouble that may happen. Now, all she could do was wait.


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