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Belated Apology Gift

Posted on Sun Aug 9th, 2015 @ 6:07pm by Colonel S'er'in'e & Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Location: TBD
Timeline: TBD

Now that S'er'in'e had more time on his hands he could focus more on what needed to be done. Earlier though not his fault as to the cause the result however went against that which held firm within him. A male can not touch a female without consent. Samanthia accidentally walked into his back early in his time on the Starbase and as a result his tail tightly bound around her in reflex to support himself from falling as he gripped the wall.

Now that his personal effects had been delivered he was left with the task of finding a suitable gift to offer as an apology for his act against her person. He thought long and hard about what he would give, it demanded that the gift was of a personal nature and of value be it of significance to the giver or of culture. After nearly an hour he had picked the gift, packaged it and though somewhat heavy they could be easily moved by hand and headed to Warp 12 where he hoped Samanthia would be and hoped to see her privately for his gift.

Samanthia moved through her lounge as it was temporary closed to change the holo-projection décor to a new layout. The vast room that held her lounge was bare till she activated the holo-projectors. She looked at the PADD in her hand as she went through previous settings and viewing them. One of the doors was open incase of an emergency.

S'er'in'e walked in slowly with his cargo, the view continued to change but one figure remained constant. "Excuse me." S'er'in'e hoped that he was not interrupting too much in his wish to satisfy the requirement posed upon him by his actions.

Samanthia twirled deftly on the balls of her feet to see who had spoke. As most would've honored the temporary closed sign. "We're closed for renovation." Pausing in her holo-designing the Warp-12 lounge into a new lay-out. Seeing it was S'er'ine, and it was obvious he was new to the station. "You need something?"

"Actually, something for you." He spoke carrying the two cases. "With my resignation from Starfleet I could focus on things, one of which is an apology to you." S'er'in'e went on to explain what happened when his tail coiled about her frame to stop himself from falling. He explained that a male could not touch a female unless permitted to do so and doing so without it went against everything he was taught and raised on. "As a result I am required to give you a gift, something personal, to show sincerity in the act."

He placed the larger of the two parts on the floor, the second smaller and slimmer part on top. He opened its doors to reveal metal slates, silver in appearance and size. Very small at top working to larger at the base. 42 solid Platinum plates. "For you." He bowed respectfully and took a pace back.

Samanthia could see the monetary value of the plates and also the sentimental value they held for S'er'in'e. She shook her head with a smile and a soft giggle. "You have brought no offence to me when your tail wrapped around my waist. I understood the need to keep one's balance. It should've been me apologizing to you for bumping into you." Looking up at him, seeing the sincerity of his demeanor. "Apology accepted, but I insist you keep these." She picked them up to hand back as the set was quite heavy for her. "How about a home cooked meal instead?"

"As you wish." S'er'in'e replied. "When would you like the meal?" He'd need to make his home ready, make sure everything was in it's proper place. "Also I am unfamiliar with many Human foods, what would you like to eat?" He asked, he didn't want to prepare her something which she didn't like thus ruining the alternative apology gift.

Samanthia laughed softly, "no no.. you come to my place and I'll fix and serve the meal." Samanthia typed in several commands and the holo-projectors came to life with a totally different interior look. Looking like an outdoor lawn with pockets of bushes that held the tables within their circle. Opening facing the Gazebo-like stage and the Viewport out into space, resembled a Big Movie Screen. She spun to take in her handy work. "Love the holo-deck technology. Makes it easy to transform a room." Looking back at S'er'in'e. "Whatcha think?"

S'er'in'e looked about the room. "Very...tranquil." He replied as he finished his view. "When would be most suited for our meal?" He asked so that he could plan ahead and make sure he would attend on time and prompt.

"Nowwa." Samanthia pocketed the PADD in her simple soft two tone pink sundress. Turning to two employees. "Make sure these crates of his," nodding towards S'er'in'e, "are secure." She watched two of her employees pick up the set of crates that contained his paw prints and move them into her Office.

Once his hand paws were free again, Samanthia grabbed one gently. "Relax, S'er'in'e. I'm not going to harm you." Feeling his rough paw pads and claws. Gently tugged on him to lead the way to the central turbo-lift.

S'er'in'e followed, nervous as she held his hand. He didn't want to cut or injure her with his claws and knew how sharp they were from the many times tending to them yet her touch was gentle, calming. He smiled and in doing so his fangs appeared again trusting what Corrine had said about not hiding what he was.

Samanthia walked next to him, letting a comfortable silence fall between them. She greeted a few friends enroute to the central Turbo lift, "Is there anything I need to pick up food-wise that is acceptable to your palate?" Glancing up at S'er'in'e. Even though the apartment came with a replicator, some foods were better if prepped from their raw state.

"Anything will be acceptable, fish or meat is preferred for ease of cutting." His stride reduced to allow a comfortable pace and step for Samanthia. "Caitian cutlery would also help." He added, Caitian cutlery was simply a larger form of the standard sort, it was used when dining with others as claws were only used in front of ones Mate or alone.

Samanthia shifted her hand a bit to have a better grip on his paw-hand and in a fashion not to get poked by his sharp claws. She liked the mixed texture of his paw-hand from roughness of the pads, hardness of the curved needle like claws as they semi-wrapped around her finger and the soft warmth of his clean fur. She was probably breaking all sorts of Caitian taboos. She was sure he would let her know if she was.

"Well, you'll have to use the replicator to get some made." She smiled as she looked up at him and walked right into someone bending over, sending the person flying into the wares the person was looking at. "Excuse me!" As she kept moving along.

The person recovered and looked at them, getting ready to bring righteous hell upon them. Then just looked away and apologized to the Merchant, whose wares sent scattered all over.

His hand being much larger than hers meant his fingers could curl around her hand easier than hers around his. Mindful of his claws he essentially tried to copy the hold she had on him. "Should not be a problem, the style is readily available. " As they walked he looked around, his waist twisting with each step but a few times the swing of his tail would dance across the backs of her thighs. Tails could have minds of thier own sometimes. "I apologize." Once again the whole notion of touch without permission being made evident by his apology.

Samanthia looked up at him. "If you keep apologizing to me, S'er'in'e. You're going to feel indebted to me for several lifetimes. Accidental touches do happen. I imagine even it happens on your home-world." She bumped into him gently, not hard enough to upset his balance. "So relax and enjoy life. Ser. You know how to have fun don't you?"

S'er'in'e was surprised at first expecting her to react differently to how she had. "I do." S'er'in'e replied and the smirk confirmed it, he knew very well how to have fun. How exactly that crossed to other species was still a bit of a grey area but he knew. He still held her hand however and the smirk still present as they walked. Sometimes his tail would poke her in the back gently, the side, wisp an ankle. His face fained innocence as he looked around trying to be oblivious to what was happening. He was as she put it 'relax and have fun'.

They reached the Central Turbo Lifts without much more incidents. Samanthia smiled at feeling the occasional touching of his tail and the way he held her hand. But then she didn't give him much choice on that. She hit the summons button for the turbolift. Turning to face him. "How's the job hunting coming along?" Still within his personal space as she held his paw-hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Turning his head to look at her he replied. "Aside from the application to your security force, little else I am afraid." He felt her gentle squeeze and returned it with one of his own. "I remain hopeful however." He concluded as the doors opened to a packed Turbolift. He didn't recognize any of the occupants as they started to step off but to step out of the way S'er'in'e moved closer to Samanthia, the space between them closing to within mere inches.

Samanthia could smell his masculine feline scent. She shifted a bit, hoping that he couldn't scent her arousal. It had been a long time being single. With her free hand, she gently rubbed his exposed furry hand as her mind drifted a bit. "I'll see about getting it expedited so you whont worry about losing a pace to stay." Looking up at him with more interest than required.

One of her friends exiting the turbo lift, seeing Samanthia and S'er'in'e quite close together, "Pssst! Turbo lift is more private, Sammy." Staged whispered as they passed by the couple. Samanthia blushed as she nearly dragged S'er'in'e into the now empty turbo-lift.

The noticed blush, the spoken comment, the attention he was getting. S'er'in'e had noticed but until the comment was spoken and due to inexperience he'd not put the three together. Then came the pull of him by Samanthia into the lift. Once inside the most obvious came to his keen smell. He wondered if silence was unsettling her and because of his view on such matters he spoke without embarrassment. He turned to face her. "Samanthia if I may ask. Are you interested in me?" Some may think he blurted it out so simply but he simply wanted to understand the situation he found himself in.

Samanthia hesitated as she gave thought to what he had just said. Her mind screaming to back off, but her body had other ideas. "Deck 1403," Stalling a bit to get herself under control as the doors closed and dropped down to the desired level. She still held his paw-hand in hers. Having to face him, now that the question was out in the open. "Yes. I am." Looking up into his eyes, "your welfare. If I am too forward. I hope I haven't offended you in anyway." She fidgeted a bit.

So did that mean she was only looking out for him as a friend would another? He was unsure. "No offence taken." He answered. "I regret that I am unfamiliar with the customs of Human relationships. I am forced to ask what happens next?" A dangerous time for him now for if she was interested in him in a relationship as he saw it, the emotional, physical and sexual then there were things she had to know.

"We enjoy the time spent together. A meal..." Samanthia smiled up at him as she leaned against him. "...And relax. What music you like?" She would have to look up Caitian Customs later as she felt something different about herself like the time when she saw her first husband.

S'er'in'e returned the smile and in doing so his fangs appeared. When she leaned against him he felt different, warmer inside. Hesitantly at first but his tail coiled about her waist twice given her small frame and his long tail. His hand continued to hold hers, if this was a relationship then he would have to share things with her, help her understand his ways and what it meant, Caitians were not like Humans and in some regards, more fragile in some areas. "Instrumental mostly, music without words or vocals."

"We call that genre of music, Symphony. I enjoy it also." She felt secure and warm when she felt his tail wrap around her waist. She fell quiet as her mind drifted, watching the numbers increase as the turbolift dropped down the stem of the starbase to Deck 1403.

Deck 1403

Samanthia led the way passed the Security Checkpoint after signing in S'er'in'e . They entered another corridor that was vastly different than the others. The lighting a bit more subdued with brighter spots that highlighted ancient antiques of armors, paintings and manuscripts in Mandarin Chinese. Potted plants intermingled between the displays. Carpet soft and sound adsorbing. The short Corridor ended at a cross corridor. Samanthia lead the way to her apartment.

S'er'in'e was quick to free her from his tail when the lift slowed to a halt, he followed her where she lead as this was new territory for him and knew very little or next to nothing about it. He was slightly worried that she spoke little, which in turn compounded his worries about the situation and his own inexperience did little to sway and doubts to positive outlooks. He followed slightly behind and to her right as he took in the views the walk offered, somewhat relaxing he felt as the decor was clearly well looked after and tasteful throughout.

She approached a door that was seen throughout the station, opened silently on well maintained rollers, when they was caught by the doors sensors. "Home. Come on in." She led the way into her apartment, giving him an inviting smile filled with warmth. It definitely had her touch, Pictures of her twins and a handsome Fleet Officer in Engineering department yellow. Few plants scattered about the room along with comfortable furniture that definitely wasn't designed for a feline species. Open kitchen and three closed doors leading off the main room they just entered. Soft pleasant music began to play "Make yourself comfortable."

S'er'in'e followed her in and looked around, a well decorated place indeed, everything seemed to have a place. When he saw the pictures he momentarily worried. The last thing he wanted was for this individual in gold to come through the door and see him, if even innocently, with Samanthia. Then he remembered, she had told him she was single in an earlier meeting plus he could not pick up any scent other than Samanthia's. He felt himself relax somewhat, the scene was more relaxing for sure than a packed Warp-12.

Samanthia slipped off her shoes and slid them to a spot next to the door, along with several other pairs of different styles of shoes. "Replicator over there." She pointed it out, near the kitchen's utility counter. She moved into the kitchen.

Walking to the replicator S'er'in'e used it to obtain himself some cutlery. He also replicated two more of the fizzling drink that had caused much amusement before. The liquid mix than once it touched the tongue would fizzle, a burst of flavour and then swallowed. He smiled as he replicated the drinks remembering the moment and the storm that brought them together. "Shall we try again?" He asked, the cutlery wrapped in a napkin held by his tail while in his hands were the drinks.

Samanthia smiled at seeing the drinks being offered, recognizing the dinks by their color. "Sure." She nodded to the table to place the cutlery he had made for himself. She took one of the offered drinks, letting her hand gently caress his furry paw/hand. "To apology accepted and friendship." Friendship was spoken in a tone that had a deeper meaning. She clinked her glass gently against his in toast. Wiser, she sipped the drink to really enjoy the drink.

"Well put." His glass touched her own then he moved to place his cutlery on the table. Many questions danced about his mind about what she had said but thought perhaps such things could wait, at least for now. He went so far as to set the table, it was the least he could do in light of Samanthia preparing the meal.

Once he was done he moved back to the counter to join her. "Is there something you wish help with?"

"You seam a bit shy around females. Most males by now would be all over me." Samanthia spoke as she got him started on the salad, then started on the main course. Fresh fish from Archa IV. "What's the deal with that?" Laying out the stuff to make the meal.

"Not shy, just respectful." S'er'in'e replied. "Females on the Homeworld are the dominant sex, they hold positions of authority, respect and power. The males serve. You may have noticed that I have apologized repeatedly for touching you, offered you a gift to make amends for it, because a male can not touch a female without her consent." He began to explain. "In many castes on the Homeworld they choose a Mate for themselves, in mine often we are assigned one to suit and match our abilities, selective breeding it could be called. For relationships with non Caitians we defer to the females choice of action."

He paused while he began the next addition to the salad. "As I mentioned before I have no experience with Human relationships, so I am not accustomed to how things are done. If you are certian a relationship with me you wish then there are things you should know."

S'er'in'e paused making the salad. What he had to say next was important. "Caitians enter what could be called a 'Bonding' period, were I would need something that you have recently worn or been in contact with your body for a time. We atune ourselves to that scent. Like a voice, even blindfolded I would be able to find you in a room filled with people. Those in my caste once bonded stay bonded for life, they devote themselves to that female for the rest of their lives. The female if they choose can break off the relationship at this early stage if they wish to, but any later and harm would befall the male."

"If you still wish a relationship with me then I would bond to you, I would find comfort being around you, being able to smell you, your scent. I would be free to touch you, be affectionate to you, you of course would be free to do as you wished with me as is the female right. That said, there are risks to you for example I am what I am, my weight is considerable in comparison to your own thus sleeping with me may take some used. My claws as you have noticed are sharp, something I pride myself on, as are my fangs. As the female you would of course be able to see my claws at any time, feel them, even tend to them should you wish and I would show you how."

Samanthia worked on prepping the fish as she listened to S'er'in'e. "What about casual intimacies?" Looking at him in the eyes with a slight flush to her face and voice a bit breathy. She stood before the open oven, holding the platter with the prepped fish.

Was this what she meant in the Turbolift? He wondered. "Possible but grows harder to maintain as time goes on due to scent and bonding process. Its not something we choose to turn off or on. It just happens."

"I seeeee..." Samanthia drawled softly spinning gracefully and inserting the platter of food into the oven to cook. "So the more time we spend together, more you become bonded to me?" Pushing the start button after she closed the oven door. "I figured there was some sort of secret ritual that had to be performed." Giving him a soft smile that lit her face up with warmth. She leaned back against the counter as she looked at him over the rim of her glass that held the delightful drink.

S'er'in'e smiled. Hed already finished his drink before working on the salad. "It is true and the more time we spend together then the bonding process begins. If this is not what you wish then please let me know so i can take precautions." What exactly was hard to say, to Caitians ot was all mental but there were ways.

"Ah! So the toms can play before committing. So wise to be prepped," Samanthia smiled delighted. She took a sip of the drink. "Does Cait export this drink?" Raising the glass after enjoying the drink. Her mind operating on different levels. Somehow several buttons on her blouse came open showing more skin. "You can put the salad on the table if you like."

"It does. However what you have is not nearly as potent as the real thing." Of which he had two bottles of such a drink in his quarters. His eyes darted to her blouse then to her eyes again, a tormenting view even if nothing was being revealed but additional cleavage. Still it was pleasing to the eye. "Play, yes." What was she upto? Was she taunting him? Teasing him? Or was she unaware? His predatory look however couldn't be mistaken, even the slight grin. He then moved to place the salad on the table.

It felt strange to her that she could still get that predatory look from males and it was ego lifting. She moved about the kitchen and finished setting the table for two. The soft aroma of cooking fish wafted through the room. Samanthia placed her drink at her spot. She moved with a light bounce in her step adding the finishing touch to the table. "Sit," Motioning him have a seat at the table when the chime to the oven sounded. She moved passed him, brushing up against him as she passed him. She grabbed two oven mitts for the hot platter in the oven. "Could grab that folded towel?" Nodding towards a towel that used for placing hot platters on so they wouldn't burn the table. She opened the oven, letting steam and a strong aroma of cooked fish and vegetables fill the room in a burst.

He watched her keenly, ears alert and forward facing towards her. He smiled when she brushed up against him, she was behaving much like a Caitian female with her actions even if she was unaware of it. He grabbed the towel and placed it so the meal would be within easy reach for both.

She took out the platter and moved back to the table carrying it. It almost as if she never lost her husband, all that was missing was the twins. She shook her head a bit clearing the image and focusing on the now. She set the platter on the towel.

As she straightened up, taking off the oven mitts and placing them on the counter. She smiled at him as she took her seat across from him. "Tell me more about Cait" Serving up the fish for them both.

S'er'in'e went on to talk about his Homeworld, where he grew up, the places he had been, sights he had seen. He spoke of the foods, drinks, products made and exported. A lush green planet with rivers and dense woodland areas, almost like a tropical Risa that brought back fond memoriea of timea oast for him. He didnt lose that predatory look however, still present as it had been before he sat down.

She lost herself in his voice telling of Cait, as she ate. Taking in his graceful masculine movements. She told of her time as a child growing up on the Hawaiian Islands her time aboard starships and various places she had been, as he talked of Cait. She could see his love for his home world.

As he ate the cutlery being a big help in light of his inability to use his claws. The fish was divine, succulent and fell apart in the mouth. The view was equally appealing, Samanthia's beauty was clearly evident and wondered if she was aware of the display she was putting on for him. He shifted in his seat to uncoil his tail from his waist. "How is the meal?" He asked noting her interest in him talking.

"Hell a lot nicer with company," She spoke softly, unaware that she lifted her hand and undid more buttons on her blouse as she looked at him. She stood up, reaching out to him. "I'll get the dishes later..."

Wiped his mouth and claws he placed the napkin next to his plate, the view which she must be unaware of further enhanced now when she reached for him. Standing and his tail free once again he give her his hand with a gentle touch. The view was still decent, no bra or undergarment visable but the view just more pleasing to the eye. "Of course."

She led him into the bed room.....


Fade to black.


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