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Back In the Saddle

Posted on Fri Nov 12th, 2010 @ 6:29am by

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Allein's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The first thing the engineer caught sight of as she entered her long vacated quarters was her own reflection in the mirror accross the room. She scowled at it, still half-grown eyebrows reaching together but not quite connecting as the door slid home behind her and the room fell into darkness.

"Lights," she called and immediately the computer responded, bringing the room into brutal clarity as her travel bag broke the silence on the couch. At least Mr Bones had been keeping the station functional in her absence. Ignoring the unpacked bag, she crossed the sparsely decorated room and brought her computer console to life. "Computer, download all engineering reports from the last ten days." The computer beeped it's response and hummed to life. Strangely enough she was actually looking forward to returning to work on the starbase. That hadn't stopped her, of course, from calling up and practically begging everyone of her parents' contacts at Starfleet to return her to her rightful place at Utopia, but being here was certainly better than the last ten days she had spent on Earth. Stuffed into various extravagent costumes chosen by her new sister-in-law and forced down the aisle in an antiquated ceremony that should have gone out along with an Earth-centric universe and String-Theory wasn't exactly her idea of an efficient ten days.

She opened the first report and automatically settled into her desk chair. It creaked with lack of use but the engineer relaxed back into it. The back up life support on one of the shuttles was out again, but for once, Allein wasn't annoyed with her crew's incompetence. She made a note of the serial number before moving onto another report. She had heard a vague rumour on the transport back that a group of Cardassian diplomats were aboard and that one had been killed by anyone and everyone from the Doctor to the Captain himself. She would have to ask someone about that later, but for now she had the task of enhancing the efficiency of the power distribution net before her and as all good engineers knew, that was far more important than some dead diplomat.

Lt. jg Allein Mara
Chief Engineer
Starbase 332


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