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What's Said In The Supply Closet...

Posted on Sun May 29th, 2022 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Chance Adair & Lieutenant Commander Decan MD PsyD

Mission: The Archan Job

It was toward the end of her duty shift when Chance found herself alone in the supply room with Commander Decan. The two of them had drawn the short straw and had to audit medical supplies, and had so far been working in amicable silence when Chance cast a glance in his direction and offered a smile. "What made you want to get into medicine?" she asked, making small talk as she continued to work.

Decan raised an eyebrow at the inquiry. He had been comfortable with the silence they had worked in thus far, but her understood most species didn't feel the same. "I attended the ShiKahr Learning Center where a number of aptitude assessments determined that the medical field would suit my proficiencies. From there I studied Psychiatry at the Institute of Higher Learning and then attended the Denobulan Institute of Medical Studies before joining Starfleet."

"So it was a completely impulsive decision then?" Chance quipped with a smirk as she repacked the drawer she had open. "I've always been fascinated with the human body, medical, especially surgery seemed like the best path. I've always enjoyed it. You've been around for a bit, you must have seen some interesting stuff?"

Decan raised a brow as he input inventory on a PADD. “What do you mean by ‘interesting stuff’?” He asked, unsure how he might answer her question.

"I assisted in an autopsy once, trying to determine a cause of death for an officer who had apparently dropped dead of sudden heart failure. His last medical had showed nothing of cause or concern, no prior history at all of heart problems, just sudden heart failure. A full workup indicated the only thing they found in his body was glycyrrhizin. Turns out he died from eating black licorice. Don't you think that's interesting?" Chance finished the draw and picked up a storage crate, setting it on the counter and opening it to go through the contents. "You must have seen lots of interesting stuff like that..."

The Vulcan observed his companion, noting how excited she seemed to be explaining her story.“I have seen a number of odd occurrences in my time with Starfleet.” He relented. “Though I’m certain the definition of odd is interchangeable depending on who is being asked.”

"What's one of the most unusual ones you've had?" Chance asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

After moment of thought on the matter. "I had a Human male patient who was experiencing extreme abdominal discomfort." Decan began. "After some probing questions, I discovered he had been engaging in just that." Decan raised an eyebrow in true Vulcan fashion. "We extracted a Cardassian Vole and a large plug-like instrument measuring nearly 6 inches in length and 8 inches in diameter from his rectum. His discomfort subsided near after"

Chance used her fingers, spreading them apart as if she were visualising the dimensions he had given, her eyes widening slightly. "Well," she said quietly, simply. "I can see why that would have been uncomfortable." She shook her head. "Individuals do the damndest things," she added. "Dare I ask about the Vole?"

"I understand it was taken in by an animal sanctuary following the abuse investigation." Decan said with distinct Vulcan deadpan."It was certainly uncomfortable to serve as a medical expert for that case." He thought back to the hearing. "Have you even been called to testify as a medical witness in a court preceding?" He asked, realizing that small talk was on the schedule during this task. A fact that was typically unavoidable.

"Only once, I completed the autopsy and declared it to be homicide, I was called to testify. It was interesting listening to the legal side of the trial, especially the evidence presented by the prosecution and how they deduced who the murderer was." Chance shrugged slightly. "There was another case that I assisted on but didn't testify in court. The defendant repeatedly declared that it was accidental death. He accidentally ran into her knife. Thirty seven times."

Decan once again raised his brow. "Indeed." He said. "I've found an interest in cases with legal involvement. The autopsies can be fascinating to study, as well as the forensics of the cases. Forensics was an option I considered while at the Academy, in particular, blood spatter analysis."

"There are actually a couple of holodeck programs that are really good at teaching blood spatter analysis, I've used some of them in my spare time. I can show you some time if you're interested?" Chance offered. "I rather enjoy the forensic analysis stuff."

It took a beat before Decan answered."That would be agreeable." In truth it was one of his long term objectives broaden his field of study to include forensics. Time had not allowed it before now. But since his duties had settled into a routine it seemed opportune.

"I'll book a holodeck next week for a time neither of us are working," Chance said as she sealed the crate she had finished unpacking. "Thank you for the chat Commander, it's been very interesting indeed," she said as she picked up the crate, ready to return back to main sickbay.

“Indeed.” Decan cocked his head to the side. “I look forward to it.”


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