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Posted on Fri May 20th, 2016 @ 12:24am by Lieutenant Commander Le Austin & Lieutenant Julia 'Jules' Bryce

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Various

"You run _really_ fast," Austin panted from his spot trailing Dana through the station. "I thought you said this was a jog!"

"You've seen how fast I walk normally.." Andrakos sighed as she circled back to where Le had stopped and started to slow her pace while jogging in place. It was her release for nervous energy, which usually included a long haul with variable pace and loud music since there wasn't usually anyone available to run with her. "Running is a whole other thing. If you want we can take a break for a bit."

"No," Austin said, waving her off as he leaned on his knees to catch his breath, "No... Yes. Yes, I break sounds good. I like breaks," He said, falling down to his butt and laughing.

Dana stopped jogging completely and just stared at Austin, her hands on her hips as she stared at him, completely confused. "What are you laughing about? Are you hurt? Did I say something odd?"

"No," Austin said, still chuckling. "I'm apparently old and out of shape. Either that or you're immune to pain and are actually a robot. You tell me which one. If you're a robot, that's cool. I won't tell anyone, okay?"

Plopping down beside Austin with a worried expression on her face, the little woman drew her knees up under her chin. Le didn't seem that old or out of shape, it was her fault for overdoing it. "Does masochist work? Chronic fitness buff maybe. I've been called both. Unless there's a baseball game in gear, I get fussed at for my walking habits. Then no one minds that I don't tend to stay still and scoot on by everyone else."

Austin chuckled breathlessly, "Well... what are you running from?" He asked.

The brunette's expression went straight to defensive, brow furrowing and gaze growing steely. "You know that's a really loaded question for.. what is it, 2340 by now? And one that- don't get me wrong- we're not buddy buddy enough to answer yet. What's in my file is plenty enough."

"Hah," Austin said, pumping his fist in the air tiredly, "You said 'yet'. That means you don't hate me and I'm not the worst boss ever. I win the day," He said, triumphantly.

"..You're strange.." Dana responded with a wrinkle to her nose. "But not the worst boss ever, no."

Austin laughed, starting to catch his breath, "I'm going to pace you, you just wait. Just need a few more weeks of this. I'm a very fast person, like lightning. You'll see," He assured her, in a not very convincing manner.

"Like lightning?" Dana asked, smiling just a little. "I'll hold you to it then. I'll just slow up some in the meantime. Do you need me to go get you a drink or something?"

"Nope," Austin said, "I want a good salad and a smoothie," He said, hopping up suddenly, "Keep up, slow poke!" He called as he darted off, trying to show off.


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