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Clan Security :: Meeting of the Two [prt-3]

Posted on Thu Feb 10th, 2011 @ 4:50pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Warp-12 management office

Samanthia was in a foul mood as she made her way up to her place of business as she was ruinning late for work by several hours. Her alarm failed to wake her and the serveant that took care of the cleaning of her apartment, was extremely loud and obnoxious to her to the ppoint Samanthia screamed at her to leave and come back later after she had left.

Samanthia sighed as she would have to apologyze to the poor lady. The maid was only doing her job and didn't realize she was still in the apartment. These late night liasons were gonna have to stop aslong as she was in charge of Warp-12. Maybe a day off would be in order for her. It gave her her first smile of the day as she stepped off the turbolift and hmoved gracefully to the still open Warp-12 lounge and bar.

The business was hopping and some live music was emminating from the place onto the Promanade slowing foot traffic down before her establishment. She smiled again as this meant wealth coming into the establishment coffers and then to Akiashiro's.

Easing into a service corridor and moving quickly to the cargo enterance and entering into the busy storage/pantry and offices of the place. She paused long enough to grab a breakfast on the fly, zipping into her office to see Eric sitting comfortably in her chair.

"Huh? Hi? Aint you suppose to be elsewhere?" Samanthia paused by her desk, finishing up the breakfast roll, looking abit impaqtient at him.

"I'm where I want to be Miss Samanthia." Eric leans back in the chair, looking up at Samanthia. "Please do have a seat." waving to the other chairs in the room, watching her carefully.

"My office , my rules. you move out of my seat." Samanthia smiled at him, not budging from her spot.

"Not anymore, I'm sure Frederick can take this establishment over just fine. If Elder and the rest of the clan find out about your shady past..." Eric looked predatory up at Samanthia.

"What shady past? What about Frederick pimping off the clan women to various fleet officers? And you allows this to happen?" Samanthia smirks at him, then twirling away from the desk and to dispose of the trash. "I'm sure dirt can be flung both ways," getting a glimpse of the crack in Eric's calmness, "I'm sure you have something that you dont want to be brought to light..."

Eric snickers at the boldness of Samanthia. "You're the outsider and no matter what you bring up, even if it is the truth, you whont be believed, except as a desperate woman grasping at straws."

Samanthia knew he was right and hated to be on the outside, even though she was part of the family, and only ties was by marraige which by the death of her mate, was terminated. "What is it you want to know?" sitting in a hardwood chair, fully seated in the chair with good posture as her back rested against the back.

Eric smile abit at her guesture and choice of seats. "Are you still working for S-31?" He watches her through half closed eyes.

Samanthia shakes her head and speaks softly, "no matter what I tell you, you're gonna believe the worse about me. I've worked for them in the past along with other intelligence agencies and medical psychology as a counsiler. But now that I am retired from that and my contract with fleet is overwith and we departed on good terms. I started to run bar, tavern, lounge type of business. And it seams that I found my calling."

Eric nodded for a bit as he though over what she had said. She was a smart one for sure. "I see. Just becareful. Alot of the family members like you alot as you have brought new life into the clan, Especialy to the Matriarch."

Samanthia smiled abit at hearing that as she watched him leave her office, letting her get started for the day's business. She leaned back in her chair and looked thoughtful.


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