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Sending Word

Posted on Fri Jan 2nd, 2015 @ 9:55pm by Amelia Darby

Mission: Sins of Lives Past
Location: Lower Promenade

Slipping away from the crew in the crowded hangar deck was easy, but for Amelia Darby the hard part was still to come.

She made her way out of the hangar, careful to ensure that none of her crewmates could see her, and made her way through the throng of refugees, traders, travellers and locals to find a public access terminal.

She found herself in what was undoubtedly one of many market sections of a starbase this size. This one was filled with a variety of different stores, kiosks, bars, restaurants and more than a fair share of vacant shopfronts. People must have got out when the bomb hit, Darby thought to herself as she passed a boarded up space that was once something called “Dingo’s”. Next door to that she found a café with three public access terminals arranged along a wall adjacent to the coffee bar.

“Can I use one of these?” she asked the staff member behind the bar.

“Only for customers,” the short Grazerite snapped angrily.

Darby rolled her eyes, Whatever happened to customer service?. “Fine,” she said, “give me a coffee. Now can I use the terminal?”

With a gutteral growl, the Grazerite nodded at the terminals, giving her permission. She ignored the attitude and snuck a quick look over her shoulder to make sure nobody was watching her then sat down. From a concealed pocket under the lapel of her jacket she pulled out a tiny two centimetre long device, that she inconspicuously attached to the underside of the console. This would immediately encrypt all of her messages and scramble any tracking software in the machine. Standard protocol, really.

It was also standard protocol to send a simple text message, rather than bother with visual communication. It was a simple message of only one line and she tapped it out quickly before hitting send. The message gone, she detached the device from under the console and stood up, brushing past the Andorian waitress who was bringing her coffee. There were bemused shouts following her out of the café but she didn’t turn back. She tucked her hands into her coat pockets and disappeared into the crowd.

Making her way along the path through the promenade she knew that Telan and the crew would take, making as much haste as she could to catch them up.

She had done exceptionally well at maintaining her cover, even if she did say so herself. Earning Telan’s trust was easy; the man wasn’t nearly as good at sniffing out deception as he thought he was. Some of the others didn’t like her, but she was confident they didn’t know her true purpose. Or if they suspected something was amiss, they weren’t even close to the truth.

It didn’t take long for her to catch up to her crewmates. She spotted them just as they were about to pile into a turbolift to take whisk them elsewhere in the Starbase. A stroke of luck.

“Hey wait up, you guys!” she called, waving to get their attention. The Romulan held the turbolift door and Darby skipped in. “You took off so quick, I almost lost ya.”


Amelia Darby [NPC: Deakin]
Bitter Vengeance


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