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Into The Glooma

Posted on Thu Apr 26th, 2012 @ 12:49am by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Gifford & Lieutenant Commander Sean O'Connell & Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Appiah & Lieutenant JG Nvaiden

Mission: The Mystery Men of Mira
Location: Marine & Customs Patrol [System 6, Archanis Sector]
Timeline: MD03 - 1620hrs.


Drifting the lane in particular waiting for a good target wasn't difficult for the old Freighter. She had been broken down many times. This time was different. The first few vessels were a dry run, using a Marine squad to support Sergeant Appiah's inspections. A few contraband items were found, but nothing that would lead to arrest or seizure.

Several of the new drones had been launched. Two sending data and profiles of Starfleet Garrison vessels conducting patrols with open transmission signals. The Third was the signal of a large freighter waiting for a repair ship. The crew had been watching one smaller vessel directly avoid the Garrison drones changing course several times. That was the next Target...

The Captain waited and made his approach quickly and when in range hailed the vessel and challenged it to stop. The vessel obeyed the commands but was not happy at all. The manifest was reported to be mining ore with 100 souls on board passing through the sector en route to the Ventax system.

Gifford glanced at Marine Captain Morris, a tall Vulcan. "Two Fire Teams, and assist the Customs officer with anything he needs. We'll have two additional fire teams standing by if you need them."

The away team stepped on to the transporter deck and were gone...

"Nvaiden to Dragoon Four," the voice of the Nequencian Intelligence Officer cut through the spartan facilities of the marine transport, ringing back off the exposed bulkheads, "all ships in your current patrol vector are under explicit orders to submit to searches as a prerequisite for docking at the base. You are clear to board any and all ships that give you cause for concern. Nvaiden out."

Gifford turned to the Operations Officer. "Acknowledge by message. And please locate an Engineer and switch all incoming messages to this vessel to be relayed and restricted to the bridge." The Operations officer nodded and stepped toward his console to make the adjustments.

"Sir, we have contact with the boarding party. The transport deck has been secured they are making contact with the Vessels Captain now."

"Very well, keep me advised." Jon sipped a fresh cup of coffee as waited. "lets make sure we have Two additional Fire teams on the transporter decks ready to go in case we need them."

[S.S. Glooma]

Michael looked around as he followed the marines on board. He looked at the captain and raised an eyebrow. As he walked toward the man he handed him a PADD.

"By order of Starfleet and the Federation this vessel has been detained pending a standard search of this vessel and all its contents. Any objections?" his where eyes looking at the panels and bulkheads, but he hadn't moved an inch."If so, then your vessel will have to wait till the proper authorities can clear your vessel and review your case. Current back log with the civilian authorities is three months. Starfleet authorities is up the Chief of Security of Starbase Three-Three-Two. So do you have anything to declare or do I have to gut this ship?" Michael looked straight at the vessel's captain.

The Captain took the PADD and reviewed its contents. "Yes, it appears your search is valid." The Tall bearded officer snapped his fingers at his First officer, who handed him a dark Green PADD with a Green glowing border.

"Here are the manifest lists also included are the crew passengers. I need to send a message to my receiver informing them I'm being detained by Starfleet forces. I do have one section of the vessel you shall need to be careful around. A horticulture area that cannot be contaminated. You will have to wear protective suits to enter."

"If you have 30 minutes, captain I need to clear a few things with my superiors one moment please." Michael checked the padd then turned away and tapped his comm badge.

"Appiah to Gifford, I need a few environmental suits, I need three medical tricorders as well. Also I would suggest we impound this vessel on some trumped up charge. Suggest you scan the vessel and contact O'Connell, he might find some law they are breaking.

"Acknowledged will get that equipment sent now. We completed a scan, vessel has structural discrepancies in several areas. Be wary around deck Twelve..That's where the false compartments are. Sending message to O'Connell.

Gifford sent another fire team with the equipment requested. He was advised the hull and compartment changes to the vessel had not been reported to the Maritime Panel...They were on to something.

Sean had a quick glance at the scan and then had checked the database. "Starfleet Security advises to impound the ship and all its contents. Several environmental rules have been broken and the ship seems to be altered without having filled the proper paper work with the federation ship registry database, O'Connell out."

Appiah put his hand on his phaser and walked back to the First Officer and captain as he had received the comm from Gifford and O'Connell. "By order of Starfleet I am impounding this vessel and all its contents, Captain Morris you may detain the Captain and the crew till we have transferred control of this ship to Starfleet security. " Michael then looked at the CO.

"I would advise you cooperate so the civilian court will look favorably on your case. Before we tear this ship apart is there anything to declare about its contents or any statement you wish to make?" He then tapped his com badge to record and statements made.

The vessel's Captain smiled. "Most of this cargo was sealed before I got it. I'm not aware of any contraband on the vessel and request legal council."

Captain Morris gave Sergeant Major Dunmore a nod. The crew was searched and detained within minutes. He reported that a search team detected the odor of raw sewage on deck Thirteen. Dunmore volunteered himself to checkout the strange odor that was currently vexing his fire team leader.

Tramping quickly down the passageway of deck Thirteen he could smell it. And he was certain it was below him, he met up with Sergeant Vernon Jacobs a veteran marine. Jacobs and his team were silent as he pointed to a floor hatch he had discovered that was hidden by a large shipping container. The odor was strong now. Vernon gave Dunmore a wink and lowered himself through the hatch into the three foot tunnel. He scanned for any possible traps. He stuck his helmet back through the hatch holding up seven figures. Letting Dunmore know Vernon had detected as many life forms hiding below somewhere. Dunmore nodded his head and stepped down the hall from the open hatch.

"Sergeant Appiah, we have located seven life forms between decks. No physical contact yet. Please advise."

"Appiah here, please send a fire team with a medic and I am on my way."

Michael looked around and grabbed a med kit just in case. " Captain Morris, I am checking out those life forms I still need a few decks scanned and searched. I will assume you attended the academy and have a basic grasp of federation law. So your hereby seconded to Security till I get a better substitute. Just remember we do not shoot, kill or maim our detainees. We do not break jaws we aim for the knees, they talk better that way." Michael sported a big smiled as he headed for Jacobs team.

The large marine female smiled at the sergeant. "Yes sergeant, I was a Naval officer before I was a Marine. Is there any particular appendage you prefer to be removed first.?" She watched as he left the bridge.. She looked at her team and her new prisoners. "Are you people aware of the Fourteenth Marine Battalions rule of acquisition? What's standing is ours, whats burning is yours..."

Major Gifford glanced over at the Commander of the decoy vessel. "Perhaps you could spare your First officer to helm our new acquisition."

The star fleet captain nodded and spoke a few words to his number One. "I have Three very experienced officers that will be of help here. I shall send them over immediately Major."

[S.S. Glooma]

Jacobs and sergeant Major Dunmore waited for the arrival of the customs officer. They remained quiet and Dunmore had deployed another team at the opposite end of the passageway.

Michael arrived on the scene holding the med kit. He looked at the sergeant major and then got out his flashlight. He looked at Dunmore nodded and then took a deep breath.

"My name is Sergeant Michael Appiah, Federation and Starfleet Security. Please move towards me and be recognized. Also does any of you need medical attention?" He said as he looked in the direction of the seven figures." Michael looked at the sergeant-major.

"Light Stun, Sergeant-Major and keep those rifles pointed towards the ground. We have no idea what we are dealing with." he whispered.

Dunmore nodded, he handed his Rifle to another Marine and jumped down below the deck. He hand his hand on his side arm just in case but was sure he wouldn't need it. "I think we are dealing with prisoners or stowaways, their far more scared of us. They're just hiding. It's the damn smell that gets me going.."

"Never visit some parts on the Klingon home world." Appiah smiled and then looked towards the seven figures. he had followed Dunmore closely, but left his phaser holstered. "Hello I am Sergeant Appiah we are here to help. Do you need medical attention?" He looked at the seven figures.

Tully stepped forward showing his hands. It was soon discovered all seven were females, possibly Ritorian. That would take time to sort out. They had been crudely chained to the deck supports. Two of them did indeed need medical attention as they appeared to be drugged or in a catatonic state..

The comm hissed into life, "Ops to Dragoon Six, this is Lieutenant Nvaiden." The voice of the "Nequencian" was unmistakably that of a Romulan. "Report."

Tully tapped his Badge.. "Sir, we have those life forms in custody, area secure. I recommend quarantine till they can be checked out. These subjects are definitely prisoners."

"Affirmative. Keep me apprised. Ops out."

"Yes Sir" Tully watched as a medical team started their work with the castaways.. The odor
was bad. Dunmore turned to the Customs officer. "Well Sarge, whats your plan with these passengers?"

"Well, I would beam the crew of this vessel to our ship and place the prisoners in their quarters. We'll set this ship on a course to the Starbase so me and my team can start our investigation. I suggest we consult with the ranking officer first though." Michael looked at the prisoners and shook his head.

Dunmore contacted Major Gifford and gave him the detailed sit rep on their find. Sir, we still have a few more decks to check and customs still has a the cargo area to search. Dunmore secured the females and sent them under guard to medical.

He waved to his fire teams to continue the sweep. "Lets be sure to check between all decks from here out..."

Marine Captain Morris was listening closely on the net. As soon as she had heard of the women chained below decks she lowered her rifle to the chin of the Glooma's Master.. "You are in some big trouble." His bridge crew were quickly put in restraints and searched.Several encrypted padds were found on one crew member who attempted to resist, His futile attempt lasted three seconds.

Michael had to steal himself away from the dreadful sight of the prisoners and to check with the Glooma's crew and have them officially charged. he was working on his padd to add to the list all charges he had spotted on first sight and what was creeping up. He had found bottles of Romulan ale, some illegal narcotics. The charges where building up as he was constantly informed by the search parties. As he entered the bridge he looked at the Glooma's crew and shook his head.
he tapped his commbadge.

Major Gifford, this is Sergeant Appiah. I strongly advise that you send down a starfleet crew to send this ship on it's way to the starbase,sir. At the current moment I have several good charges and some not so clear. As I am only a customs officer and not up to date with specified rules and regulations under the military code of justice I can only arrest them on charges against the federation. I suggest you send down a Command level officer or Starfleet Security officer to take charge of this vessel.

Gifford had been listening to the chatter as the contraband continued to pile up on the Glooma. Good work Sergeant Appiah. I have a crew for you on the way. They should be arriving in a few minutes. We are not able to charge the prisoners under the UCMJ as they are not in our military, however they seem to have violated every Federation trafficking law that's been written in the last Fifty years. As soon as you are completed we shall send the Glooma back to 332.

Michael grinned. "Understood, I'll let the lawyers sort it out. As far as customs is concerned we have ample reasons to arrest and impound the ship and a good thorough search on the star base would be advisable, besides we still have a few ships to board and investigate in the following days,major.

As soon as the standby crew arrive I'll need you back, we actually have another vessel just detected on our side scans.. I'll be leaving Two fire Teams on board for security. Advise Captain Morris to transport her prisoners and Return with Gunny Dunmore.



Major John Gifford
Commanding Officer
14th Marines
SB 332

Sergeant Major Dunmore
Command Sgt. Major
14th Marine Battalion. (NPC)

Sergeant Michael Appiah
Customs officer/Civilian Police force
Starbase 332 [NPC: S. O'Connell]


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