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Seduction - Three's a Crowd?

Posted on Tue Mar 6th, 2012 @ 4:12pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: The Mystery Men of Mira
Location: Promanade / Akiashiro Deck (1403)


The day had dragged by for Samanthia as she went about her duties in her lounge and was thankfully glad when it ended. She scampered from the club with a nods of greeting to her favored customers, but didn't stop to chat as she normally would've.

Moving through the crowded Promanade abit impatiently to meet up with Rigelius and his assistance, whon she was curious to meet. But it was more interested in Rigeluis then meeting an assistance. She couldn't back out now as she invited them both to her apartment for a home cooked meal. She had already sent ahead her request for the foods to be sent on down to her apartment where she would personaly cook the meal.

It was going to be an exciting time as Rigelius was going to show her some of the Icionian Ruins and artifacts as he gave the lecture on them.

She was excitred and looking forward to the time and afterwards when the Assistance left. Spotting them at the designated location of the meeting place, she hurried forward to meet up with them.


Rigelius and Mikka looked worried to see if she would show up, as they kept a nervious eye out for anyone keeping undue attention towards them or following Rigelius's newest conquest. "Here she comes," Nodding in the direction of Samanthia approaching them through the crowd of civilians and Fleet personel.

Mikka glared at Samanthia, taking note of her physique and comparing them to herself. She gave a soft growl as this one was going to be fun to break into a docile, serving pet to both of their whims and giving them a base of operations to work from without worrying about Fleet interference of the past month or so they had been on the station, jumping from one hidey hole to the next as they created minor mayhem.

Rigelius heard the soft growl from Mikka and nudged her, as he whispered to her, "We need to go easy on her. She is a very important establishment owner on this station and she'll be missed if she doesn't show up for work." Bracing himself for the return jab abit harder than necessary, but the point was recieved. He had let his libido get in the way of business.

Even though Rigelius was right, Mikka quickly regained her compsure, thanking the concealing holo-shields that kept their facial features hidden from undue attention. She had a good chance to escape undetected if there was a trap being laid by Samanthia inconjunstion with the Federation Star Fleet. But as she watched, she could see no signs of a double cross from Samanthia.

Mikka took full watch around them as Rigelius and Samanthia greeted each other with a soft greeting type of hug and soft murmers of polite greetings. Before seperating, and her greeting Mikka like an equal, which grated on Mikka's nerves to be treated as such from a slave species. "Well met, Samanthia," in a soft neutral tone of control and composure. "Professer Rigelius? Are we ready to proceed?"

Rigelius spoke, "Of course, Assistance Professer Mikka, Be a dear and grab the case." Letting Samanthia take his arm and lead them to the nearest turbolift.

The three of them entered the turbolift as Samanthia gave the destination "Deck 1403," Feeling a bit weightless as the turbolift dropped down the central shaft of the starbase. Samanthia turned to Rigelius and they made small talk with alot of light flirting as Mikka studiously ignored them.

Mikka smiled behind her facial holo-shield as this was going to be very fun in breaking this human female's spirit as she had caused Rigelius to forget that she was nothing but a slave species to the Ritorians.

Akiashiro Deck 1403

Rigelius could feel the vibes of Mikka towards Samanthia as by the way she kept quiet when they entered Samanthia's Apartment on the Akiashiro Level. He held Mikka back as Samanthia went to change into more comfortable clothing. Once they was alone, he turned to her, speaking softly. "She's to public of a figure to give her the treatment. Let the matters of her heart bind her to us. I hope she isn't like the last female we encountered that had more strigent views."

Mikka just glared at Rigel, "It was a big mistake to get involved with her without some mind conditioning." Keeping her voice down as she let the face holo-guise drop. "You do have good taste in females."

"You're doing good, Mikka. I know it's hard to be uncertain about your status. But I'm sure we can convince her to be abit more open minded about pleasures." He winking at her. "For now we just play it by ear as we now have a base to work out of. Not even Fleet is allowed on this deck, nor any other of the citizens. Unless you're invited onto the deck."

Mikka looked about the common room and the kitchenette of the apartment. "One thing you can say about our enemy is that they provide the best for their people. Even civilians." Flopping down on a very comfortable chair.


A month had passed and the three of them shared Samanthia apartment. Samanthia found she could go both ways in the intimacies that they all shared after a long day at work. It was nice to have someone to come home to. Even though they was of different species than her. She could see that Mikka loved the museum atmosphere of the Akiashiro Deck, along with Rigelius.

Mikka secretly enjoyed talking to Samanthia, not conditioning her into being a proper pet, about the men and Rigelius, clothing and was well versed in the Iconian History. And really appreciated seeing the history of the Akiashiro's being boldly displayed about the corridors of the Akiashiro's Level. If she hadn't followed in her families footsteps, she would've been an Academian, like her brother, Rigelius also.

Rigeluis smiled as things were working out very good between Mikka, Samanthia and himself. It was a pleasure that Samanthia also enjoyed sharing the pleasures of another female and was mildly surprised that Mikka views towards her softened as they got to know each other.


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