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When The Cards Fall

Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2020 @ 2:31am by Captain Liarra Von & Colonel S'er'in'e & Lieutenant Commander Felicie Rivero

Mission: After the Storm
Location: Von's Office

General Lowe had spent many an hour dressed as a civilian walking about the various establishments and venues that the Starbase had to offer. He had listened, asked questions, probed and what information he had gleamed did not impress him. He had documented everything he'd heard, been told and able to find out and it only served to steel his already sturdy resolve. He had called a meeting of the command staff, Captain Von, Commander Luciano, Colonel S'er'in'e and requested that Lt.Commander Rivero join them. Armed with all the information he needed and a meeting already made by his assistant all he had to was wait.....bide his time.

When that time finally came however General Lowe flanked by the Major made their way to the Captain's office. He didn't have to break his stride as he walked past the Captain's Yeoman to whom the Major had instructed to open the door.

Leo was talking to Von when the General walked in, routine things at most but there was a marked interest in his voice about what this meeting was about. Not even the Colonel knew what was going on which puzzled him even more.

Greeted by the faces of the assembled and amused that Commander Rivero was present after the report from the Major about their conversation he stood before the table. The Major waited outside to make sure they were not disturbed. "Thank you all for coming, lets be seated before we begin."

Felicie looked up as General Lowe practically stormed into the room, though the fact that the Major stayed outside took her a little by surprise. She cast a cautious glance toward the assembly of Command staff, not entirely sure why she had been included in this gathering, but her hackles were already up. Standing up, she offered her seat to the General with a polite nod before retreating to stand behind Commander Luciano, her hands clasped behind her back as she waited.

"Of course, General," Von replied with a friendly smile. She did have to rearrange her schedule for this meeting, but the General's reputation was enough to warrant the changes. From the way the Major had spoken, it sounded like General Lowe had come to some conclusions in his investigation. Liarra gestured to the chairs across from her desk. She had moved in a few extra in anticipation for the meeting. She took a seat behind her desk and gave the others a moment to get settled in. "I'm glad we could accommodate you on short notice, General. Your assistant said that this was urgent."

'Unfortunately it is, very much so Captain." Lowe spoke as he reached to a blank Padd and entered a code, it came to life with his credentials and pushed them towards Von. It was a general listing of his particulars such as name, rank and such but the words 'Internal Affairs' would raise a brow or two. He waited a moment for it to sink in, a thing he'd come across many times before. "I'm here to investigate you and your entire command staff Captain."

S'er'in'e remembered back in the cave when they were stranded how she had doubts, worries, what if's and such but it seemed that which she worried about had come to haunt her in the form of General Lowe.

Von attempted her best to keep up a calm facade, though the success of that effort was up to those sitting around her desk. The results of her decision making had been something that weighed heavily on her mind. Was there something actually there, or was it all a result of built up anxiety? But if someone like General Lowe was here to investigate her, then perhaps there was a great deal more to it than just anxiety. She took a slow breath and tried her damnedest to keep her voice from cracking. "May I ask why we are under investigation, General?"

"There have been a number of 'incidents' that I have read in official logs that have caused a great deal of concern as to the leadership and management of this base." Lowe spoke as he began his moment. "My purpose here is to conduct an investigation into the events and see if poor leadership and standards were in fact the cause or if they were indeed, unforeseen incidents. I have been given broad authority to conduct my investigation as I see fit by what means I see fit. To that end, I will be reassigning your Chief of Security to assist me. I expect, your full cooperation in this matter."

Felicie was about to laugh when she realised he was actually serious. Her expression faltered as she looked from the General to Captain Von. "Is this some kind of joke?" she finally asked, turning her attention back to the General again. "You can't seriously expect me to help you investigate my own commanding officer?"

"I can, and you will." Lowe spoke. "You are a Starfleet Officer, trained to follow the orders of a superior officer and the standards for which the Federation uphold. I have given you your orders, I expect you to follow them. You are a recent addition, which means you are one of the few of the command team of least interest in my investigation. As for everyone else, I will have the Major arrange interviews with each of you.

Von didn't care for the idea of her own chief of security assisting with the investigation, though part of her felt better knowing that at least someone on her staff would be assisting. Then at least Lowe wouldn't be operating fully unchecked. She tried to catch Felicie's eye, and gave her a reassuring nod that it was okay. They were all Starfleet officers, and they had a duty to uphold.

Felicie remained silent for a moment, her attention drifting back toward Von questioningly. Finally, her gaze returning to the General, she nodded slightly, her expression clearly indicating she was not happy with the current circumstances. "Very well," she finally conceded.

Leo stood in silence uneased by this change of developments, they were now in a battle for reputation and position on board and if the General meant to continue how he had started then the days ahead would not go by easily.

Liarra summoned her strength to remain calm and collected, if such a thing was possible. She was still in command of this station, at least for now, and she had to do her duty. Arguing was only going to hurt her case. "Very well, General. I will see to it that my staff is made available to you and your team."

"Excellent." Lowe now having delivered his plan stood up. "I'm afraid all travel for each of you is now suspended, that unfortunately means Colonel that you are grounded. See to it that your Exec is able to fill in while you are absent from CAG duties." Not that he liked to interfere in another Marines duties, he had little choice in the matter. "Interviews will commence tomorrow, the Major will arrange times for each of you."

Lowe didn't wait for a reply because he'd come to do exactly what he wanted. Turning for the door, message delivered all he had to do was wait. "Commander Rivero, report to my office 07:00hrs tomorrow morning for duties." He then left just as briskly as he walked in.

S'er'in'e didn't like what was unfolding before not just him but everyone gathered. "We have a problem." S'er'in'e knew that his career was on the line, few knew what he'd done, fewer still needed to.

"You think?" Leo spoke. It was one hell of a bombshell that was just dumped on everyone by the General. Leo had little doubt that the General would sift through every single report if he had to, talk to every member of every department if needed, but he gave little impression that what he wanted wouldn't be missed.

Felicie waited until the General had left before stepping out from behind Commander Luciano. "Captain, Commander, Colonel" she nodded as she addressed each in turn. "If you'll excuse me, it seems I have things to attend to before the morning."

"Of course, Commander," Liarra replied to Rivero. It was the first time she had spoken since Lowe left the room. "You don't want to keep the General waiting." Von shook her head and looked to her two highest ranking officers. "I think the question now is what does he think he has against us, and do we really think he has enough to be a concern?" She tried to hide the unease in her voice, though she was sure that S'er'in'e at the very least knew her well enough to sense it.

"The General isn't one to attend without the game stacked in his favour already. It would be safe to think that he's already had access to all recent logs you have filed and reports made." S'er'in'e replied.

"He's probably going over in detail every action you have made recently and the consequences of each." Leo added. "Not to mention interviews with other officers about us, how we are, conduct, our duties."

"He will undoubtedly look at each of us individually and investigate our actions." S'er'in'e spoke knowing full well the death of the disgraced Caitian and the issue surrounding the attempted kidnapping and assault in his quarters would be of particular interest to the General."

"Yeah, well, he has plenty of actions to go through. We won't know if there's anything in particular he's looking for until he starts asking his questions." Liarra let out a long sigh. "The fact that he's already come this far means he thinks he's found something. The best we can do at this point is to be truthful with him, and if necessary, make sure we can justify our decisions. We should probably make sure logs and reports are accurate. Though as the Colonel already pointed out, General Lowe has undoubtedly already read those."

"Then we should take the intervening time to make sure the rest of our reports and affairs are in order before they are pulled apart." Leo replied.

"Indeed, since I am now grounded I must brief my Exec." S'er'in'e added.

Liarra let out a long, audible sigh. "Why do I get such a bad feeling when you say we should make sure our affairs are in order? In any case, let's do what we need to do."

Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer
Starbase 332

Colonel S'er'in'e
Marine Force Commanding Officer
Starbase 332

Commander Leo Luciano [P: S'er'in'e]
Executive Officer
Starbase 332

Lt. Commander Felicie Rivero
Chief of Security
Starbase 332

General Lowe [P: S'er'in'e]
Special Investigations Officer


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