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The luck is in the...

Posted on Mon Sep 1st, 2014 @ 2:36pm by Vendenje Kamdram & Ensign Sivity Dar-Barriun

Mission: Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Thieves
Timeline: Current

Sivity had had better days. The night in the cell hadn't been too odious. Certainly, she'd coped far better than had 'princess' Samanthia. Her release the following morning had been delayed as they investigated the escape of a Bajoran. She'd not even bothered looking into the cell to ascertain the manner of his escape. The brig of the Star Base was antiquated and the force fields could be circumvented - if you knew where to look and what to do. She knew where to look. The 'doing' part was definitely more theoretical for her.

Having arrived back at her humble dwelling, she shifted most of her stuff into half of the space in anticipation of new roommate's arrival. It was irksome, but she didn't really possess a great deal; so the task was swiftly completed. Thereafter she showered and changed. Her luck must be balanced. She'd had ill fortune, so it followed that good would quickly follow; especially as she now possessed a new luck stone.

She poured herself into a black, backless rubber dress, so short it barely deserved the name. She pulled on equally shiny black thigh boots. They had preposterously tall spike heels. Standing in them, she was delighted with her improved elevation. With makeup and perfume applied, she shook out her long, silvery-white hair and set off to The Dive. She was intent on making Samanthia's life a little uncomfortable. She was, after all, still a member of Security, although looking at her, no-one would credit it so. Given her recent misjudgment, that could well change in the not too distant future.

Her journey to the bar did not go unnoticed. Eyes followed her movements lasciviously. The attention improved her mood considerably. Thus she was relaxed and smiling when she sat at a table to join the game of cards currently in progress.

The Ferengi running the game looked up, barring his razor-sharp teeth. They were yellowed, and he quickly licked his lip-less mouth, his tiny coal-like eyes looking the newcomer up and down. He licked his mouth again and his dark eyes shifted to the others at the table - a silent Nausicaan that had a run of bad luck and was clearly losing his patience, a ratty Bajoran who had managed to hang on to a tidy sum, and a Cardassian female who had also managed to keep most of what she had sat down with, though both the Bajoran and Cardassian were slowly losing more. Though they did their best to not show it, the Cardassian and the Bajoran were clearly at odds with the others presence.

"Any objections to a newcomer?" The current hand had just come to an end.

"Just deal Nunk," the Nausicaan said thickly, shrewdly eyeing his cards.

Nunk's left eye twitched slightly and he glared at the Nausicaan. "Keep calm, friend Tornigar," he calmly suggested. He shifted his gaze to the Andorian female and smiled. "You know fizzbin?" he asked, indicating the cards.

Sivity seated herself adjacent to the Ferengi. The tiny dress rode up further as she did, but she paid it no mind; she was seated after all.

“I've played a little.” She stated neutrally. She wasn't that familiar with the game, but believed that her luck stone would be sufficient to steer her fortunes in the proper direction. She smiled confidently at the others glad that she was wearing so much make-up. The broad band of glossy black across her eyes helped to focus others’ attention on her appearance, not her emotions and thinking. The clinging, rubber dress served the same purpose. She noted with satisfaction the other woman seated at the table was of average appearance. The look of disdain cast at Sivity confirmed that she’d already unsettled her. The men cast appraising eyes over her before redirecting their attention to the newly dealt cards.

Her gloved hands reached forward. She displayed her ample cleavage. Looking at the cards she decided that she had a reasonable foundation on which to build. She leaned forward and placed the cards table on the table. On top of them she rested her blood red luck stone.

The Ferengi clearly noticed her form, but allowed his eyes to flicker to the stone for a moment. Again, he licked his lips. "What is this?" he wheezed. His rake-thin form arched forward so he could get a better view.

The Bajoran dropped his hands to the table. He wasn't staring at the stone, but did seem, at least for the moment, interested.

It was the Nausicaan that lost patience. His meaty hand reached out to grab the stone. "Enough games," he grumbled, motioning towards it.

The Bajoran started to move to block the hand, but the Cardassian female beat him to it. She reached out, and faster than even he could see slapped away Tornigar's hand. Tornigar growled and stood up. "This is pointless," he snapped, looking at Nunk.

Nunk eyed the Nausicaan carefully. Tornigar seemed to shift uncomfortably, and then with a deflated sigh sat back down. "Whatever," he muttered.

Nunk smiled and returned his gaze to the Andorian. "Might I ask... What is your name?"

Sivity had been alarmed at the attempts to examine her stone. It was there for luck. She couldn't afford to have its attunement spoiled by pawing hands. Luckily, no-one had actually touched it.

"The stone is for luck, nothing more." She explained. It was in fact an uncut semi-precious piece of tarbedite. She wasn't entirely sure, but believed it was less rare on Klingon homelands. "As for me, I'm Sivity." She answered. There was, she felt, no need for full titles. "So, now you know who I am; who do I have the pleasure of taking credits from?" She asked cheekily. Despite the somewhat tense atmosphere around the table, she felt relaxed. She had far too much confidence in her martial abilities and besides, everyone knew how hot-headed Andorians were. That tended to keep most potential trouble at arm's length.

The Ferengi bowed his substantial head, placing a clawed hand on his finely tailored jacket. "I am Nunk, Chief representative of the Lubok Conglomeration."

The female Cardassian snorted. "Likely the only representative," she said.

Nunk's dark eyes narrowed ever so slightly, but he quickly dismissed the reaction, smiling at the newcomer. "Don't mind the Cardassian, Sivity," he said calmly. "She hasn't learned any proper manners it seems." He held a hand, fingers pressed together and straight, in the direction of the Nausicaan. "Tornigar," he said. "I believe he's a shift warrior on the Obaba, which is currently docked here." He looked at the Cardassian. "This unruly female is Raela. No house," he added, with a measure of gleeful spite. "And our talkative Bajoran friend is..." He blinked. "Actually, I don't believe you shared your name," he said.

The Bajoran looked up from his cards, not at Nunk, but at Sivity. He stared at her face for a few moments, as though memorizing the features. He was grizzled, rough lines around old eyes. His features, though aged, had lost none of the sharpness to them. "Kam," he said.

"Ah." The Ferengi nodded once. "There you have it then. Nunk, Tornigar, Raela, and Kam." He smiled. "Shall we conduct some entertaining business, then?"

"I thought that's what we WERE supposed to be doing." Grumbled Tornigar.

"I've not much of a business head." Sivity replied quietly. "But entertainment sounds good. "I'm in."

Raela sighed volubly. "In, she says. I hope you are more IN this than you are in that outfit. Then again - what the fuck - I'll happily take your credits off you. I guess you can always whore yourself for some more."

Sivity smiled back sweetly. She was pleased. Her attire had had the desired effect. No doubt the Cardassian would play dreadfully. She thought that the Bajoran seemed too impatient, but that could be a clever bluff. She was in no hurry. She could watch and learn. Nunk and Kam were the ones that she expected to prove the most challenging to beat, but then, she didn't need to beat them all of the time - just when it counted.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Raela's terse interjection. She spoke to Kam and Nunk. "Well, are you two in, or are you just gonna sit there staring at the blue slut's tits?"

Sivity almost laughed at that, but managed to suppress her mirth. She figured that a fight was likely enough between herself and Raela soon enough, but wanted to try her luck stone for a while first. That didn't stop her planning her first three strikes and building a contingency in case any of the others sought to interject.

Kam didn't react to the aggressively toned comment, though he took note of it. Instead, though, he continued to stare at Sivity's face. He had a quiet smile on his face. There was an air of drunkenness to him, and his eyes seemed almost lazy as he stared. "Where you from, hun?" he asked, slurring his words ever so slightly as he spoke. The manner he held himself at brought smiles from the others at the table.

"What do you mean?" Sivity replied innocently. "Where do I hail from originally? - I would have thought that quite apparent. Or, where did I come from before arriving at the Star base?" She was going to explain that she'd been on the USS Glenn, but suddenly realised that none of those around her were Fleet. She considered lying, but couldn't think up another half decent explanation as to why she'd be on the Star Base.

"I was on the USS Glenn before here. Things went badly. I got sent here." Things had indeed gone very wrong. She still considered it a punishment detail. It wasn't a punishment likely to end soon given recent occurrences in the hanger bay. But she didn't worry about it. Worrying didn't change things. She still had her plan. She was unsure whether Kam was intoxicated or pretending. She'd assume the latter for the purposes of gambling and a prospective fight. Being Security tended to make a person cynical. That cynicism she hid behind a pleasant smile. Nor did she ask any questions in return. She was off duty.

Oh he mouthed, still smiling. He glanced back at Nunk. "Well?"

Nunk shifted a look between the two, and then glanced at the Nausicaan. "I think it was your, ah, turn," he said, quietly.

Tornigar flipped the table over. The move came with no warning. No growl, no snarl, no momentary hesitation. All of the contents, including the deck and Sivity's stone, went clattering across the floor as the table slammed into both Kam and Sivity. Kam, much as Sivity had surmised, was not drunk and had enough presence of mind to reach out and grab the top edge of the round table and vault over it. He glanced for a moment at the Andorian and was pleased to see that she too hadn't been taken off guard by the flipping table.

Sivity had been ready for something, but had expected more warning. Nonetheless she slipped from her seat and let the table sail past and somewhat over her with speed and grace. She watched as her stone pitched across the floor. If anyone sought to purloin it, they would be in serious trouble, she promised herself. However, she had serious and much more immediate trouble facing her. Fortunately the Bajoran seemed intent on tackling Nausican. It was all she needed.

Twenty years ago - hell, even ten years ago - Kam might have tried to go toe-to-toe with a full-sized Nausicaan warrior in his prime. Now? As Kam came over the table he flicked a handful of cards in Tornigar's face, which did nothing but make him grunt for a moment and look away. It was long enough for Kam to get a cheap shot in and hit Nunk in the face so hard that the Ferengi flew back, his hands gripping his bleeding nose as he wailed in pain. Kam flicked his ear for good measure. He turned back to see Tornigar advancing on him and looked at Sivity. He wasn't sure how she would end up fitting into all of this. Raela was nowhere to be seen. Well, it could be worse, he thought.

From her position on the floor, Sivity lashed out with her feet. A six inch spike heel slammed into the back of Tornigar's calf. She would have aimed at the Achilles tendon, but his stout footwear would have massively dulled the impact of that ploy. As it was, her stiletto heel sank into flesh like its namesake. Tornigar bellowed in outrage and wheeled about to attack the cause of his pain. She pulled her foot free before it was twisted by his sudden movement. She made no effort to stand. Her spike heels were her best asset at the moment. She planned to put them to further use. but to maximize their potential she needed Kam to distract Tornigar again. He seemed capable. She hoped that she'd judged him correctly. She might pay a hefty price if not.

Kam debated his options. He could abandon her, but he might need her. There was no telling how many goons there were floating around on the station. If he could break free long enough to get back to his ship... He cursed and, in a moment of what Emma Beckett, a Starfleet Admiral he knew, would have called "daring stupidity," he lashed out at the massive Nausicaan.

Tornigar was surprised. No, it wasn't surprise. He was shocked. Ice-hot pain had lanced up from the back of his calf and he felt his leg begin to give. No. The thought came out as a command. He willed himself to remain firm, and his massive hand reached down to grab the slender blue leg. As he felt his hand begin to wrap around the seemingly frail thing that had caused him so much pain, the entire world began to reel.

Kam felt the impact as much as Tornigar did. His left elbow impacted against the back of Tornigar's dense skull and sent him staggering away from Sivity. Before the beast could regain his footing Kam, who had drawn a knife, thrust it forward and into his back. As he did his free hand reached out and grabbed the mass of hair at the top of Tornigar's head and jerked it back. Tornigar fell back and Kam slithered away. He looked at Sivity for a moment, and then turned away. As he turned he found himself face to face with the Ferengi, a phaser held tight in his hand.

Kam almost laughed at the whipcord thin man, his heavy head precariously perched on his narrow neck, his bloodshot eyes locked on Kam's face. There was an edge of fear in those eyes, Kam decided. "Vendenje Kamdram," Nunk managed, injecting as much bravado in his voice as he could muster, "by order of the Federation Marshals, you are under arrest. Stand down and no harm will come to you - resist, and I'll be forced to shoot you."

Kam hit Nunk in the face. The blow was hard enough that Nunk's nose was completely crushed, and thick, red liquid poured freely from it. As patrons began to file out, some crying and others calling for Security, Nunk fell back against the bulkhead. He had dropped his weapon and was clutching his face, mewling loudly. Kam knelt down and scooped up the weapon, rolling it between his fingers. It was a small Federation issued weapon, and Kam shook his head, looking back at Sivity. "Nunk," he said, "you are a moron."

Tornigar had regained his footing, but he was in pain. He could feel the blood running down his back, though he couldn't see how bad the injury was. His leg was also throbbing, and every step came at an agonizing price.

The pain only fueled his anger as he stared at the Andorian. "I'm going to rip you open," he threatened, his voice a dark fury. He didn't care about the price on Kam's head anymore. He didn't care about the fact that he had been deputized, and he sure as hell didn't care about Nunk. He cared about the Andorian. He cared about killing her, and it was all he focused on as he lunged at her, his massive hands like claws as he reached for her.

Her gamble had paid of, but at what price? With massive claw-like hands racing to tear her apart she had little time for thoughts, let alone regrets. If it was she that held the phaser and not Kam, this would all be over. She didn't hold it though. She didn't hold anything. Seeing the look in the Nausicaan's eyes, Sivity realised that half measures would not work. Her very life hung in the balance. She rolled back as if in a defensive ball. A meaty hand engulfed her right ankle. The other lunged for her head. Her left foot shot upwards. She actually used Tornigar's firm grip of her right leg to imbue extra force into her thrust. Her spike heel stabbed him in the eye. Blood sprayed out. The scream of pain was almost deafening.

Tornigar was outraged and shocked as his vision was abruptly cut in half. His right hand came up to cover the wound as he reeled back involuntarily. He did not though release the cause of his pain. He was determined that the skinny, little, harlot would pay. He would break her legs, blind her and only then take her life.

Sivity was dragged bodily across the floor as the mighty Nausican stumbled backwards. Once again she found herself in a ludicrous situation. She was a member of Security - albeit a suspended one: she should not be fighting with deputised marshals. As with the scenario yesterday in which she'd managed to get herself suspended, she felt she had no choice. Maybe that wasn't true. Maybe she could have attempted to reason with Nunk and Tornigar. Maybe that would have resolved the situation far better. Yet a 'maybe' wasn't something she was prepared to risk her life for. She kicked out sharply again. This time her stiletto heel stabbed Tornigar on the inside of his wrist. Blood splattered the area. He reflexively released her and she tumbled to the side desperately hoping that her strike to his calf would slow him sufficiently for her to mount an even more effective defensive. So far, she'd acted solely out of desperation. Feeling the pain of his crushing grip that had been on her ankle, she wasn't overly optimistic, but she was a fighter. Sivity excelled at two things: fighting and shooting. The latter was by far her forte, but she was better than average at the former as Tornigar had learnt. Her appearance invariably led her opponents to underestimate her.

Tornigar's damaged leg was almost forgotten. the pain in his back had dulled and now barely registered. He released the hand covering his ruined eye and revealed the sickening sight of his burst eyeball. Blood flowed down the side of his face. The cut to his wrist bled heavily, but was not arterial. He bellowed wordlessly and charged.

Kam slid into a standing position and pointed Nunk's phaser at Tornigar. The soft, angry fire colored beam lanced across the room and slammed into Tornigar's chest. The thundering alien hit the deck with a shudder and slid towards Sivity, coming to a halt just before her. Kam tossed the weapon across the room - the last thing he needed was station security finding him with a phaser in his hand. He took one last look at Nunk, who only stared in disbelief. Months of planning, all wasted in moments because the damn Nausicaan didn't know how to be patient. He cursed and whimpered, clutching his ruined nose.

Kam looked at Sivity and then toward the exit. "We should probably go," he told her.

"Damn, wish I'd thought of that." She replied sarcastically, but then smiled ruefully. "I'm not sure whether I should arrest you or thank you, but whichever it's going to be it isn't happening here." She picked herself up with surprising grace given her ludicrously short dress and even more preposterously high heels. He had though, seen those heels in action.

Sivity cast a longing look at the discarded phaser, but quickly dispelled any thoughts of retrieving it. Its energy signature could be readily traced. It was best that she was not the one in possession of it when that happened. She flicked her long, white mane out of her eyes and headed for the door. Her heels had their uses, but making quick escapes was not one of them. If Kam wanted to run, he could and there was nothing she could do to stop him. However, she wasn't unduly bothered by that, even though perhaps she ought to have been. She'd just been released from detention that morning and here she was fighting with marshals, albeit they started it. The last thing she wanted was to have to make more detailed explanations and the subsequent reports. The mere thought of those reports sent a shiver of dread down her spine.

Her only saving grace was the environment. The patrons here were not ones apt to chatter, especially to the authorities. She hoped that talk of an attractive Andoran was substituted for some other race. Andorans were far from common and she was particularly memorable with her numerous charms and fetishes. That thought stoped her in her tracks.

"My stone!" She exclaimed in little more than a whisper before turning and trotting back inside to retrieve the red stone that had been knocked across the floor. Delighted to take possession of it again, she made her way as quickly as she could back to the exit.

Kam watched as she retrieved the stone, his interest piqued by her concern for it. As she reached him he turned to the exit, but pressed himself flat against the wall, his hand pushing her beside him. Three Security guards had begun to muscle their way through the panicked crowd. He watched them for a moment, and then pulled Sivity through the exit as they had turned their focus on Nunk. He could hear the Ferengi already shouting, pointing where the pair had vanished, but by the time the guards looked it was too late - they were gone.

-- Internal Docking Port 210 --

Kam eyed the edge of the corridor that led down the softly curved chamber. A general, all-too-normal flow of people moved through the area. He slowly began to walk down the line. Heavy doors lined the outer edge of the curved wall, each leading to a separate ship. Some ten or so doorways in and he slowed to a stop. He looked at the Andorian woman who stood waiting for him. "I doubt they'll come looking for you," he said. "Even though Nunk knows your name, he's not likely to tell them it." He smiled. "He may come knocking though."

"He's an idiot. If you have a phaser, use it." She laughed lightly at that. "On the other hand, never take advice from me." She'd managed to get herself suspended on NO pay for being rather too keen to use her weapon. Now she was bereft of one. "I don't know what you're supposed to have done and it's best that I don't know. You helped me. I helped you. It seems we are even. Wait. Take this."

She threw him the red stone.

"It's meant to bring luck, but since I've had it things have gone less than well. They might go worse without it, but I'll take the chance, I think." She then turned on her towering heels and headed back. A better luck stone was needed - sorely needed.

Kam held the small red stone up in the air and looked at it appraisingly. It had little value, he guessed, beyond the sentimental one the woman had placed in it. "Sivity," he said.

She half turned and looked quizzically back at him. "What?" She asked simply.

He threw the stone back at her. "Don't put your luck in things, or people. They'll only ever let you down."

"It doesn't work that way." She answered obliquely, catching the stone. She saw no point in trying to educate him. It wasn't something that could be achieved in the space of moments. With a smile she turned back and sashayed out of the hanger. Her white hair against the lustrous black of her scant rubber dress made for a memorable image.

Red was not a good colour, she decided. It was clearly time to trade her stone for a better one. Preferably on that actually worked.

Kam decided that the business he had with the young Security officer would wait. Nunk had revealed something more pressing - Chief Marshal Marcus Dael was back on his trail. That meant that Investigator Lambert wouldn't be far. Kam was running out of time, and Dael and Lambert were only going to slow him down. He nodded to Sivity, and vanished through the slowly opening entrance to his ship.


Vendenje Kamdram
Smuggler Captain, The Alei


Ensign Sivity Dar-Barriun
Security Officer


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