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On Suspension

Posted on Wed Sep 17th, 2014 @ 12:29pm by Ensign Sivity Dar-Barriun

Mission: Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Thieves
Location: Dojo

Being suspended, even without pay, wasn’t that bad. Of course most would worry about such a thing impacting negatively on their career. Most people would be concerned about the gossip and innuendo upon their return. Most people would try to occupy their time unobtrusively. Sivity Dar-Barriun wasn’t ‘most people’. Following her encounter in the Dive she’d immediately decided that she’d utilise her free time to improve her fitness and marksmanship. She never tired of shooting. The range had proven insufficient challenge, satisfying as it was to repeatedly hit the tiny bullseyes. The holo-deck had provided much sterner tests. There she’d had to vector in wind and movement. Shooting from a rolling ship’s deck in high seas had been positively exhilarating. She’d actually missed her target twice before she’d grown sufficiently acquainted with the variables to strike true.
Satisfied that she’d lost none of her skill with the ‘gun’, she moved onto physical fitness. The yoga was rewarding and relaxing. She drew significant satisfaction from improving her flexibility. She derived even more satisfaction from the many admiring glances she received in the gym. Of course, her scant attire also contributed to that in no small part. Lastly, she fought. It hadn’t been difficult to find some marines who’d were only too delighted to train her. Her proficiency had initially surprised them, but once they’d gauged her level she’d struggled. That had driven her on.
Thus she again found herself in the dojo facing the might of the klingon, Skorl. Two grinning humans sat watching at the edge of the mat. Sam and Magnus always seemed to be laughing. That frequently irritated Skorl, but his irritation only encouraged them. Why they were all such good friends, she didn’t understand. Further conjecture was denied by Skorl’s rapid attack. She back pedalled several times before sidestepping to strike at his right elbow, deftly redirecting the blow away from her. Naturally he had a ready response to that move and spun around to strike with a back fist to the jaw. She ducked and jabbed her fingers into his kidneys. The blow lacked power and he ignored it. Skorl then abruptly changed tactics. He powered forward and grappled her, easily picking her up around the waist to carry her forward and dump her onto the floor. Sivity clung on. She grabbed the back of his neck and upper left arm, almost at his armpit. When he slammed her down onto the mat, she pulled him with her and rolling with the blow pushed up with one leg whilst kicking with the other to flip the large klingon marine overhead. That elicited whoops of delight from the pair of onlookers. Skorl rolled and was back on his feet with alarming speed. Still, Sivity smiled; she’d survived longer against him than she had hitherto. The lessons were clearly paying off.
Skorl charged again. This time he aimed even lower, seeking to pick her up by the thighs. She feigned retreat, but pushed off with her back leg to dive over his back. She executed a forward roll and came back to her feet to hoots of delight as Skorl went sprawling. He slapped the mat in frustration, but came up smiling evilly. From his left boot he pulled a knife. Fortunately it wasn’t a real knife. She knew that the red light emitting from it would sting and that it would leave a mark. It was a good tool for assessing the knife wielder’s skill and an opponent’s defence.
Sivity successfully warded off the initial frenzied assault. This was mostly due to avoidance, not combat skill. Skorl then lunged. She managed a genuine block, but he spun with that momentum and hacked down at her head. Her X block stopped his brutal attack, but she lacked the strength to maintain such a hold. Moreover, he still had his other hand free. Before he could think to employ it, she released her hold and the knife plunged down, narrowly missing her. She caught the hand and spun under his arm as she’d been taught. The knife bit into the flesh of his upper ribs, almost in his armpit. He let out a grunt of pain and dropped the knife.
“That was well done.” He acknowledged simply. “You fight surprisingly well for one so small.”
“Yeah and all that without losing that infamous Andorran temper.” Chuckled Magnus.
“Well, I guess that’s as good a point as any to call it a day. Looks like the ice-cream and ales are on you Skorl – and you Magnus; I won that bet.” Sam teased as he stood to reveal his full height and physique. He’d been the one to quickly ascertain her fondness for ice cream and it had featured much of the subsequent betting.
Skorl shook her hand. It practically disappeared in his.
“I’ll get showered and be right with you.” She confirmed.
“Hey, if you need you back washing – or anything else – just shout.” Sam teased and received an admonishing stare for his trouble. As she departed for the showers she heard them already taking odds on how long it would take her to reappear. She decided that she should get suspended more often. It was definitely far more fun than filling in reports.


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