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Chaos in the Bunkers

Posted on Mon Mar 14th, 2016 @ 10:42pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Location: Civilian Bunker :: Sb 332

Civilian Bunker

Samanthia curled up on her assigned bunk. With nothing to do, except listen to the others talk worried about their lovers, mates, spouses and children serving aboard the Star base. Thumps and strange vibration were felt and heard through out the bunker. The lighting was first to go, switching over to the dim emergency lights that barely lit up the interior. Just marking the main path and a few around the room near the ceiling.

Children began to cry and fuss at the darkened room as voices became more frantic, laced with trepidation and false bravado. Heated arguments broke out. Parents frantically calling out for their children. Bodies being shoved, even after the polite 'excuse me' was given. Fear induced tempers flared and died quickly. Minor fights broke out in various location about the bunker.

It was chaos as Samanthia felt someone stumble into her bunk and placed their hand on her foot. Then the hand disappeared as the person shuffled on to hit the next bunk. Swearing erupted from the person on the bunk at the person stumbling about the darkness between the bunks.

The limited emergency lights flickered and some even failed light up again. Adding to the stygian darkness as the lights strobe with people passing in front of them. People yelled at each other across the room and at each other. Children whimpered and cried as they was rudely shoved about or grabbed by their parents to be carried back to the family's claimed spot. The sudden yelling of females and dying into whimpers then to silence as none came to help them. Even the thugs in the Dive knew how to act better than these civilians that were so civilized but fell apart when the chips were down.

Samanthia knew that a few of the females were taken advantage of against their will as people milled about in the darkness. From some of the sounds from the confined populace of this bunker. A few would turn up dead from either terror induced heart attacks, stress of being confined in the darkness as a battle raged out in the corridors of the Starbase.

A hand shot out of the darkness and clasped around Samanthia's mouth as hands grabbed her ankles and arms. She struggled, but it was useless as she was overpowered by numbers. From the stench of sweat given off by the team that was assaulting her, she knew they was males. "She has nothing of value. Let her go!" Came the sharp voice after a rough pat down and invasion. She was released and she lashed out at the closes one. She missed and was hit hard against her. Throwing her for a loop....

...The murmuring of panicked voices, and the occasional shaking. Earthquake, 8.8 on the Richter Scale. With after shocks reaching up 4.5. Worried voices. "We gotta find her!" then silence. not even the sound of birds or even the winds. Occasionally a thumping of rocks hitting and smashing through the boards of the collapsed house. She trembled as more and more voices fell quiet. But one stood out the most. Her mother's screaming for them to go back and make one more attempt to find her. Then fell quiet as more rocks slammed into the already charred boards....

Finally the rocks stopped hitting the boards as it grew even more ominously quiet. She moved carefully under the collapsed walls and boards towards a reddish light. Air thick with smoke and ash as the reddish light grew into a square opening. Then crawling out into the open into the stifling heat to see molten bubbly rock slowly flow past just a few feet downslope from where she stood. Looking around at the demolished houses from the Quake and eruption of the volcano.

"Ohhh some Hawaiian god must be mad!" She whispered staying close to the brick chimney. She looked around at the devastation. She sat down on the brick hearth to watch the hypnotizing flow of the lava down what used to be the creek she liked to wade in....

The place shook again as smoke drifted in from the vents. Her cot was knocked over, sending her crashing to deck. She opened her eyes to the stygian Darkness as people panic and tried to protect their children. The more violent types were massing near one of the door for a break out to either join in the fight or flee to better environs, other than this place.

Samanthia got closer to the wall and leaned against it. Holding onto the blanket at least. Time to seamed to stop or slow the way down as the place was in Anarchy. Civilians arguing, yelling. Even the occasional punch was thrown. No information was getting to them as they was trapped in the Civilian Bunkers.


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