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Fire in the Hole

Posted on Tue Oct 14th, 2014 @ 3:15pm by Captain Liarra Von & Major Alexandria Somers & Lieutenant Commander Drewe Reed & Captain Jeff Smith & 1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen & Lieutenant JG Erica De'Havean & Hyram

Mission: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Myaz Capital, Sovereign's Palace/Various
Timeline: Immediately following "Search and Rescue"

After Allen had arranged things and the location of the prisoners were known, it was time to move in.

- Team One - Sovereigns Palace corridors-

Making sure her team was ready "okay be ready to hand over your hand Phasers to the captives, I think the captain might want some payback" She said and her team smiled.

"Okay move out, quietly now" Naomi said and led her team towards the throne room.

As Team one moved along the corridors, the guards were pretty lax and were easily rendered unconscious, but Naomi noticed as they got closer to the throne room the guards became more alert. Up until now her team had advanced on the throne room, they were in sight of the main doors, but well out of sight.

"K'Lagg, ready two stun grenades, from this moment on it is going to get hot and noisy, wait for my signal" She said and both nodded as they pulled some flash grenades and made ready.

During this Naomi used her sub-dermal communicator.

- Throne Room -

Smith was sitting next to Von after another little walk when he perked up Griffiths to Smith we are in the palace and insight of the throne room, be ready; oh and fire in the hole came his CO's voice.

He looked over at Von and quietly said, "Word from the major."

"What's the word?" Von asked casually. She didn't want to alert the guards to anything.

"She said 'fire in the hole.'," he responded, and really hoped Von knew what it meant.

Liarra nodded and quickly lowered her head and covered her ears and eyes. A shot time later a bang followed by a loud sound and bright light a sign of two Stun grenades going off outside the throne room, followed by yelps of pain, Smith noticed the guards had suddenly become alert as it dawned on them that they were being attacked. As the noise and sound died away and despite being the other side of the door his ears had a light ringing sound and the guards closer to the door must be worse off were now facing the doors with their backs to the captives.

Suddenly the doors burst open and the guards were silenced quickly, when his eyes got used to the brighter light he saw the Major.

"Okay lets go to the evac point," Naomi said handing her hand phaser to Von while the rest of the team handed their hand Phasers over to Smith and Reed. "We got two minutes to get back" She said then looked at Von. "Captain until we are back on the Carthage remain behind my men, you are more important than us and for the moment this is my SAR, now lets go," she said.

Liarra took the phaser and immediately opened it to check the power cells. Confirming a full charge, she checked the setting and confirmed heavy stun. "Negative, Major. I've promised a friend that we'll get a message out to his people." She gestured with her head towards Niru. "And I'm not breaking that promise. Take Reed and get back to the shuttle and hold the position. Give me Smith and another one of your marines to come with me."

Looking back at Von "OH! was not to know, okay" She said and looked at her marines "Smith, K'Laag go with the Captain, she is to remain alive and well at all times, understood?"

"I understand" K'Laag said, being a Klingon he had little use for fancy words.

"Got it boss" Smith replied

Looking back to Von "okay Captain all yours, good luck" She said then paused.

Suddenly Griffiths's implant activated Allen to Griffiths, a large heavily armed group is returning back to the palace you have less time than you thought Allen out

Looking at Reed "Commander we are going to have to double time it, just got word that a large group is returning back to the palace and none are looking none too happy" Griffiths said as she picked up the pace, now they did not both binding and gagging who they stunned as they advanced.

"The team exited the building the way they entered and re-stunned the waking guards, her duty was to her team and compatriots and the other officers with them. They leaped over the fencing and back into the undergrowth, making good time, all was going so well when Disruptor fire began coming their way."

"Run now" Griffiths said and broke into a full out run.

- Team Two - Extraction site -

Jasmine watched a very upset group of hostile guards practically run back to the Palace with extra guards in tow and would you not know it the woman actually looked mad.

"Did you get word to the Major?" Graal asked.

"Just did" Jasmine added as she returned back to her team. All perked up as they heard Disruptor fire coming their way "Allen to De'Havean get our ride here NOW!" she said as her team pointed their weapons at the rustling leaves.

Erica took off, quick and stayed low, just barely clearing the treetops at some of the taller twigs off their supporting branch scraped the bottom of the shuttle as she poured on the speed, as she approached the pick-up zone.

Out popped Griffiths as all of them slightly panting turned and began exchanging weapons fire "SIT REP El tee?" Naomi asked crouching down and firing.

"Shuttle is en-route Major" Allen responded as a faint engine noise could be heard from behind them and it was coming closer as she fired her weapon in the direction of the oncoming weapons fire.

While this was going on the units Medic was tending to the captives with a quick fix hypo.

Walking to the counselor "Commander a little pick me up" Sergeant Sarah Parker said pressing the hypo to Reed's shoulder "I recommend you visit the doc when we get back to the Carthage" she said.

"Thanks," Drewe offered, wincing reflexively as the hypo hissed against her. "I don't think 'Doctor, heal thyself' applies here," she added with a wan smile.

Nodding she moved onto the next person in line.

Erica smiled at having an armed shuttle at her disposal. She could see the Sojourners advancing on the Marines and those that they rescued. She sprayed the area in the direction of the Sojourner Ground Troops with phaser fire, as her hand flew over the extra controls on a nearby panel.

"Well now ain't that perfect timing " Griffiths said looking up as the shuttle landed.

"Remind me to buy the pilot a drink." Drewe answered, not happy about how things had gone to hell but ready to get out of there. She worried for her Captain, but felt obligated to keep hopeful.

Erica set the shuttle down as she sent more destructive energy towards the enemy, opening the big troop doors in back so the Marines can board, keeping the shuttle a few inches off the ground so she could maneuver if necessary...

As Griffiths and her marines boarded the shuttle Griffiths sat in the co-pilots seat and noticed the shuttle lifting off "what the hell!!!"

Once everyone was aboard and secure, Erica maneuvered the troop transport shuttle for the stars, pouring on the speed, shoving the throttles to full maximum speed. Making sure that the Marines closed the back hatch and it was secure before they left the atmosphere. For it would be a very short rescue attempt for those that rode in the Troop area of the shuttle.

Looking at Erica "Ensign get back down there in those woods, Captain Von is fulfilling a promise and we leave no one behind, so get back down there and put the shuttle in powermode down" She paused as she saw troops arriving at the position they were at. "Better yet find a safe area to put down, the jamming is non-existent on the planet, we can keep in contact with the Captain there" She said.

As the shuttle descended again they cleared the jamming zone.

Tapping her commbadge "Griffiths to Von."

Von here, came the voice over Griffiths's comm channel. Sounds of phaser fire could be heard in the background.

"Set your tricorder scanner to 346598.001 frequency and when you are ready to leave come find the shuttle," she said.

Copy that, Major. I hope not to be spending too much long here. I'll contact you on the way out. You may need to get closer to us though. It won't be easy getting out.

"Confirmed, Griffiths out," she said and looked at De'Havean.

Erica just shrugged in her usual fashion and focused on her helm control as she settled the shuttle in a new spot that was less hazardous. The spot was able to conceal the shuttle from the air with a good egress if needed. "So we just sit here and twiddle our claws?" more of a sarcastic comment than a question that needed no answer.

Looking at Erica "No, if the Captain needs us we will fly in and collect them ourselves, it is just lucky that we have the ships best pilot here" Griffiths said.

Erica growled a bit in response, "I know that. Longer we stay here, less chance of making a clean break. Sojourners ain't stupid." Claws tapped impatiently on the console in front of her. "It's the numbers I'm worried about."

Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer
Starbase 332

Major Naomi Griffiths
Company Commander
Omega Company

Lt. Commander Drewe Reed
Chief Counselor
Starbase 332

Niru [NPC - Gunning]
Sovereign's Aide
Myaz Sovereignty

Ensign Erica De'Havean [P: Akiashiro]
Acting Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Carthage

Captain Jeff Smith [NPC - Griffiths]
Omega Company

1st Lieutenant Jasmine Allen [NPC - Griffiths]
Omega Company


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