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Permission to Disembark

Posted on Mon Jul 7th, 2014 @ 10:10am by Captain Liarra Von & Major Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Drewe Reed & Lieutenant JG Erica De'Havean

Mission: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Bridge, USS Carthage
Timeline: MD01 1300 hours


Still getting used to her new surroundings and her new duty assignment, Drewe was surprised when she received orders to report to the Carthage for what she only knew to be a special assignment. Unaccustomed to bridge duty generally, having spent only a handful of her duty time from any posting on the bridge. She was trained, of course, to handle all tasks expected of a counselor, including command advising, but with her clinical specialties, she was most often called upon to see the crew in her office or sickbay.

Taking an auxiliary station, Drewe waited patiently for information and further instructions.

De'Havean Den

Erica padded around her quarters, kicking lounging pillows out of her way as she got ready for the day. Hearing the chime go off, she glanced at the Console in her quarters. Scowling as she made her way over to the console, after grabbing a bowl of crunchy cereal with bacon bits thrown in. After taking a spoonful of her breakfast, reached out and punched the message button on the console. She chewed her breakfast as she waited for the screen to warm up and show the list of messages. Just two.

She looked puzzled at it as she accessed them.

Message 1: Ensign DeHavean :: Temporary Duty assignment releasing you from Shuttle Department for classified mission. Signed by Shuttle Department Manager : Lt. Commander Binsky IV.

She finished off the bowl of cereal as her heart rate rose in anticipation of flying the USS Jackel once more as she touched the screen for message two.

Message 2: Ensign DeHavean :: Report to the USS Carthage and Captain Von for helm duty. :: Lt. Commander Victoria Muzakster Acting Chief of Flight Department Gamma shift::

"Merrrow!" In disbelief at the new assignment. "I always fly the Jackel!" She sat down, placing the empty bowl and spoon to the side as she inquired about the new ship assignment. But it showed that she was to report to the Carthage.

Erica shut down the console as she grabbed her bowl and spoon, scampered back into the kitchen and cleaned up from breakfast. "Computer? Download Carthage Helm Controls onto Data Padd 16." Turning on PADD 16.

=/\= "Complying....Done" =/\= Computer responded

Erica ran into her bedroom and finished getting dressed in her uniform. Grabbing the proper padd, she then exited her quarters and moved through the station to her new assignment. She moved with purpose to the docking berth of the Carthage.

Carthage : -Bridge:

Erica stopped at the checkpoint and showed the message that she was to report in on the Carthage with the station Security team. She fidgeted as they checked and then allowed her to pass, much to her surprise.

In a few minutes, she was on the bridge, nodding to the Senior officer on bridge duty. She pulled the PADD out and began to get familiar with the helm as she did all the pre-flight checks to get the ship ready to depart.

- Carthage - Lower Decks -

Griffiths and her Omega Squad arrive on the Carthage and settled in, as they were putting their stuff away she contacted the bridge.

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= Griffiths to Bridge, Omega Squad onboard and tucked in =/\=

The duty officer on the bridge took the message from the marine. =/\= Acknowledged, Major. Captain Von has requested your presence on the bridge. She'll be here shortly.=/\=

=/\= Affirmative, Bridge, will be there in five, Griffiths out =/\= Naomi closed the line and dumping her stuff in her tempoary quarters she headed to the bridge.

- Bridge Carthage -

Naomi arrived on the bridge and stood near the back and to one side, she was aware that she did not have an official bridge station so she stood out of the way.

A short time after everyone had taken a station on the bridge of the Carthage Liarra Von strolled off the turbolift. The duty officer stood and offered a greeting. "Captain on the bridge."

"As you were," Von responded. She walked to the center of the bridge near the captain's chair. "It looks like everyone is here. I'm sure you're wondering what our mission is to be. We've been assigned by fleet command at Cestus III to travel to Myaz, the capital of the Myaz Sovereignty. Starfleet has had limited contact with the Myaz to this point, but we believe that the Sojourners will be sending a delegation to negotiate an alliance with the Myaz. We are being sent to serve as the Federation delegation. I know that none of us are really trained for diplomacy, but we are the closest options, and the Myaz have given Starfleet a limited window for meeting with them. I've assembled this team for various reasons. Dr. Reed, you'll be assisting me during the negotiations. I need your ability to read people and act as an adviser."

Drewe nodded. "I'll do my utmost, ma'am." Reed was not a telepath or empathy, but she understood Von expected her to use her clinical training to offer advisement.

Von continued. "Ensign De'Havean, you've proven yourself as a talented starship pilot. I know you'd prefer to stay on the Jackal but if things get difficult, I need a good pilot to get the Carthage out of danger."

Erica nodded to Von, "At your service. I'll keep the engines hot," giving her a predatory smile, as her tail gave a sweep back and forth behind her.

Liarra turned to Griffiths. "Major, I've asked you and your team to join us as insurance. Admiral Quinn believes that the Sojourners may be making a move at the same time as we are. In case things get hot, Cestus has suggested that we have backup standing by on the Carthage. Ideally, we won't need your troops, but I feel better knowing that you are available."

Looking at Von "Unde5rstood Captain and very wise, Omega Squad is ready to do our job should it be required" Naomi said.

With her team aware of their orders, Liarra took a seat in the center chair. "Alright, then let's get underway. Everyone, please take your stations. Ensign, clear our departure with the dockmaster and take us out."

Once given the order, Erica quickly conferred with Dock-master and getting the green light that clamps been released. She eased the Carthage from it's berth and soon easing the ship through the docking area to the egress from the umbrella out to open space. She busily inlaid the course to Myaz as the ship progressed to it safe zone to engage the warp.

Once the Carthage reached the desired location, Erica De'Havean engaged the warp, "En-route to Myaz at warp 7. I can increase speed or decease as desired. It'll take at least 25 hrs, 45 minutes, and 3 seconds. Captain." In her working voice. Loud enough to be heard, but not to interrupt a conversation. "Set up the standard 8 hr shift, which will put the command staff on-duty for the arrival at the Myaz System." Giving Von a brief smile.

"Good thinking, Ensign. I think Warp 7 will be fine. It will give us a chance to come up with a battle plan." She caught herself as soon as she said it. Always the tactician, she thought of things like this as a battle, but the plan was for it to be anything but. She could only hope that things went according to plan. "Perhaps that's a poor choice of words, but it will give us some time to prepare just the same."

Von turned towards Major Griffiths. "Naomi, just in case, why don't you take some time to review maps of the capital city. We don't have a lot of data, but you've been cleared for some of the intelligence that we do have. Use it to get you and your marines acquainted with the area, just as a precaution."

Looking at Von "Yes Captain" she said nodding and left the bridge to go to astrometrics.

Next Liarra gave her attention to Doctor Reed. "Doctor, it would probably be a good idea for us to go over some data on the Myaz and work on our strategy before we get there."

"Of course," Drewe replied with a nod. "We can meet wherever you feel comfortable."

Von sat back in her chair. "Good. Ensign, keep us nice and steady, and keep an eye out for any Sojourner patrols. I'd like to avoid any distractions along the way."

De'Havean gave a soft snort of merriment at the comment "...Battle plans..", as she flew the ship. Bit more alert since they was going faster than norm. "You can stop worrying about Sorjourners, We're chasing a shadow signal up ahead of us, heading in the same direction." Miranda was a bit worried as she began a system check on the helm scanners. "speed unknown."

"Keep an eye on it and let me know if it does anything interesting. For now though, let's just stay on course."

Erica gave a soft "Aya-aya" of acknowledgement as she glanced at the diagnostic results and then to scanner, the blip was gone. She growled softly, smacking the helm console. And then called down to Engineering, =^= "Engineering, this helm. Could you send up an engineer to check out Helm scanners. Picking up glitches in the system." =^=

Erica did her own calibrations on the helm scanners as she kept the ship on course, using the deflector's scanners to see. But it brought up alot of returns which suddenly darted off the side at an angle, pushed before them on a new course, or just plain shattered into mirco-dust to bounce harmlessly off the warp activated shields.

Once the new calibrations took effect, she switch back to helm scanners showing empty space before them. She smiled at a thought that raced through her mind, ~~I should put the deflector scanners view on the main screen. That ought to wake everyone up...~~ She gave a soft felininsh purrrr and laughter.


Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer

Major Naomi Griffiths
Commanding Officer, 14th Battalion

Lt. Commander Drewe Reed, MD
Chief Counselor

Ensign De'Havean Erica
Flight Officer


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