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Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2016 @ 4:56am by Colonel S'er'in'e & Captain Liarra Von

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Station Commander's Office


Major S'er'in'e had been discharged from Sickbay, his wounds minor and easily healed but he still ached slightly from them. Any death on board a ship or station gets investigated, any death at the hands of an enlisted or officer of Starfleet ultimately goes before the Commanding Officer. It came as no surprise that he was escorted by Security.

It seemed S'er'in'e was expected as Security chimed, the doors opened and S'er'in'e positioned himself before the Captain. He bowed as was customary. "Captain."

"Major," Von replied in return. Her expression was solemn. The fact that someone was killed by one of her officers, and in such a gruesome manner, left her a bit upset and disappointed. "Have a seat."

S'er'in'e sat in the vacant chair, his tail coiled about his waist as he did so and once comfortable and not pinching his tail with his bulk he waited for the questions to flow.

Von didn't waste any time getting to the heart of the matter. "I'm sure that you can guess why we need to talk."

"Indeed." Hardly a surprise considering the elements involved that created the situation they found themselves in.

"I'd start by telling you what I know, but I'm afraid in this case that is very little. The security systems have been having issues for a while down on the lower decks, and the Akishiro security force isn't willing to share." Von gestured at a PADD sitting on her desk. "The autopsy is pretty clear. No denying the cause of death. But perhaps you'd still like to give me your side of the story." Her tone made it clear that that wasn't a question.

"I was in the Hanger Bay when I received a communication from my Mate, Samanthia. She informed me that an old classmate during my youth had visited the station. Something about the way she spoke indicated to me that something was wrong." S'er'in'e began to explain. "Upon my arrival at The Dive I found many patrons outside the entrance, they parted to grant my entrance and I found inside that Cr'erl, my classmate, had my Mate by the throat as if waiting for me. The requirements of my Caste are strict, he knew what I was required to do as a consequence of his action. No male may harm a female, no male may touch a female without permission. Should one of my Caste harm a female our fangs are filed as a mark of dishonour, some are exiled but most in my Caste are put to death. How he got to the station I do not know, but his fangs were filed down. From that I can only guess he chose to be exiled or escaped further punishment."

S'er'in'e paused briefly. "You will have noticed Captain that I bow to females." He looked at Gunning. "But not to the males." Then back at Von. "Females are the dominant gender on my world as I have mentioned in a prior meeting, they are the centre of not only our community but also our lives. To put it into Human terms as best I am able, prior to finding a Mate or courting I believe Humans call it we Caitian's call it Bonding. It is where a chemical reaction takes place within us, it is hard to explain as I am no scientist, but over time the reaction drives us to that person, for myself Samanthia. We come to want that person around us, need that person. My point being is that the reaction is centred in the brain and after a time our lives become dependent on that person. Should Samanthia die or leave me for an extended period of time, I would lose that link with her, and I would soon fall into a coma, or worse."

Another pause. "Cr'erl knew this for himself but he wanted to fight me first. His actions against not just my Mate but also a female demanded I act, I will not be party to his crimes nor will I stand by and watch my Mate be harmed. Many people have suggested I have a choice, I do not." He looked at Von again armed with an example. "Captain, you are a joined Trill, the symbiont within you a culmination of lives and experiences from one person to the next. As I understand it should you choose to reassociate with a Mate from a past life the Trill Science Ministry will deem that your Symbiont will not be transferred to a new host at the end of your life thus dying with you and you exiled from Trill society. You do not have a choice in that matter, only if you choose to or not to ignite that past relationship or not. My situation is the same, it was imposed upon me that I had to act. My choice was to share his fate and/or watch my Mate die and ultimately forfeit my life also."

Von listened carefully to S'er'in'e's side of the story. His appeal to her Trill nature did strike a chord. She understood better than most what a true symbiotic relationship was like. She did know how the Caitian's bonding compared to her joining, but at least she understood the compulsion for him to protect his symbiont, his mate. "I understand where you are coming from, S'er'in'e. You protected your mate just like I would have protected any of my children. But if you felt that something may have been wrong, why didn't you call for security to meet you there. Perhaps the situation still could have been resolved without a death. Don't get me wrong, I don't take kindly to people threatening other people on my station, but I can't say that I like hearing about bar brawls that end with one of my officers taking a life."

"I understand your position Captain and I am prepared to face the consequences of my actions, however our ways are strict, there could be no other outcome than death or I would also be exiled from the Homeworld. Is it fair that I should share in the fate of another through no action or fault of my own?" He asked. "I did what I was bound to do, it would be akin to asking a Klingon to forgo honour, they are incapable of doing so as it is so ingrained into the thier culture. Our duties and responsibilities to females is equally so and especially to our Mates. Cr'erl forced my hand, he knew what my answer would have to be and his actions ensured it. I do not take life casually Captain, nor did I enjoy it."He paused and stood upright, stiff and straight. "If required I will tender my resignation from Starfleet."

Von rose to her feet as well. S'er'in'e still towered above her, but the height difference was not as severe when they were both standing. "That won't be necessary, Major. You must understand that I have to note the incident on your record. But you're too good of an officer to let you go that easily. The truth is, without your leadership during the battle, we may not have been able to last as long as we did. I know you took some losses, but holding the station when the odds were stacked against us, that deserves a reward."

S'er'in'e watched the Captain stand, he expected something to be written in his file as a minimum. Normally a comment about being a good officer would have been a compliment but in light of the situation that put them here, now, it was hard to view himself as such. She was right about one thing though, many pilots didn't return from the battle, be it through lack of experience, outmatched or simply out skilled one factor claimed many. Von's comment about a reward however was not something he was expecting, given the situation he expected a dressing down for his action and yet she was talk about rewards. "Captain?" He spoke but his features, whiskers and ears told of his confusion.

"Don't get me wrong, S'er'in'e. I'm still upset with you over this bar fight issue. I can't ignore that. Frankly, I considered going back on my request to Starfleet. But the request had already been submitted and approved before this whole mess started." Von opened a drawer in her desk and removed a small box. "Effective immediately, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, with all the privileges and responsibilities thereof." Von handed the Caitian the small box, in which his new rank insignia was contained. "Congratulations, Colonel."

S'er'in'e looked at the small box in Von's hand, carefully he took the box making sure to not touch her at all. He opened it to see the silver leaf of Lt.Colonel. "I understand Captain, and thank you, I'm honoured." He closed the box again and kept the tiny box in his much larger hand. He could understand her position and her reasoning. He was smiling were it not for his fur to hide the fact.

Von allowed a smile to slip out as well. Even though she was still troubled by the incident, it was difficult for a captain not to be excited when one of her officers is promoted. "You've earned it, Colonel. Just don't let me down."

"Understood." S'er'in'e gave a nod, he doubted he'd ever learn just how close he came to losing everything, a lesson in life is what he took it as. There were consequences to ones actions and he was lucky, this time. He would have to inform his Caste about this change as they always like to hear from those that have left the Homeworld and learn how they are doing. "If there is nothing else?" He asked, he still had a department to rebuild from the many losses it was handed.

Von nodded. "That's all for now, Colonel. You're dismissed." She had no doubt that he wanted to share the good news with his mate, so she didn't want to keep him any longer. Besides, she had other work to tend to.

Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer
Starbase 332

Lt. Colonel S'er'in'e
Commander, Air Group SVW-17
Starbase 332


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