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Special Guests

Posted on Fri Oct 25th, 2019 @ 10:28pm by Colonel S'er'in'e & Captain Liarra Von & Commander Taylor Michaels

Mission: After the Storm
Location: Hanger Bay 6

(OOC: Feel free to add bits where ever for own character reflection/interaction)

S'er'in'e had opted to meet the General and his staff personally once they had been assigned a flight path and shuttle bay. This bay was one of the least damaged bays considering what they had just been through. While it was not the ideal state to be seen in some things could not be helped but S'er'in'e had taken measures to make the place a bit more presentable.

By the time the shuttle pulled into view through the shield S'er'in'e stood waiting, watching as it entered the hanger and rotated prior to landing. =^= Captain, the General's craft has just landed. =^= Letting the Captain know this gave her a hint of just how long she had before the General came to see her.

Von's voice replied over the comm system. "Understood, Colonel. I'm finishing up a few things in Ops, but I'll be ready to meet him by the time you make it up here. Von out."

When the door to the shuttle opened General Lowe was the first to exit, what he saw however didn't please him but gave consideration to what they had just come through, some...consideration. He looked around a bit more to take in the state of affairs and hoped that the rest of the station didn't meet the same. Turning he saw a large Caitian clad in green, Colonel S'er'in'e. Marine Force Commander of the station and sitting CAG, currently Acting First Officer. Lowe had worked with Caitians before though there was a measure of difference in height between himself and the Colonel, even in size of form too. He knew Caitians had to be respected for what they could do so walking towards the feline he spoke.

Michaels rolled out behind him, duffel over his shoulder, looking around as well. The recent mission report had lead him to believe that the station was in bad shape... but he wasn't ready for this. He felt bad for the staff, working double time to facilitate their landing, no doubt. He'd have been just fine with the bay the way it had been, couldn't be helped given the circumstances. Still, the effort for normalcy was to be appreciated.

"Colonel S'er'in'e. I hope I am pronoucing that correctly." His hand out to shake.

"General." S'er'in'e took the General's hand mindful to not mark the officer with his claws. "Indeed." It was almost right but with any race there had to be some latitude when it came to names spoken. He also detected the steel in the General's voice,

"This is Commander Michaels, Taylor Michaels. He will be assisting me during my time here." Lowe spoke.

"Colonel S'er'in'e," Michaels said, offering the Catian a hand. He didn't ask if he'd gotten it right: He'd made a point to work with the computer en route until it verified he was within in .01% degree of accuracy. Respect, for Michaels, was always the best first impression.

Few managed to pronouce the name right straight away, so there was some appreciation to be had there. Shaking the Commander's hand S'er'in'e nodded. "Commander." The towering feline replied looking over both men. "I have prepared quarters for you both and a work space for you to conduct your duties. Computer access's can be altered to suit any needs you have via station operations, should you require anything else, we will accommodate as best we can."

"Repair operations are underway, yes?" Lowe asked not having missed the condition of his surroundings.

"Progressing General, yes. Captain Von is waiting to meet you, she is in Operations presently." S'er'in'e answered trying to divert the topic away from the shoddy state of the station. The General lived up to his reputation, didn't miss much, sharp as a blade. "If you would follow me I will take you to her."

Taylor let his eyes wander as they walked, taking in the damage, impressed with the repairs. His research had found that station had been through quite a lot, he was impressed at the amount of work they'd already recovered.

Back in Ops, Captain Von was reviewing the repair status with one of Prescott's engineers. She grimaced as she surveyed the status report. "It looks like it's worse than I expected." Liarra typed into the PADD before handing it back to the engineer. "The allocation request is approved. We need to prioritize repairs. Get that to the quartermaster and he should be be able to get your teams what they need."

"Aye, Captain," came the reply from the engineering. Von nodded and the engineer went on his was. About that time, she noticed the entrance to Ops that sat opposite her office slide open to reveal S'er'in'e accompanied by two others. The other marine was no doubt General Lowe.

Liarra put on her best smile and approached the newcomers. "General Lowe, I presume," she stated, extending her hand towards the marine. "Welcome to Starbase 332. I apologize for the mess. It's been an interesting recent turn of events around here. I hope your trip was pleasant."

"Captain Von." Lowe spoke as with a trained eye took in the Captain before him, sizing her up to the record and reports he'd read. "Pleasant enough. This is Commander Michaels, he's apart of my team. Shall we sit, we have much to discuss."

Liarra gestured towards the other double glass doors in Ops that led to her office and led the way in. She took a seat behind her desk and offered the two chairs across from her to their guests.

Sitting was something S'er'in'e had trouble with and all of it fell to his size, or his weight depending on what he was to sit on. Instead he opted to stand to the side of the Captain's desk providing him the much more comfortable option of standing.

"Command has begun instigating a series of initiatives aimed to counter recent independent movements that have sprung up, some of which are more radical that others. Command is concerned that this Starbase will become, given its remote location, a source of illegal arms through merchant ships, black market or other such means." Lowe spoke.

"If that's true, if they do start bringing arms through via merchant ships we don't have the means to search them all, we have tens of ships coming and going each day and if they carry diplomatic papers, we can't inspect them." S'er'in'e spoke, knowing already the political storm this might bring.

"I have with me a list of known arms dealers, known ship details that have been involved in the transport of arms. Add them to your list for observation. In the meantime my team will begin our own investigations." Lowe added.

Liarra nodded. Illegal arms deals were certainly something she didn't want on her station if she could avoid it. "Thank you, General. I'll get this list to my strategic operations officer, and he'll work with Colonel S'er'in'e and his departments to take the necessary precautions. If there is anything that we can do to aid your investigations, please do not hesitate to let me know."

"Then I will leave you to it, in the mean time, I will have my team set up and get underway." Lowe replied then stood up. "Captain, Colonel." Then promptly leaving, leaving both Von and S'er'in'e in the office with seemingly more questions than helpful answers as to what was going on.


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