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OCS - Secret Meeting

Posted on Wed Mar 30th, 2011 @ 9:17pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Shore Leave - Archa IV
Location: Random Place - Deck 2003
Timeline: Mid Gamma shift SB332 time :: 0130 hrs

Waste Reclamation Systems (Lower) The Cabel gathered amidst the humming machinery and quietly planned the next stage of the Demostration if Starfleet didn't start to acquise to the demands of the station's civilian that ran the place.

"It's almost to the point where we can't even enter Ritorian Space without being boarded by their Customs looking for Fleet personel." Ook, a pudgy Orion spacer captian complained to Syndicate Boss that ran this station's criminals and sector's operations.

Termi'Aldo looked thoughtful as he sat on a nearby stool and leaned aganst the vacant workstation. "Are they still being placated with the "Gifts" we bring them?"

Ook shrugs, "It's hard to say, Boss. But they sure question the "stocks" background to make sure they're clean before they take them."

Termi'Aldo looked thoughtful as he looked around, momentary ignoring his favored captians. "Still able to keep the Ritorian Jelly contract open?"

Frifidaire nodded, A skinny Andorian nodded, his one antenna wiggling all over the place, never staying on place for very long. Speaking in a squeaky voice from a nasty fight he was involved in ages past, "They are charging more latinum and asking for obsolete weapons from whatever source we can get them from. I just tell them I'm looking into that matter."

This was a new developement, giving pause to Thermi'Aldo. He didn't want his big source of cash flow to dry up. Not only the station he had to worry about, but the rest of the Organization and those higher in power over him. "I'll have to push that up higher. In the meantime, increase the prices on what we sell here at the station."

"What about Akiashiro?" Boomer spoke up, "Will he stay the course?" rubbing his knuckles of one fist with a battle scared hand.

"He's the one that convinced Federation to move SB-332 to this location and help foot the bill and transport the unneeded personel while the station was being moved at his expence. He's profiting off the Ritorian Trade as we are. Akiashiro's are untouchables till they betray the trust we have in them."

Group of his henchmen nodded. They liked the old coot and his daughters were nice looking. And the newcomer to the clan, as she was one of their biggest customers. As for now Ritorian Jelly was legal within the Federation with the exception of Vulcan, where the stuff did really funky stuff to them.

"Should we escalate the Protest abit?" Garbeano spoke up, abit more militant than the rest and currently overseeing the station's hotheads in keeping them inline for now. He was having abit of trouble in keeping them in line for now.

Thermi'Aldo looked thoughtful, then gave a gleeful smile. "A little fire here and there. But nothing that will get out of hand, El Beano." Recieving a smile in return.

"You got it bossman!" Garbeano beamed as he pulled out a PaDD he lifted someplace and looked at it, tapping furiuosly on it, watching the glowing stream of data being displayed.

"Oscar? Go pay a visit to that new shop owner. The Cardy." Thermi'Aldo spitting out the last as he lost three brothers and a sister to them during the war. Nevermind that they was Starfleet Rising stars within their respectfive fields and would arrest him without even a second thought if they knew of his connection and rank within the OCS. But to him Family needed to be avenged. "The usual rough up. But a few broken bones would be appreciated, but not manatory, ya hear?"

Oscar, being a big man would even make a crazed Klingon hesitate, just nodded making his eyes wobble in their sockets from one to many brawls about the station. "Okay Boss!" His voice booming out and echoing over the background noise of the humming machinery of the Reclaimation Facility.

Others quickly glanced around and seeing none showing up. At least Oscar used such simple words and very non-specific that if overheard would more an likely be mistaken for an employee conversing with his shift boss.

Things were being set in motion nicely and the Ritorians were soon going be good partners of the OSC and Akiashiro Merchant Enterprise. Maybe even invite them aboard the station when Fleet pulled alot of it's staff from the station, letting this station become highly Civilian Control and with Fleet on a lease as a deadly presence to those that displeases the Civilians that really ran this station. Akiashiro, Donetello's and OCS, with the rest blissfully going about their business.

Note:: OCS NPC'ed by Samanthia


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