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Storm Chasers

Posted on Mon Dec 31st, 2018 @ 3:05pm by Master Warrant Officer Vestara Stronghold & Lieutenant Alana Tovan & Lieutenant JG Allison Price & Lieutenant JG Liam Harrison

Mission: Weathering the Storm
Location: All over the station
Timeline: Current


Never knowing what the storm could do to the areas it hit with lightning Vestara put on a set of Grav boots and clipped on three oxygen packs that had a breathing mask attached to one. She could change between them when one becomes empty.

She had to have her hands unencumbered by gloves so she could work on whatever that the storm hit and really an environment suit would slow just about anyone down. Especially in Jefferies tubes. Vestara looked around at those assembled. "Ready?" She asked.

Petty Officer Joshua Tibbs, one of the technicians on Stronghold's team, was the first to answer. He switched on his breathing mask and double checked his oxygen tanks before grabbing his tool kit. "Ready, Bosun."

Liam Harrison's breathing pack was on and he made sure his gravity boots were ready. He double checked that he had his engineering kit's strap secured. "Ready"

"Alright let's go," Vestara said as at the moment nothing had been hit yet. She knew they had to be on patrol so they could get to affected areas quickly.

They were on deck 91 when an impact occurred and rocked the team a bit but due to their boots didn't knock them over. The surge from the storm seemed to travel through the hull and then they could hear the propulsion reactors power up.

"That doesn't sound good," Vestara said as she stared at the reactor room door.

Tibbs braced himself against the bulkhead as the station shuddered. "What was that?"

"I think that was a thruster cluster engaging," Vestara replied, the surge only lasted a few moments before Vestara gestured to the door, she went to the door and it didn't respond. "Did someone bring a door handle?" She asked.

Petty Officer Tibbs dropped to his knees in front of the lower corridor panel next to the door. He quickly popped it off and opened up a spanner from his tool kit. "Don't worry, Ma'am. I'll have this open in a jiffy." He fiddled with the door emergency release for a moment before the door hissed and slid open. "There we go."

"Awesome, be careful," Vestara went first deciding not to put anyone in harm's way straight away. She went to the console and found that the lightning had indeed triggered a cluster of stabilization thrusters had been overloaded resulting it triggering them to fire. "Oh o." She muttered.

"OK, let's get this repaired. Any replacement parts stored here?" Vestara asked looking around.

"Here," an operations officer called from a storage locker at the back of the room.

Vestara and the others got to work, pulling open bulkheads and panels and consoles while some of the others attached a few generators to the thruster cluster so the energy would be saved if it struck again here.

Later the team had gone to many critical and non-essential areas to connect generators while chasing the lightning around to repair the damage it gave the station.



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