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Welcome Home to Archa

Posted on Tue Apr 14th, 2015 @ 3:36pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ill Tidings
Location: Archa IV :: University City Apartment
Timeline: P: 14:45 hrs


Samanthia quickly unpacked, putting her stuff away as she was glad her Roomie, Salena was out either at her part time job downstairs in the store, or in school or out with friends. It made it easier to get the black-case into her private room and set up.

The apartment's private communicator chimed with an incoming call. She left her room and walked in stocking covered feet to answer it. "Hello?" Once she hit accept, the screen came to life showing one of her classmate.

One of the many who was part of her study group. Rolphord, even though he was in her age range, showed an interest in her more than just working on assignments and projects together. "I missed you in class today. I hope you are feeling well." From what he could see from his end of the link, it was obvious he was looking her over.

"I had to run to the Starbase for some stuff and gotten delayed. Manager of two establishments." Samanthia smiled with a gentle eye roll. "You know how that gets to be..."

Rolphord nodded with an understanding chuckle. "Well you got lucky. No pop-quizzes today. Would it be okay for me to swing by the apartment? I made copies of my notes." Lifting up bottle of Archa finest Champagne with a ribbon bow flower stuck to the side near the top.

Samanthia laughed at seeing the "notes" he held, "Sure come on over! My appointed time at the U's Archive isn't till later." Seeing he was well pleased at the response he got when he showed the bottle of wine.

"I'll be up soonish, Sammy." With that he closed the link. Winked at Salena behind the register who pointed to the shortcut stairs that lead up the higher levels.

Samanthia paniced a bit as she had nothing ready to be presentable for her visiter. She rushed into her bedroom and stripped off the jeans and simple formfitting t-shirt. She quickly rummaged through her meager collection of dresses, pulling out the hot white number she wore when she went out with Sivity to The Dive.

Just as she was brushing her hair out, someone politely pounded on her door to the apartment. It couldn't be him here already! She didn't have her make up on yet. But she was lucky to be the type that didn't really need it.

She scampered to answer the door, forgetting her shoes. She peeked through the peephole and saw Rolphord standing there looking extremely pleased. She opened the door, running her eyes over his physique. He was dressed in a simple slacks and polo shirt with a sports collar. Bottle in one hand and folder in the other. "Come in, Come in!" Stepping back and to the side to allow him to pass into the apartment.

Rolphord smiled wider as he stepped into the Apartment, handing off the champagne to her. "Ni-ice place you got here. Bet it costs you a bundle to lease this place."

Samanthia shut the door behind him and led the way deeper into the common room. "I get a discount as I share the place with the Owner's Daughter." Being honest with him as she went into the kitchen to get glasses to share the champagne.

"I wonder if I could be sooo lucky." He had ignored the offer to be seated and followed her into the kitchen. Keeping out of her way. "But then I'd have to sell my house out in the residential area."

"Oh no! Keep your house. At least you don't have to worry about evictions." Looking at him with a smile.

"So true! Why don't you move in with me. Got plenty of rooms. I'm sure I could scrounge up an extra vehicle for you to use." Rolphord spoke, liking the way Samanthia was familiar with the kitchen and the manner she easily prepped the drinks for the both of them.

Samanthia handed him one of the glasses of champagn. She was flattered that Rolphord made the offer. They both were successful in their chosen fields of work and had time to pursue an interest out of home and work. "I'll think about it." As they clinked glasses together. "Friendship" she toasted softly.

"May it grow deeper," Rolphord added his toast to hers.

They both took a sip of champagne and moved to the livingroom where the chairs were more comfortable. As they settled, Samanthia put on some mellow Archaian music that they both enjoyed before settling down next to him on the sofa. "Anything advance warning of the dreaded Pop Quiz?" Samanthia asked tucking her feet up next to her.

"Nope. Not this close to finals." He spoke getting comfortable as he gently placed his arm on the backrest and her shoulders. "I am getting our study group together at my place to study for the finals and last minute polishing up our fictious Archeological Find with displays. Just need the group's input for the finishing touches." Letting is hand drape over her shoulder. "You're looking beautiful for one who is extremely busy."

Samanthia nodded as she scooted a bit closer to him, liking the way he wore his cologne. She looked at him. "That should be interesting to see. Bet most other groups are going for the quickie displays." Speaking softly, enjoying the company.

"Trink-Leia made some really nice bones for the display," Rolphord spoke as he adjusted his arm to rest fully on her shoulders and his hand a bit lower, just enough to cop a feel or two. He leaned forward to give her a kiss.

Samanthia looked up at him and met his kiss with one of her own as the glasses of champagne were forgotten....


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