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Trail begins....

Posted on Wed Apr 29th, 2015 @ 10:23pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ill Tidings
Location: Archa : University City Apartment
Timeline: Trail Begins

Samanthia sat curled up on her favorite chair wearing shorts and a t-shirt, with the purloined book on her lap open reading with her electronic notepad close at hand for notes to be studied later for the information it might reveal. She quietly read as time slowly slipped by, with the occasional scratching of the stylist on the e-pad screen. used dishes from finger food snacks consumed. She a direction to search in. But unfortunately it was off planet.

She set the book off to the side and stretched to get the blood flowing as she scowled at the dirty dishes that had accumulated amongst her books and various school projects and textbooks. She gathered up the dishes as she straightened up her mess. Trying to be an example to Salena as she had her own place similar to Samanthia in the livingroom.

At least Salena cleaned up the dirty dishes she used. Still the room was clean and decent for entertaining visiters they had visit the Apartment.

Her first stop would be Myridia XIV as it sat on the Federation side of the border with the Ritorians. But there was still a lot of unrest there. As the planetary government played both sides for the benefit of those that lived there.

Samanthia smiled as she had a place to start and needed to update her shuttles star charts in order to take a trip to Myridia XIV. She looked out the window as she washed her dishes and set them in the drying rack into the park across the street. She would have to postpone her trip till after the finals and find a suitable replacement at Warp-12 while she was gone. Zeb could run The Dive as he shown he was quite capable in that manner.

She looked at the stolen book and frowned. She had gleaned what information she could from it. She smiled as she could get Salena to return it via the book drop. She wrapped the book up carefully so it would get damaged any more than it already was. She put her finished Thesis in a separate envelope designed for thick set of documents. Addressed it to her professor at the Institute. Placing both packages on Salena's table so she would drop them off for her.

She moved through the apartment, making sure her stuff was secured and safe while she was gone. Giving one last look over the apartment, she took off, locking the door behind her.

Soon, she was on her way into space and the Star base.


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