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A Day at Archa University City [Prt 1]

Posted on Thu Jun 1st, 2017 @ 2:26pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Indomitable Will
Location: Archa IV, University City

It was a rare day with clear blue skies and not a cloud was in sight. The sun shining down with warmth, yet it was a pleasant warmth with an intermittent breeze to keep the heat of the afternoon from becoming unbearable. Noise of others in conversation, whether just strolling along or sitting at one of the many gathering spots that allowed people to sit comfortably in seats or on the green grass amidst towering tree in full leaf filled with the vibrancy of life and avian calling out to one another joining in adding their voice to the already active voices.

Samanthia strolled a long at an easy pace with the extra weight of her unborn within her. Her loose seamless gown hid the baby bump, giving her the slightly plump look. Her long black hair was loose and framing her face as the breeze played with. She paused a favorite haunts to talk with students she had shared classes with.


The non-descript man followed at a leisurely pace just keeping her insight. Wondering what purpose that brought her here to the University Campus and City. He still seethed at the way she simply brushed him off and now living with a Non-Human and Caitian to boot. It was hard to find replacements of her caliber and she was almost ready to advance deeper into his web of control. He took a sip of his drink to hide the sneer as he planned his next step in his campaign in getting her back. And free of the big Caitian. He did it once before on SB-12, just to see if it could be done. But it nearly cost him his agent, specially when she jumped station for a quick fling about the galaxy.


"...was going to send me my transcripts last week." Samanthia had paused to talk with several of her close friends she had made while at the University. "Unless he still sulking about how I avoided his advances." Looking thoughtful.

The other lady she was with laughed softly, "He still hasn't gotten over you. You ruined it for the others. Dressing all so nicely. He deserved to be shaken up now and then. I'm sure he has moved on. Otherwise go see his secretary if you want the easy way out. She still works late."

Samanthia nodded with a smile as she rested on a nearby bench, looking across the Huge open Quad. "Meleana, I just might do that to avoid seeing him. If I didn't need for him to sign off on the course for successful completion."

"Sammy! His Secretary can sign off. She is authorized to do so. By the University By-Laws and Written Authorization. That's how majority of the students do it." Meleana spoke with merriment. "I did it already. It save time and He's always seams impatient when dealing with students."

Samanthia nodded, eyes twinkling in the ambient light. "I may have to do it. I need to get back to the Station, soonish." She glanced at the time and stood up.

Her friend stood up also. Before departing ways gave each other a brief hug. "What this?" Meleana spoke as she pulled back and pointing Samanthia's abdomen.

"I'm pregnant with child from my new husband." Samanthia gave a warm smile, placing her hand on her belly. "We're going to have a Human style wedding after we did it the Caitian Way."

Meleana eyes widen as she spoke. "A- a Cat?" Sounding a bit shocked. "I knew you had a way with the felines here on Archa. But a Cat..ian?"

"Caitian," Samanthia spoke correcting Meleana. "And very handsome too." She reached into the purse that hung to her side and pulled out a small pad. She flicked on and showing pictures of S'er'in'e in both Fleet uniform and Caitian lounging wear, along with pictures of them together.

"Oooooh! Meleana squealed with delight. "You look sooo good together. Wait till I tell the others!" Giving Samanthia another hug. "You ought to come back, so we can have a little celebration before you tie the knot."

"You know I have responsibilities on the big starbase." Samanthia pouted a little with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Let me call a few friends. We'll met here in an hour from now and go do some clubbing." Meleana pulled out her cellphone and began looking through the list of friends that they was close with.

"Swing by the apartment to pick me up. I'll need to freshen up before heading out." Samanthia smiled as she took off to her destination.


He had gotten close to hear the conversation between the two ladies. It churned his stomach at how Humans could so easily fall in love with non-humans. It was almost bestiality to be so intimate with one. He'd love to fill in that part of her life for he did have a few fantasies of them together in a more private intimate settings. But she always kept it business like. A tease that held some power if he stepped wrongly around her. Never-mind it was him that set the tone of her way of dressing for the clandestine meetings.


Samanthia headed on over to the Anthropology/Archeology Section of the University Campus with her tail following to see where she went. She enjoyed the campus with it grandiose architecture of grand marble columns and fresco around the windows and the gargoyles on some of the of the much older buildings. She entered the gloomy building and its silent hallways. She moved down the hallway under the various portraits of past professors in their stern, yet wise way on those who passed by, causing subconsciously the passing person to tread much more quietly and reducing conversations to whispers.

She entered the office of the last professor, smiled at the busy secretary. "Excuse me. I'm here for the Prof's signature for completion of his course and see what my final grades are."

The Secretary looked up from her work and gave a harried smile as she listened to Samanthia. "Of course," Standing up and moving to a file cabinet to retrieve Samanthia's file. "Name?"

"Samanthia Akiashiro." She looked around the neat office of the secretary.

The Secretary looked through the proper file drawer and finding her file. She returned to her desk and looked through it, pulling out several slips of paper and handing them over to Samanthia. "Here you go Miss Akiashiro. I hope to see you about."

"I'm afraid my college days are over with for awhile." Patting her belly, getting a smile from the secretary. She took the papers and looked them over.

"Congratulations." Secretary smile warmed up. "May the Deities bless you and your growing family."

"Thank you." Samanthia smiled as she put the papers in her purse. "Take care of yourself."

The Secretary nodded as Samanthia left office.

Samanthia left the hallowed halls of the classrooms and administrative offices of the professors, into the balmy evening. The sun was on its slow approach toward the far horizon and a pleasant breeze sprung up. She glanced over the transcript for the course. She had made excellent grades and her thesis was still under review of the Board. She smiled at the time and effort she had put into it and just finished it just before meeting S'er'in'e.

It was time to meet up with her friends and see what Meleana had planned. She caught the public transit buss and went to her apartment to change into her partying out fit. Attractive, yet practical to draw the appropriate attention. As the younger students would say, "It's party time!" As she secured her latest batch of transcripts to be added into her growing School Transcripts she kept with her to make it easier to transfer between higher learning institutions about the galaxy.


He had been caught flatfooted when she jumped aboard the buss and couldn't tail her. He had lost her unintentionally. He growled, startling a few passerby's on the sidewalk. He strode on down the street in his usual non-threatening manner to head back to his hotel room to think over his next course of moves and her's. He wanted to avoid the Station as much as possible. Paying to many visits would draw the wrong attention to him. Give it a few months and his data would be stored deep in the archives till the next purge, giving him a fresh start. He alerted his trail teams of her slipping away from him. A few minutes later the word came back that she was at her apartment, above the Mom's-n-Pop's Store.



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