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The Philosophy of Diplomacy and War

Posted on Sat Sep 10th, 2016 @ 5:02am by Commander Soleck & Captain Liarra Von & T'qin Elliot

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Commander Soleck's Office

T'qin had left the sleeping child in the dubiously chosen care of her assistant, as she prepared to meet Captain Von. She had a small gift wrapped box in her hands, as she walked haphazardly through the corridors, getting oriented.

Finally, she stepped in to the turbolift. "Captain's ready room." She noted, never remembering where the Starbases kept those things. The turbolift took her to Deck 12, near a corridor along the outside hull of the station. On one end, facing down the corridor, was a small desk built into an alcove. There sat a young andorian woman working on a terminal.

"Hello." T'qin said, quietly, to the young woman. "I was hoping to catch the Captain. Quinn Elliot. Chief Diplomatic Officer." She added, with a smile.

"Ah, yes, Ambassador Elliot," the young woman replied after looking up from her terminal. "Captain Von is actually away from the station on a mission to Cestus III. But she was looking forward to meeting you. She wanted me to have you meet with Commander Soleck, her executive officer, if you arrived before her return. Shall I take you to him?"

T'qin gave the Andorian a bow. "If it's not too much trouble." She said, quietly. "I don't want to get you in trouble, miss."

"Oh, not at all, Ambassador," the young woman said as she rose to her feet. "I'm Yeoman Talelle, Captain Von and Commander Soleck's administrative aide." She secured her terminal and walked around the desk. With an outstretched hand, she gestured down the corridor. "It's my pleasure to help. If you'll come with me, Commander Soleck's office is just around the corner."

"Thank you." T'qin replied, nodding. "The good Captain seemingly hit the ops jackpot. My receptionist is a tellarite who listens to death metal, and that's about the extent of his manners."

Talelle's cheeks became a darker shade of blue, but she tried not to let it show. "Thank you, ambassador. That's kind of you to say." She led the other woman to the the executive officer's office and pressed the door chime.

"Enter," Soleck called simply from inside.

"Commander, it's Talelle. I have Ambassador T'qin here to see you," the andorian replied into the comm panel.

"Thank you, sir." Talelle turned to the Ambassador. "Go on ahead, Ambassador." She turned and started back towards her post at the end of the corridor.

"Thank you, Miss Talelle. I make no promises about not trying to bribe operations to have you reassigned to the diplomatic department." T'qin said, with a nod, before entering. She took a step in to the office, and nodded. "Commander Soleck." T'qin said, with a slight nod. "It is a-" T'qin paused. "Oh. Right." She amended, before taking the traditional greeting stance, hand and all. "Live long and prosper."

Soleck stood and returned the vulcan salute, "Peace and long life," He responded with a hint of a smile. "Please, have a seat. Welcome aboard. I apologize for the Captain's absence, she's en route to diplomatic meeting," He explained.

"She's at a diplomatic meeting. Without her diplomat. On a scale of James Kirk to Ambassador Spock, how bad is that?" T'qin asked.

Soleck waved it off, "It's not bad, from what I've seen so far. Admittedly, I am new here, but she seems a very level headed commanding officer. At least, I have seen no indication of any green-skinned fraternization in her office," He said, arching an eyebrow, and giving her that infuriatingly difficult to spot hint of a smirk.

Tilting her head, Quinn shrugged. "Hey. To each, their own tastes. I was partial to Starship Captains back in the day. I'd like to think that ended well. Even though he died."

"I would appreciate it if you'd ensure the Captain remain in tact, if you wouldn't mind," The Vulcan replied, that annoyingly imperceptible hint of a smirk again. "Now, is there anything that I can do to help you settle in?" He asked.

"Oh, probably, but I haven't the foggiest clue what. Perhaps find me a slightly less terrifying assistant." Quinn replied, with a shrug. "And I'm a civilian now. I don't get to weild the fancy guns. Though I was really good at that, once."

Soleck gave her a genuine smile now - stark though it was - "Ambassador, I would hope that in your current role you would not have to weild one," He said, then slowly added, "However... should you desire it, I'm sure I could get you access to one of the security or marine firing ranges, if you want to keep your skills polished."

"No, no." Quinn replied, shaking her head. "I've fired enough guns, spilled enough blood, and saved enough lives for a lifetime. That's why I chose to become a diplomat."

"A logical decision to be sure," Soleck replied. "One can only take so much life before there is no life left to take but your own. However, if you nuture life and help it to thrive, the potential is almost limitless," He said, sagely.

"Precisely." Quinn replied. "But. Then. I do not take shame in the lives that I took. They certainly deserved it." She added, with a slight smile. "Or perhaps, more accurately, the lives that I saved by taking them did."

"Ineed," Soleck replied, nodding sagely, "It is unfortunate that to do the most good we must sometimes commit the most evil, but such is the balance of the universe. I have heard people say that there is no logic in things like that, but I disagree. Removing threats to the ones you hold dear is nothing if not logical," He sighed, "However, I'm sure you're not here for a philosophical discussion, so I will permit you leave to settle in and get your footing about you. If you should find yourself in need of company for a tea one night, though, please consider me a willing guest," He said, bowing his head slightly.

"Thank you." Quinn replied. "Though, really. It is a perfectly logical sentiment. The needs of 127 million people outweigh the needs of a few thousand who are attempting to oppress them. I have not lost a single night's sleep."

"Nor should you," Soleck replied. "The protection of the innocent may be a gruesome thing at times, but it is necessary. Starfleet is not a military organization... and yet we carry weaponry. It is inevitable. We must only ensure that our morals and ideals remain high and pure, and we will maintain our moral compass."

"Funny words to hear from a diplomat, though, are they not?" Quinn asked, with a snort. "Regardless. That should be everything I need."

Soleck stood and offered her his hand, "Not from a diplomat who speaks with the wisdom of experience, my friend," He said, kindly. "Enjoy settling in, I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to explore over the next few days. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know."

"I will keep that in mind." Quinn nodded. "Thank you for your time, Commander."


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