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Disruption : Phase 2

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2015 @ 6:37pm by Samanthia Akiashiro
Edited on on Mon Jul 4th, 2016 @ 3:37pm

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Location: SB - 332

Ar'touice summoned his subleaders for a meeting in his office. Looking over the motly group that was part of this conspiracy. "Remember. This suppose to e non-violent project. If you land up in the brig or get deported back to Archa IV, you're pretty much on your own. We're here to tie up a lot of resources, be wasteful, leave messes all over the place. Tie up the turbolifts by overcrowding them but just enough so that one or two of the stations personnel can get to work. Those that have jobs, remember your role is to do the job as slowest as you can and be wasteful in using the materials. If you can leave a mess behind do so." He looked over the group of his leaders looking at him all eager and ready to go to bring Justice to the Federation and to Archia's plight with being forced to support the Refugees that they didn't want in the first place.

His subleaders nodded and soon dispersed, and leaving the warehouse to pass the word along to those that were going to do the dirty work. Each going their own separate ways.

Service Crew, Promenade.

The sub leader moved through the crowds of the Promenade looking for those that were under his command. Seeing the first, he passed by and slipped a note into his pocket in passing. Both gave each other a bumping of the fist as they parted ways. One looking for more of his followers and the other finding a secluded spot to read the note.

It has begun. Pass the word.

The serviceman tore the note up and dropped it into container that held other trash. he moved on with his cart getting into the main flow of those on the promenade. Slowing down and moving in a wayward manner to disrupt the flow as he did his job a bit slower than usual. He parked his cart in front of business entrances with room for one person to pass by as he moved off to empty the nearby trash container.


Once they had gotten word to begin their part, scattered onto the Promenade, Each finding separate places to enter and annoy the shop owners and employees with senseless questions and even asking to be hired on. Some would shop, looking at clothes by pulling them off the racks and then move to a different part of the store to lay down the garment, before moving on to look another outfit.

The Bars and Eateries

This was going to be a challenge as there was a lot of them that dotted the promenade. Even the famous Warp-12 was being looked at. Then there was the newly open establishment, Atomic Punk, Alexanders that was ran by a couple of Ferengi's.

A few were more braver by getting water drinking fountains to stay on and some were clogged to fill up and spill over the sides to the floor before scurrying off for a new target. Those gaining access to rooms with replicators, set in programs to have them create something every 30 minutes and some even at a faster rate to spill out onto the floor once the receiving tray got full after bypassing the automatic shut offs in order to burn up resources that could be used elsewhere.


Ar'touice moved through the promenade in a slow steady pace as he watched his thugs at work. Starting small, yet soon be noticed. He nodded with a hidden glee as he heard yelps of surprise from others on the promenade of water on the deck and the malfunctioning drinking fountain.

Then the commotions started when one of his more militant activist bumped Promenade Stroller causing the Stroller to slip on the wet floor. "Oh a thousand pardens, Ma'am! Here, let me help you up!" Being gallant enough to help, while bumping into others to send them slipping and sliding on the wet floor.

Artouice couldn't help smile at the Keystone Kop routine just one of his activist was causing just by helping the poor lady, drawing attention away from the over flowing drinking fountain. He moved on pass the cluster of bumbling people helping and getting in each others way on slippery wet floor as the water spread and now with help of many feet.

It was small scale for now. With more people on the way, he could branch out into other areas of the station. If he figured things out correctly, within a week the wasting of resources will begin to show up to the stations bean counters.


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