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CSS Starburst Crew

Posted on Mon Nov 15th, 2010 @ 1:03pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Station Brig


Raphiel and Aikiko Akiashiro entered the Security officer's area, moving towards the brig. Aikiko standing around 5 feet 4 inches with long luxurious hair up in a bun behind her head and wearing a business suit with a matching skirt that ended just above her knees and low highheels shoes, giving her another inch in hieght.

Raphiel, 5 feet 1 inch tall moves with noble elegence along side Aikiko in his black suit with a grey with black pinstrip tie, black eyes taking in everything around him as they moved to the main desk of the brig. He comes to a stop before the desk and waits for the head of security to take notice and then speaks. "I want my crew of the CSS Starburst released now from detention. They have done no wrong."

Davik stood up as the man addressed him and arched an eyebrow down at him, clasping his hands behind his back mildly. "Unfortunately, station's security does not accede to your personal whims, sir," Davik informed him in a polite tone. "I will release them when the station commander believes it is necessary. Until then, you shall have to be patient." The beaurocratic nonsense of being a security officer was really Davik's least favorite part of the job, but so it went.

"What charges are they being held on? At least you can tell me that," Raphiel looked closely at Lieutenant, "young man." Refusing to recognize the man's rank and or addressing him as such.

Aikiko placed a placing hand on his shoulder, "let me deal with the young Lieutenant. It is obvious he came in with the new batch of Fleeters, Elder." She looks at Lieutenant Tieran. "please excuse my Elder. He is not used to dealing with Military personel. we came here to start afresh from an oppressive government of Surr'icka." She smiled politely at Davik. "Please tell us why you have the crew of the CSS Starburst confined in your brig?"

Davik looked up at the ceiling slightly. "Ma'am, diplomacy is not going to help you out of this. The 'crew'," he said, the inflection in his tone clearly a quotation, "Of the C.S.S Starburst are incarcerated due to the fact that they are impersonators of the genuine crew of the C.S.S Starburst, and they shall be held pending a trial and hearing for piracy, conspiracy of masquerade, and identity theft. If that is all, miss, I shall bid you good day."

Davik pushed his chair back slightly stepped out from behind his desk, giving the two a small bow before disappearing into the back hall. The door closed and locked behind him, and Davik pulled out a tray from a storage closet and loaded it up with the prisoners' meals.

Aikiko looked at Raphiel, "Imperitiant little snip of a Fleeter!" Looking at the door that closed between them both, and then the desktop to see the schedule of visiting hours to see the prisoners. "At least, you can't deny US to see them?!" She yelled, hopefully someone heard.

Raphiel smirked and stood his ground, "this ought to be interesting." Looking thoughtful. "Must be a new Officer in charge. Haven't seen him here before."

Lieutenant j.g Davik Tieran
Chief Security Officer,
Starbase 332
Raphael & Aikiko Akiashiro
Starbase 332


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